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Variation in flower morphology associated with higher bee diversity in urban green spaces

Author(s): Sinno S; MacInnis G; Lessard JP; Ziter CD;

Urbanization is a leading threat to biodiversity, but scientifically informed management of urban ecosystems can mitigate negative impacts. For wild bees, which are declining worldwide, careful consideration of flower choice in public and private green spaces could help preserve their diversity. While floral density and species richness are both linked to ...

Article GUID: 39609370

Cone allometry and seed protection from fire are similar in serotinous and nonserotinous conifers

Author(s): Greene DF; Kane JM; Pounden E; Michaletz ST;

Serotiny is an adaptive trait that allows certain woody plants to persist in stand-replacing fire regimes. However, the mechanisms by which serotinous cones avoid seed necrosis and nonserotinous species persist in landscapes with short fire cycles and serotinous competitors remain poorly understood. To investigate whether ovulate cone traits that enhance ...

Article GUID: 38375897

Temperature drives caste-specific morphological clines in ants.

Author(s): Brassard F, Francoeur A, Lessard JP

1. The morphology of organisms relates to most aspects of their life history and autecology. As such, elucidating the drivers of morphological variation along environmental gradients might give insight into processes limiting species distributions. In eusocial organisms, the concept of morphology is more complex than in solitary organisms. Eusocial insect ...

Article GUID: 32858759

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