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Actovegin improves skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration and functional aerobic capacity in a type 1 diabetic male murine model

Author(s): Kosik B; Larsen S; Bergdahl A;

Insulin deficiency in type 1 diabetes (T1D) leads to an impairment of glucose metabolism and mitochondrial function. Actovegin is a hemodialysate of calf blood, which has been shown to enhance glucose uptake and cell metabolism in healthy human skeletal muscle. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of Actovegin on skeletal muscle mito ...

Article GUID: 37913525

Characterization of Affective Behaviors and Motor Functions in Mice With a Striatal-Specific Deletion of Bmal1 and Per2

Author(s): Schoettner K; Alonso M; Button M; Goldfarb C; Herrera J; Quteishat N; Meyer C; Bergdahl A; Amir S;

The expression of circadian clock genes, either centrally or in the periphery, has been shown to play an integral role in the control of behavior. Brain region-specific downregulation of clock genes revealed behavioral phenotypes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative di ...

Article GUID: 35755440

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