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Exploring the Qualitative Experiences of Administering and Participating in Remote Research via Telephone Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Blind: Cross-Sectional Study of Older Adults

Author(s): Dumassais S; Grewal KS; Aubin G; O' Connell M; Phillips NA; Wittich W;

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic shift in the practice of research and clinical services. It has been noted that cognition measured via in-person versus remote methods differ substantially, and it is possible that subjective and experiential differences exist between modalities. Objective: The aim of the study is to explore the percepti ...

Article GUID: 39546346

Deserve's Got Nothin' to Do With It: A Philosopher Visits the NICU

Author(s): David I Waddington

After the death of my daughter Zoe in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), a colleague asked me whether my status as an academic philosopher changed my experience in the NICU. In this short narrative, I outline 5 ways in which philosophical perspective helped me understand and cope with our hospital experience.

Article GUID: 30214922

Understanding Adolescents' Experiences With Menstrual Pain to Inform the User-Centered Design of a Mindfulness-Based App: Mixed Methods Investigation Study

Author(s): Gagnon MM; Brilz AR; Alberts NM; Gordon JL; Risling TL; Stinson JN;

Background: Digital interventions are increasingly popular for the provision of nonpharmacological pain interventions, but few exist for adolescents with menstrual pain. User-centered design involves incorporating users across phases of digital health intervention design, development, and implementation and leads to improved user engagement and outcomes. ...

Article GUID: 38587886

"It did not apply to me": poker players' perspectives of prevention messages.

Author(s): Morvannou A, Monson E, Savard AC, Kairouz S, Roy É, Dufour M

Can J Public Health. 2020 Jan 13;: Authors: Morvannou A, Monson E, Savard AC, Kairouz S, Roy É, Dufour M

Article GUID: 31933237

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