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Machine Learning-Assisted Short-Wave InfraRed (SWIR) Techniques for Biomedical Applications: Towards Personalized Medicine

Author(s): Salimi M; Roshanfar M; Tabatabaei N; Mosadegh B;

Personalized medicine transforms healthcare by adapting interventions to individuals' unique genetic, molecular, and clinical profiles. To maximize diagnostic and/or therapeutic efficacy, personalized medicine requires advanced imaging devices and sensors for accurate assessment and monitoring of individual patient conditions or responses to therapeut ...

Article GUID: 38248734

Play the Pain: A Digital Strategy for Play-Oriented Research and Action

Author(s): Najmeh Khalili-Mahani

The value of understanding patients' illness experience and social contexts for advancing medicine and clinical care is widely acknowledged. However, methodologies for rigorous and inclusive data gathering and integrative analysis of biomedical, cultural, and social factors are limited. In this paper, we propose a digital strategy for large-scale qual ...

Article GUID: 34975566

Genotype scores predict drug efficacy in subtypes of female sexual interest/arousal disorder: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over trial.

Author(s): Tuiten A, Michiels F, Böcker KB, Höhle D, van Honk J, de Lange RP, van Rooij K, Kessels R, Bloemers J, Gerritsen J, Janssen P, de Leede L, Meyer JJ, Everaerd W, Frijlink HW, Koppeschaar HP, Olivier B, Pfaus JG

Womens Health (Lond). 2018 Jan-Dec;14:1745506518788970 Authors: Tuiten A, Michiels F, Böcker KB, Höhle D, van Honk J, de Lange RP, van Rooij K, Kessels R, Bloemers J, Gerritsen J, Janssen P, de Leede L, Meyer JJ, Everaerd W, Frijlink HW, Koppeschaar HP, Olivier B, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 30016917

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