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Prediction of depressive symptoms in young adults by polygenic score and childhood maltreatment: Results from a population-based birth cohort

Author(s): Scardera S; Geoffroy MC; Langevin R; Perret LC; Collin-Vézina D; Voronin I; Gouin JP; Meng X; Boivin M; Ouellet-Morin I;

Childhood maltreatment is linked with later depressive symptoms, but not every maltreated child will experience symptoms later in life. Therefore, we investigate whether genetic predisposition for depression (i.e., polygenic score for depression, PGSDEP) modifies the association between maltreatm ...

Article GUID: 39465601

Polygenic risk and hostile environments: Links to stable and dynamic antisocial behaviors across adolescence

Author(s): E L Acland

Adverse environments are linked to elevated youth antisocial behavior. However, this relation is thought to depend, in part, on genetic susceptibility. The present study investigated whether polygenic risk for antisociality moderates relations between hostile environments and stable as well as dynamic antisocial behaviors across adolescence. We derived tw ...

Article GUID: 38329116

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