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Identifying priority questions regarding rapid systematic reviews' methods: protocol for an eDelphi study

Author(s): Vieira AM; Szczepanik G; de Waure C; Tricco AC; Oliver S; Stojanovic J; Ribeiro PAB; Pollock D; Akl EA; Lavis J; Kuchenmuller T; Bragge P; Langer L; Bacon S;

Introduction: Rapid systematic reviews (RRs) have the potential to provide timely information to decision-makers, thus directly impacting healthcare. However, consensus regarding the most efficient approaches to performing RRs and the presence of several unaddressed methodological issues pose cha ...

Article GUID: 37419644

Impact of biological sex and gender-related factors on public engagement in protective health behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional analyses from a global survey

Author(s): Dev R; Raparelli V; Bacon SL; Lavoie KL; Pilote L; Norris CM;

Objective: Given the role of sociocultural gender in shaping human behaviours, the main objective of this study was to examine whether sex and gender-related factors were associated with the public's adherence to COVID-19-recommended protective health behaviours. Design: This was a retrospective analysis of the survey that captured data on people' ...

Article GUID: 35688591

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