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5P Risk Classification Predicts Performance on Self-Reported but Not Objective Clinical Outcomes at 4-Weeks Post-Concussion in Children

Author(s): Teel E; Brossard-Racine M; Corbin-Berrigan LA; Gagnon I;

Objective: To determine if performance on symptom, cognitive, balance, fatigue, physical activity, and quality of life outcomes at 4-weeks post-injury in children with concussion differs based on acute 5P risk classification. Design: Prospective cohort. Setting: Laboratory. Patients: Sixty-two children (age: 13.27 ± 2.50 years; 29 (46.7%) females) with ...

Article GUID: 39988038

Semantically-Enhanced Feature Extraction with CLIP and Transformer Networks for Driver Fatigue Detection

Author(s): Gao Z; Chen X; Xu J; Yu R; Zhang H; Yang J;

Drowsy driving is a leading cause of commercial vehicle traffic crashes. The trend is to train fatigue detection models using deep neural networks on driver video data, but challenges remain in coarse and incomplete high-level feature extraction and network architecture optimization. This paper pioneers the use of the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre- ...

Article GUID: 39771685

Post-COVID-19 fatigue: the contribution of cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms

Author(s): Calabria M; García-Sánchez C; Grunden N; Pons C; Arroyo JA; Gómez-Anson B; Estévez García MDC; Belvís R; Morollón N; Vera Igual J; Mur I; Pomar V; Domingo P;

Fatigue in its many forms of physical, mental, and psychosocial exhaustion is a common symptom of post-COVID-19 condition, also known as "Long COVID." Persistent fatigue in COVID-19 patients is frequently accompanied by cognitive dysfunction and neuropsychiatric symptoms; however, less is known a ...

Article GUID: 35488918

Work Fatigue Profiles: Nature, Implications, and Associations With Psychological Empowerment.

Author(s): Blais AR, Gillet N, Houle SA, Comeau CA, Morin AJS

The present study examined the distinct configurations, or profiles, taken by work fatigue dimensions among samples of military (n = 1,436) and civilian (n = 2,477) employees. We also tested profile similarity across these two samples of employees. In addition, this research documented the relations between the identified work fatigue profiles, one predic ...

Article GUID: 33329261

Kinematics and muscle activation patterns during a maximal voluntary rate activity in healthy elderly and young adults.

Author(s): Chadnova E, St-Onge N, Courtemanche R, Kilgour RD

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2017 Oct;29(5):1001-1011 Authors: Chadnova E, St-Onge N, Courtemanche R, Kilgour RD

Article GUID: 27909885

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