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Education in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Design and Feasibility Study of the LapBot Safe Chole Mobile Game

Author(s): Noroozi M; St John A; Masino C; Laplante S; Hunter J; Brudno M; Madani A; Kersten-Oertel M;

Background: Major bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), often stemming from errors in surgical judgment and visual misperception of critical anatomy, significantly impact morbidity, mortality, disability, and health care costs. Objective: To enhance safe LC learning, we de ...

Article GUID: 39052314

LapBot-Safe Chole: validation of an artificial intelligence-powered mobile game app to teach safe cholecystectomy

Author(s): St John A; Khalid MU; Masino C; Noroozi M; Alseidi A; Hashimoto DA; Altieri M; Serrot F; Kersten-Oertal M; Madani A;

Background: Gaming can serve as an educational tool to allow trainees to practice surgical decision-making in a low-stakes environment. LapBot is a novel free interactive mobile game application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to provide players with feedback on safe dissection during lapa ...

Article GUID: 39009730

Can anticipatory supply chain decision making manage the pandemic's effect? A regime switching game

Author(s): Mukherjee A; Ganguly A; Kumar C; Chowdhury P;

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that stock outs of essential items like hand sanitizers, tissue papers and other items of hygiene and daily use have been characteristic of a supply chain, especially immediately following a pandemic wave. Consequently, retailers have to indulge in substantial supplier management efforts to ensure product availability durin ...

Article GUID: 38620785

A game theoretic approach to contract-based enviro-economic coordination of wood pellet supply chains for bioenergy production

Author(s): Vazifeh Z; Mafakheri F; An C; Bensebaa F;

Wood pellets have gained global attention due to their economic availability and increasing demand for bioenergy as part of sustainable energy solutions. Management of the wood pellet supply chains, from feedstock harvesting to bioenergy conversion, is critical to ensure competitiveness in the energy markets. In this regard, wood pellets supply chain coor ...

Article GUID: 38037615

Efficacy of topical versus oral analgesic medication compared to a placebo in injured athletes: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Author(s): Nudo S; Jimenez-Garcia JA; Dover G;

Background: Athletes are injured frequently and often take analgesic medication. Moreover, athletes commonly use non-prescription topical and oral medications with little guidance. Despite wide use, relatively few studies exist on the efficacy of pain medication in injured athletes compared to a placebo. Objective: To determine efficacy of topical or ora ...

Article GUID: 37278322

Using an Affordable Motion Capture System to Evaluate the Prognostic Value of Drop Vertical Jump Parameters for Noncontact ACL Injury

Author(s): Jason Corban, Nicolaos Karatzas, Kevin Y Zhao, Athanasios Babouras, Stephane Bergeron, Thomas Fevens, Hassan Rivaz, Paul A Martineau

CONCLUSION: Increased peak coronal angle and decreased peak sagittal angle during a DVJ were significantly associated with increased risk for noncontact ACL injury. Based on ROC analysis, initial coronal angle showed good prognostic ability, whereas peak coronal angle and peak sagittal flexion pr ...

Article GUID: 36790216

Simulated Gambling: An Explorative Study Based on a Representative Survey

Author(s): Fiedler I; Ante L; Meduna MV; Steinmetz F; Kairouz S; Costes JM;

Gambling usually involves wagering real money but can also be conducted with virtual money, chips, or coins. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as simulated gambling, social gambling, or play money gambling. This study explores correlations and transitions between simulated gambling and real money gambling with an emphasis on gambling-related harms ...

Article GUID: 36757603

Social decision-making in Parkinson's disease

Author(s): Caballero JA; Auclair Ouellet N; Phillips NA; Pell MD;

Introduction: Parkinson's Disease (PD) commonly affects cognition and communicative functions, including the ability to perceive socially meaningful cues from nonverbal behavior and spoken language (e.g., a speaker's tone of voice). However, we know little about how people with PD use social information to make decisions in daily interactions (e.g ...

Article GUID: 35997248

Acceptability of Serious Games in Pediatric Asthma Education and Self-management: Pilot Study

Author(s): Silva-Lavigne N; Valderrama A; Pelaez S; Bransi M; Balli F; Gervais Y; Gaudy T; Tse SM;

Background: Asthma is the most common chronic pediatric disease. Despite existing tools to manage asthma, 40%-55% of children with asthma experience uncontrolled asthma. Serious games (SGs) represent a novel approach in promoting asthma education and self-management for children. Objective: In this qualitative pilot study with an embedded quantitative de ...

Article GUID: 35389354

Games researchers play: conceptual advancement versus validation strategies

Author(s): Dubois F; R Peres-Neto P;

Conceptual advances and validation are critical to research, yet at odds. Using a game theoretical perspective, we show that a mixed strategy combining advances and validation, leads to increases in both individual researchers' and societal gains. This win-win outcome can be used to design new research strategies, funding, and recognition standards.

Article GUID: 35193771

Play the Pain: A Digital Strategy for Play-Oriented Research and Action

Author(s): Najmeh Khalili-Mahani

The value of understanding patients' illness experience and social contexts for advancing medicine and clinical care is widely acknowledged. However, methodologies for rigorous and inclusive data gathering and integrative analysis of biomedical, cultural, and social factors are limited. In this paper, we propose a digital strategy for large-scale qual ...

Article GUID: 34975566

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