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Athlete Fear Avoidance, Depression, and Anxiety Are Associated with Acute Concussion Symptoms in Athletes

Author(s): Patlan I; Gamelin G; Khalaj K; Castonguay T; Dover G;

ackground: Assessing sport-related concussions in athletes presents challenges due to symptom variability. This study aimed to explore the relationship between acute concussion symptoms and athlete fear avoidance, pain catastrophizing, depression, and anxiety. Anxiety and depression have previously been associated with the number of symptoms after a concu ...

Article GUID: 38673675

Association Between Pain Catastrophizing and Pain and Cardiovascular Changes During a Cold-Pressor Test in Athletes

Author(s): Lentini M; Scalia J; Lebel FB; Touma F; Jhajj A; Darlington PJ; Dover G;

Context: Athletes are often exposed to pain due to injury and competition. Using preliminary evidence, researchers have shown that cardiovascular measures could be an objective measure of pain, but the cardiovascular response can be influenced by psychological factors, such as catastrophizing. Objective: To use a painful cold-pressor test (CPT) to measur ...

Article GUID: 34000018

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