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Bilingual Language Development in Infancy: What Can We Do to Support Bilingual Families?

Author(s): Fibla L; Kosie JE; Kircher R; Lew-Williams C; Byers-Heinlein K;

Many infants and children around the world grow up exposed to two or more languages. Their success in learning each of their languages is a direct consequence of the quantity and quality of their everyday language experience, including at home, in daycare and preschools, and in the broader community context. Here, we discuss how research on early language ...

Article GUID: 35224184

Earlier age of second language learning induces more robust speech encoding in the auditory brainstem in adults, independent of amount of language exposure during early childhood

Author(s): Giroud N; Baum SR; Gilbert AC; Phillips NA; Gracco V;

Learning a second language (L2) at a young age is a driving factor of functional neuroplasticity in the auditory brainstem. To date, it remains unclear whether these effects remain stable until adulthood and to what degree the amount of exposure to the L2 in early childhood might affect their outcome. We compared three groups of adult English-French bilin ...

Article GUID: 32535187

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