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Radiosynthesis and In Vivo Evaluation of Four Positron Emission Tomography Tracer Candidates for Imaging of Melatonin Receptors

Author(s): Bdair H; Singleton TA; Ross K; Jolly D; Kang MS; Aliaga A; Tuznik M; Kaur T; Yous S; Soucy JP; Massarweh G; Scott PJH; Koeppe R; Spadoni G; Bedini A; Rudko DA; Gobbi G; Benkelfat C; Rosa-Neto P; Brooks AF; Kostikov A;

Melatonin is a neurohormone that modulates several physiological functions in mammals through the activation of melatonin receptor type 1 and 2 (MT1 and MT2). The melatonergic system is an emerging therapeutic target for new pharmacological interventions in the treatment of sleep and mood disorde ...

Article GUID: 35420022

Empowering Melatonin Therapeutics with Drosophila Models

Author(s): Millet-Boureima C; Ennis CC; Jamison J; McSweeney S; Park A; Gamberi C;

Melatonin functions as a central regulator of cell and organismal function as well as a neurohormone involved in several processes, e.g., the regulation of the circadian rhythm, sleep, aging, oxidative response, and more. As such, it holds immense pharmacological potential. Receptor-mediated melatonin function mainly occurs through MT1 and MT2, conserved ...

Article GUID: 34698120

Cyst Reduction by Melatonin in a Novel Drosophila Model of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Author(s): Millet-Boureima C; Rozencwaig R; Polyak F; Gamberi C;

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) causes progressive cystic degeneration of the renal tubules, the nephrons, eventually severely compromising kidney function. ADPKD is incurable, with half of the patients eventually needing renal replacement. Treatments for ADPKD patients are limited and new effective therapeutics are needed. Melatonin, ...

Article GUID: 33238462

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