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Leveraging Personal Technologies in the Treatment of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Scoping Review

Author(s): D' Arcey J; Torous J; Asuncion TR; Tackaberry-Giddens L; Zahid A; Ishak M; Foussias G; Kidd S;

Background: Digital mental health is a rapidly growing field with an increasing evidence base due to its potential scalability and impacts on access to mental health care. Further, within underfunded service systems, leveraging personal technologies to deliver or support specialized service deliv ...

Article GUID: 39348196

Effect of body image perception and skin-lightening practices on mental health of Filipino emerging adults: a mixed-methods approach protocol

Author(s): Regencia ZJG; Gouin JP; Ladia MAJ; Montoya JC; Baja ES;

Introduction: The rampant distribution of idealised images on the internet may lead the general public to improve their body appearance in a way that is sometimes excessive, compulsive or detrimental to other aspects of their lives. There is a decreasing appreciation of body image among emerging adults and an increasing trend on skin-lightening practices ...

Article GUID: 37192806

Early parent-child relationships and risk of mood disorder in a Canadian sample of offspring of a parent with bipolar disorder: findings from a 16-year prospective cohort study.

Author(s): Doucette S, Levy A, Flowerdew G, Horrocks J, Grof P, Ellenbogen M, Duffy A

Early Interv Psychiatry. 2016 10;10(5):381-9 Authors: Doucette S, Levy A, Flowerdew G, Horrocks J, Grof P, Ellenbogen M, Duffy A

Article GUID: 25356767

Early exposure to parental bipolar disorder and risk of mood disorder: the Flourish Canadian prospective offspring cohort study.

Author(s): Goodday S, Levy A, Flowerdew G, Horrocks J, Grof P, Ellenbogen M, Duffy A

Early Interv Psychiatry. 2018 04;12(2):160-168 Authors: Goodday S, Levy A, Flowerdew G, Horrocks J, Grof P, Ellenbogen M, Duffy A

Article GUID: 26486425

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