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Exposure to hate in online and traditional media: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of this exposure on individuals and communities

Author(s): Madriaza P; Hassan G; Brouillette-Alarie S; Mounchingam AN; Durocher-Corfa L; Borokhovski E; Pickup D; Paillé S;

The problem: People use social media platforms to chat, search, and share information, express their opinions, and connect with others. But these platforms also facilitate the posting of divisive, harmful, and hateful messages, targeting groups and individuals, based on their race, religion, gend ...

Article GUID: 39822240

System Approach for Characterizing and Evaluating Factors for Occupational Health Impacts Due to Nonfatal Injuries and Illnesses for the Use in Life Cycle Assessment

Author(s): Huang Z; Kijko G; Scanlon K; Lloyd S; Henderson A; Fantke P; Jolliet O; Li S;

Occupational injuries and illnesses are major risk factors for human health impacts worldwide, but they have not been consistently nor comprehensively considered in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods. In this study, we quantified occupational health impacts as disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for nonfatal injuries and illnesses in all US in ...

Article GUID: 37490771

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