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Optimism, pessimism, and physical health among youth: a scoping review

Author(s): Fairbank EJ; Borenstein-Laurie J; Alberts NM; Wrosch C;

Objective: High levels of optimism (and low levels of pessimism) are associated with improved physical health in adults. However, relatively less is known about these relations in youth. The present study aimed to review the literature investigating optimism, pessimism, and physical health in children and adolescents from populations with and without heal ...

Article GUID: 38879445

Life after breast cancer: moving on, sitting down or standing still? A prospective study of Canadian breast cancer survivors.

Author(s): Sabiston CM, Wrosch C, Fong AJ, Brunet J, Gaudreau P, O'Loughlin J, Meterissian S

BMJ Open. 2018 07 28;8(7):e021770 Authors: Sabiston CM, Wrosch C, Fong AJ, Brunet J, Gaudreau P, O'Loughlin J, Meterissian S

Article GUID: 30056387

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