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Imaging flow cytometry-based cellular screening elucidates pathophysiology in individuals with Variants of Uncertain Significance

Author(s): Muffels IJJ; Waterham HR; D' Alessandro G; Zagnoli-Vieira G; Sacher M; Lefeber DJ; Van der Vinne C; Roifman CM; Gassen KLI; Rehmann H; Van Haaften-Visser DY; Nieuwenhuis ESS; Jackson SP; Fuchs SA; Wijk F; van Hasselt P;

Background: Deciphering variants of uncertain significance (VUS) represents a major diagnostic challenge, partially due to the lack of easy-to-use and versatile cellular readouts that aid the interpretation of pathogenicity and pathophysiology. To address this challenge, we propose a high-through ...

Article GUID: 39920830

Functional analysis of low-grade glioma genetic variants predicts key target genes and transcription factors.

Author(s): Manjunath M; Yan J; Youn Y; Drucker KL; Kollmeyer TM; McKinney AM; Zazubovich V; Zhang Y; Costello JF; Eckel-Passow J; Selvin PR; Jenkins RB; Song JS;

BACKGROUND: Large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated thousands of germline genetic variants in modulating individuals' risk to various diseases, including cancer. At least 25 risk loci have been identified for low-grade gliomas (LGGs), but their molecular functions r ...

Article GUID: 33130899

Enzymes of early-diverging, zoosporic fungi.

Author(s): Lange L, Barrett K, Pilgaard B, Gleason F, Tsang A

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019 Jul 15;: Authors: Lange L, Barrett K, Pilgaard B, Gleason F, Tsang A

Article GUID: 31309267

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