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Supporting parent capacity to manage pain in young children with cancer at home: Co-design and usability testing of the PainCaRe app

Author(s): Jibb LA; Liu W; Stinson JN; Nathan PC; Chartrand J; Alberts NM; Hashemi E; Masama T; Pease HG; Torres LB; Cortes HG; Kuczynski S; Liu S; La H; Fortier MA;

Young children receiving outpatient cancer care are vulnerable to undermanaged pain. App-based solutions that provide pain treatment advice to parents in real-time and in all environments may improve access to quality pain care. We used a parent co-design approach involving iterative rounds of us ...

Article GUID: 39473834

Adiposity and cardiac autonomic function in children with a family history of obesity

Author(s): Saade MB; Holden S; Kakinami L; McGrath JJ; Mathieu MÈ; Poirier P; Barnett TA; Beaucage P; Henderson M;

Purpose: Data on associations between adiposity and heart rate variability (HRV) in prepubertal children are limited. We examined the associations between adiposity indices and HRV, independent of lifestyle behaviors, comparing multiple indicators of adiposity, and explored differences between bo ...

Article GUID: 39304555

Deserve's Got Nothin' to Do With It: A Philosopher Visits the NICU

Author(s): David I Waddington

After the death of my daughter Zoe in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a colleague asked me whether my status as an academic philosopher changed my experience in the NICU. In this short narrative, I outline 5 ways in which philosophical perspective helped me understand and cope with our hospital experience.

Article GUID: 30214922

Co-Development of Three Dietary Indices to Facilitate Dietary Intake Assessment of Pediatric Crohn's Disease Patients

Author(s): Harvey A.; Mannette J.; Sigall-Boneh R.; Macintyre B.; Parrott M.; Cahill L.; Connors J.; Otley A.; Haskett J.; van Limbergen J.; Grant S.;

Literature on dietary behaviours of the pediatric Crohn's Disease (CD) population and the relationship between dietary intake and CD activity is limited. Three dietary indices were developed and tested to conduct dietary pattern analysis in pediatric patients with CD consuming a free diet fol ...

Article GUID: 38634640

Acceptability of Serious Games in Pediatric Asthma Education and Self-management: Pilot Study

Author(s): Silva-Lavigne N; Valderrama A; Pelaez S; Bransi M; Balli F; Gervais Y; Gaudy T; Tse SM;

Background: Asthma is the most common chronic pediatric disease. Despite existing tools to manage asthma, 40%-55% of children with asthma experience uncontrolled asthma. Serious games (SGs) represent a novel approach in promoting asthma education and self-management for children. Objective: In this qualitative pilot study with an embedded quantitative de ...

Article GUID: 35389354

Family Members' Perceptions of Their Psychological Responses One Year Following Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Hospitalization: Qualitative Findings From the Caring Intensively Study

Author(s): Rennick JE; Knox AM; Treherne SC; Dryden-Palmer K; Stremler R; Chambers CT; McRae L; Ho M; Stack DM; Dougherty G; Fudge H; Campbell-Yeo M;

ntroduction: PICU hospitalization can have a profound impact on child survivors and their families. There is limited research on children's long-term recovery within the context of the family following critical illness. This study aimed to explore children's and parents' perceptions o ...

Article GUID: 34557460

Validation of a Portable Game Controller to Assess Peak Expiratory Flow Against Conventional Spirometry in Children: Cross-sectional Study.

Author(s): Chelabi K, Balli F, Bransi M, Gervais Y, Marthe C, Tse SM

BACKGROUND: International asthma guidelines recommend the monitoring of peak expiratory flow (PEF) as part of asthma self-management in children and adolescents who poorly perceive airflow obstruction, those with a history of severe exacerbations, or those who have difficulty controlling asthma. Measured with a peak flow meter, PEF represents a person' ...

Article GUID: 33512326

Pain in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: A systematic review of the current state of knowledge and a call to action from the Children's Oncology Group.

Author(s): Schulte FSM, Patton M, Alberts NM, Kunin-Batson A, Olson-Bullis BA, Forbes C, Russell KB, Neville A, Heathcote LC, Karlson CW, Racine NM, Charnock C, Hocking MC, Banerjee P, Tutelman PR, Noel M, Krull KR

Survivors of childhood cancer may be at risk of experiencing pain, and a systematic review would advance our understanding of pain in this population. The objective of this study was to describe: 1) the prevalence of pain in survivors of childhood cancer, 2) methods of pain measurement, 3) associ ...

Article GUID: 33112416

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