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Identification of a Conserved Transcriptional Activator-Repressor Module Controlling the Expression of Genes Involved in Tannic Acid Degradation and Gallic Acid Utilization in Aspergillus niger

Author(s): Arentshorst M; Falco MD; Moisan MC; Reid ID; Spaapen TOM; van Dam J; Demirci E; Powlowski J; Punt PJ; Tsang A; Ram AFJ;

Tannic acid, a hydrolysable gallotannin present in plant tissues, consists of a central glucose molecule esterified with gallic acid molecules. Some microorganisms, including several Aspergillus species, can metabolize tannic acid by releasing gallic acid residues from tannic acid by secreting ta ...

Article GUID: 37744122

Sex differences in developmental patterns of neocortical astroglia: A mouse translatome database

Author(s): Rurak GM; Simard S; Freitas-Andrade M; Lacoste B; Charih F; Van Geel A; Stead J; Woodside B; Green JR; Coppola G; Salmaso N;

Astroglial cells are key players in the development and maintenance of neurons and neuronal networks. Astroglia express steroid hormone receptors and show rapid responses to hormonal manipulations. However, despite important sex differences in the cortex and hippocampus, few studies have examined ...

Article GUID: 35108542

An Evolutionarily Conserved Transcriptional Activator-Repressor Module Controls Expression of Genes for D-Galacturonic Acid Utilization in Aspergillus niger.

Author(s): Niu J, Alazi E, Reid ID, Arentshorst M, Punt PJ, Visser J, Tsang A, Ram AF

Genetics. 2017 01;205(1):169-183 Authors: Niu J, Alazi E, Reid ID, Arentshorst M, Punt PJ, Visser J, Tsang A, Ram AF

Article GUID: 28049705

The pathway intermediate 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-galactonate mediates the induction of genes involved in D-galacturonic acid utilization in Aspergillus niger.

Author(s): Alazi E, Khosravi C, Homan TG, du Pré S, Arentshorst M, Di Falco M, Pham TTM, Peng M, Aguilar-Pontes MV, Visser J, Tsang A, de Vries RP, Ram AFJ

FEBS Lett. 2017 05;591(10):1408-1418 Authors: Alazi E, Khosravi C, Homan TG, du Pré S, Arentshorst M, Di Falco M, Pham TTM, Peng M, Aguilar-Pontes MV, Visser J, Tsang A, de Vries RP, Ram AFJ

Article GUID: 28417461

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