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Supporting parent capacity to manage pain in young children with cancer at home: Co-design and usability testing of the PainCaRe app

Author(s): Jibb LA; Liu W; Stinson JN; Nathan PC; Chartrand J; Alberts NM; Hashemi E; Masama T; Pease HG; Torres LB; Cortes HG; Kuczynski S; Liu S; La H; Fortier MA;

Young children receiving outpatient cancer care are vulnerable to undermanaged pain. App-based solutions that provide pain treatment advice to parents in real-time and in all environments may improve access to quality pain care. We used a parent co-design approach involving iterative rounds of us ...

Article GUID: 39473834

Expanding a Behavioral View on Digital Health Access: Drivers and Strategies to Promote Equity

Author(s): Kepper MM; Fowler LA; Kusters IS; Davis JW; Baqer M; Sagui-Henson S; Xiao Y; Tarfa A; Yi JC; Gibson B; Heron KE; Alberts NM; Burgermaster M; Njie-Carr VP; Klesges LM;

The potential and threat of digital tools to achieve health equity has been highlighted for over a decade, but the success of achieving equitable access to health technologies remains challenging. Our paper addresses renewed concerns regarding equity in digital health access that were deepened du ...

Article GUID: 39088246

Understanding Adolescents' Experiences With Menstrual Pain to Inform the User-Centered Design of a Mindfulness-Based App: Mixed Methods Investigation Study

Author(s): Gagnon MM; Brilz AR; Alberts NM; Gordon JL; Risling TL; Stinson JN;

Background: Digital interventions are increasingly popular for the provision of nonpharmacological pain interventions, but few exist for adolescents with menstrual pain. User-centered design involves incorporating users across phases of digital health intervention design, development, and implementation and leads to improved user engagement and outcomes. ...

Article GUID: 38587886

Design Principles in mHealth Interventions for Sustainable Health Behavior Changes: Protocol for a Systematic Review

Author(s): Yang L; Kuang A; Xu C; Shewchuk B; Singh S; Quan H; Zeng Y;

Background: In recent years, mHealth has increasingly been used to deliver behavioral interventions for disease prevention and self-management. Computing power in mHealth tools can provide unique functions beyond conventional interventions in provisioning personalized behavior change recommendations and delivering them in real time, suppo ...

Article GUID: 36811938

Toward a digital citizen lab for capturing data about alternative ways of self-managing chronic pain: An attitudinal user study

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N; Woods S; Holowka EM; Pahayahay A; Roy M;

Background: Myriad psychosocial and cultural factors influence personal ways of coping with chronic pain (CP). Mobile health (mHealth) apps facilitate creation of citizen laboratories outside clinical frameworks. However, issues of safety, privacy and technostress must be addressed. This attitudinal user study aimed to assess whether persons with persiste ...

Article GUID: 36188996

Validity and Usability of a Smartphone Image-Based Dietary Assessment App Compared to 3-Day Food Diaries in Assessing Dietary Intake Among Canadian Adults: Randomized Controlled Trial

Author(s): Ji Y; Plourde H; Bouzo V; Kilgour RD; Cohen TR;

Background: Accurate dietary assessment is needed in studies that include analysis of nutritional intake. Image-based dietary assessment apps have gained in popularity for assessing diet, which may ease researcher and participant burden compared to traditional pen-to-paper methods. However, few studies report the validity of these apps for use in research ...

Article GUID: 32902389

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