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Comprehensive Analysis of Age- and Sex-Related Expression of the Chaperone Protein Sigma-1R in the Mouse Brain

Author(s): Tarmoun K; Lachance V; Le Corvec V; BĂ©langer SM; Beaucaire G; Kourrich S;

Sigma-1R (S1R) is a ubiquitously distributed protein highly expressed in the brain and liver. It acts as a ligand-inducible chaperone protein localized at the endoplasmic reticulum. S1R participates in several signaling pathways that oversee diverse cellular and neurological functions, such as calcium and proteome homeostasis, neuronal activity, memory, a ...

Article GUID: 39335377

New metabolic signature for Chagas disease reveals sex steroid perturbation in humans and mice

Author(s): Golizeh M; Nam J; Chatelain E; Jackson Y; Ohlund LB; Rasoolizadeh A; Camargo FV; Mahrouche L; Furtos A; Sleno L; Ndao M;

The causative agent of Chagas disease (CD), Trypanosoma cruzi, claims thousands of lives each year. Current diagnostic tools are insufficient to ensure parasitological detection in chronically infected patients has been achieved. A host-derived metabolic signature able to distinguish CD patients ...

Article GUID: 36590505

The eIF2α Kinase GCN2 Modulates Period and Rhythmicity of the Circadian Clock by Translational Control of Atf4.

Author(s): Pathak SS, Liu D, Li T, de Zavalia N, Zhu L, Li J, Karthikeyan R, Alain T, Liu AC, Storch KF, Kaufman RJ, Jin VX, Amir S, Sonenberg N, Cao R

Neuron. 2019 Aug 26;: Authors: Pathak SS, Liu D, Li T, de Zavalia N, Zhu L, Li J, Karthikeyan R, Alain T, Liu AC, Storch KF, Kaufman RJ, Jin VX, Amir S, Sonenberg N, Cao R

Article GUID: 31522764

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