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Facebook recruitment: understanding research relations Prior to data collection

Author(s): Young K; Browne K;

This article considers the multiple relations that emerge from and between Facebook commenters, as well as between commenters, researchers, and the research project during recruitment. To do so, we draw on our experiences of recruiting individuals who have concerns about or are opposed to a range of recent social and legal changes in 'post-equality ...

Article GUID: 39877298

Beyond struggle: A strengths-based qualitative study of cannabis use among queer and trans youth in Québec

Author(s): London-Nadeau K; Lafortune C; Gorka C; Lemay-Gaulin M; Séguin J; Haines-Saah R; Ferlatte O; Chadi N; Juster RP; Bristowe S; D' Alessio H; Bernal L; Ellis-Durity K; Barbosa J; Da Costa De Carlos LAAC; Castellanos Ryan N;

Background: Queer and trans (QT) youth report higher rates of cannabis use than their cisgender and heterosexual peers. Explanations for this have overwhelmingly focused on the difficulties QT youth face, while little research has examined how cannabis use can relate to QT youth's strengths. ...

Article GUID: 38991874

The lifelong orgasm gap: exploring age's impact on orgasm rates

Author(s): Gesselman AN; Bennett-Brown M; Dubé S; Kaufman EM; Campbell JT; Garcia JR;

Background: Research demonstrates significant gender- and sexual orientation-based differences in orgasm rates from sexual intercourse; however, this "orgasm gap" has not been studied with respect to age. Aim: The study sought to examine age-related disparities in orgasm rates from sexual intercourse by gender and sexual orientation. Methods: A survey s ...

Article GUID: 38957591

Nourishing the Nexus: A Feminist Analysis of Gender, Nutrition and Agri-food Development Policies and Practices

Author(s): Vercillo S; Rao S; Ragetlie R; Vansteenkiste J;

This article applies feminist critiques to investigate how agri-food and nutritional development policy and interventions address gender inequality. Based on the analysis presented of global policies and examples of project experiences from Haiti, Benin, Ghana, and Tanzania, we find that the widespread emphasis on gender equality in policy and practice ge ...

Article GUID: 37361474

Exploring patterns in mental health treatment and interests of single adults in the United States: a secondary data analysis

Author(s): Gesselman AN; Kaufman EM; Weeks LYS; Moscovici Z; Bennett-Brown M; Adams OR; Campbell JT; Piazza M; Bhuyan L; Dubé S; Hille JJ; Garcia JR;

Objective: The objective of this study is to examine mental health treatment utilization and interest among the large and growing demographic of single adults in the United States, who face unique societal stressors and pressures that may contribute to their heightened need for mental healthcare. ...

Article GUID: 38711766

Exploring the association between internalized weight bias and mental health among Canadian adolescents

Author(s): Lucibello KM; Goldfield GS; Alberga AS; Leatherdale ST; Patte KA;

Background: Internalized weight bias (IWB) has been identified as a correlate of higher depressive and anxiety symptoms in adolescents with higher weights. However, there has been limited investigation into how IWB relates to positive mental health and whether these associations differ across genders. Objectives: To examine the associations between IWB a ...

Article GUID: 38676448

Visual biases in evaluation of speakers' and singers' voice type by cis and trans listeners

Author(s): Marchand Knight J; Sares AG; Deroche MLD;

Introduction: A singer's or speaker's Fach (voice type) should be appraised based on acoustic cues characterizing their voice. Instead, in practice, it is often influenced by the individual's physical appearance. This is especially distressful for transgender people who may be excluded from formal singing because of perceived mismatch between ...

Article GUID: 37205083

Gender and sex in eating disorders: A narrative review of the current state of knowledge, research gaps, and recommendations

Author(s): Breton É; Juster RP; Booij L;

Introduction: Eating disorders (EDs) have long been considered conditions exclusively affecting women, and studies in the ED field regularly exclude men. Research efforts are needed to better understand the role of gender and sex in EDs. This review describes the role of gender and sex in the development of EDs from a biopsychosocial perspective. Methods ...

Article GUID: 36840375

Gender and contextual variations in self-perceived cognitive competence

Author(s): Kuzyk O; Gendron A; Lopez LS; Bukowski WM;

School performance and cognitive competence can be conceptualized as social and relational constructs. Thus, we expect their association to vary as a function of other socially-embedded variables which have proven meaningful in the academic domain. The present study takes a critical theory approach to assess gender-related and contextual variability in th ...

Article GUID: 36405181

Who's cooking tonight? A time-use study of coupled adults in Toronto, Canada

Author(s): Liu B; Widener MJ; Smith LG; Farber S; Gesink D; Minaker LM; Patterson Z; Larsen K; Gilliland J;

Understanding how coupled adults arrange food-related labor in relation to their daily time allocation is of great importance because different arrangements may have implications for diet-related health and gender equity. Studies from the time-use perspective argue that daily activities such as w ...

Article GUID: 36339032

Recommendations for making editorial boards diverse and inclusive

Author(s): Mahdjoub H; Maas B; Nuñez MA; Khelifa R;

Lack of diversity in editorial boards hinders multifaceted perspectives in fields such as ecology, evolution, and conservation. We outline ten key actions for editorial boards to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, benefiting the journal in attracting a wider readership, enhancing diversity among authors, and overcoming biases in editorial decisions.

Article GUID: 36280401

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