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Factors influencing older adults' participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion: A rapid review

Author(s): Turcotte S; Bouchard C; Rousseau J; DeBroux Leduc R; Bier N; Kairy D; Dang-Vu TT; Sarimanukoglu K; Dubé F; Bourgeois Racine C; Rioux C; Shea C; Filiatrault J;

Objective: To identify facilitators and barriers to older adults' participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion. Methods: Relevant articles were searched using keywords in Embase and MEDLINE. Study characteristics, type of telehealth interventions and ...

Article GUID: 38014903

Assessing Physician's Motivational Communication Skills: 5-Step Mixed Methods Development Study of the Motivational Communication Competency Assessment Test

Author(s): Gosselin Boucher V; Bacon S; Voisard B; Dragomir AI; Gemme C; Larue F; Labbé S; Szczepanik G; Corace K; Campbell T; Vallis M; Garber G; Rouleau C; Diodati JG; Rabi D; Sultan S; Lavoie K;

Background: Training physicians to provide effective behavior change counseling using approaches such as motivational communication (MC) is an important aspect of noncommunicable chronic disease prevention and management. However, existing evaluation tools for MC skills are complex, invasive, tim ...

Article GUID: 35749167

Identifying Barriers of Arthritis-Related Disability on Food Behaviors to Guide Nutrition Interventions

Author(s): Bennett R; Demmers TA; Plourde H; Arrey K; Armour B; Ferland G; Kakinami L;

Objective: To describe the impact of arthritis-related disability on aspects of food insecurity and to gain insight into the incentives and barriers to participating in a nutrition intervention. Design: Four focus groups were held in April to May, 2018. Participants completed questionnaires about socioeconomic status, diet, and health. Setting: The Perf ...

Article GUID: 31399331

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