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Measuring workplace psychosocial factors in the federal government

Author(s): Blais AR; Michaud I; Simard JF; Mach L; Houle S;

Background: The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) identifies 13 psychosocial factors affecting psychological health and safety in the workplace that employers should measure and monitor with the goal of addressing areas for improvement. The present study sought to determine the suitability of t ...

Article GUID: 35044739

Complementary variable- and person-centered approaches to the dimensionality of burnout among fire station workers

Author(s): Sandrin E; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Gillet N;

This research relies on variable- and person-centered approaches to illustrate how each of these approaches may help to improve our understanding of the dimensionality of the burnout construct. Both studies (Study 1: N = 247 administrative and technical employees; Study 2: N = 654 firefighters), showed that employees' burnout ratings simultaneously re ...

Article GUID: 34314264

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