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Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and functional near-infrared spectroscopy

Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Hanna L; Towler W; Wilson C; Bien AG; Miller S; Schafer E; Gemignani J; Alemi R; Muthuraman M; Koirala N; Gracco VL;

Over the first years of life, the brain undergoes substantial organization in response to environmental stimulation. In a silent world, it may promote vision by (i) recruiting resources from the auditory cortex and (ii) making the visual cortex more efficient. It is unclear when such changes occu ...

Article GUID: 38846536

Assessing pragmatics in early childhood with the Language Use Inventory across seven languages

Author(s): Pesco D; O' Neill DK;

The Language Use Inventory (LUI) is a parent-report measure of the pragmatic functions of young children's language, standardized and norm-referenced in English (Canada) for children aged 18-47 months. The unique focus of the LUI, along with its appeal to parents, reliability and validity, and usefulness in both research and clinical contexts has prom ...

Article GUID: 37408974

Auditory evoked response to an oddball paradigm in children wearing cochlear implants

Author(s): Deroche MLD; Wolfe J; Neumann S; Manning J; Towler W; Alemi R; Bien AG; Koirala N; Hanna L; Henry L; Gracco VL;

Objective: Although children with cochlear implants (CI) achieve remarkable success with their device, considerable variability remains in individual outcomes. Here, we explored whether auditory evoked potentials recorded during an oddball paradigm could provide useful markers of auditory process ...

Article GUID: 36965466

Visual and haptic responses as measures of word comprehension and speed of processing in toddlers: Relative predictive utility.

Author(s): Smolak E; Hendrickson K; Zesiger P; Poulin-Dubois D; Friend M;

Early vocabulary knowledge and speed of word processing are important foundational skills for the development of preschool and school-age language and cognition. However, the variance in outcomes accounted for by parent-reported receptive or expressive vocabulary is generally modest. Recent research suggests that directly assessed, decontextualized vocabu ...

Article GUID: 33221662

Statistical learning of multiple speech streams: A challenge for monolingual infants.

Author(s): Benitez VL, Bulgarelli F, Byers-Heinlein K, Saffran JR, Weiss DJ

Dev Sci. 2020 03;23(2):e12896 Authors: Benitez VL, Bulgarelli F, Byers-Heinlein K, Saffran JR, Weiss DJ

Article GUID: 31444822

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