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Recyclability and recovery of carbon from waste printed circuit boards within a circular economy perspective: A review

Author(s): Wang Z; Huang G; An C;

Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) are a significant component of electronic waste (e-waste) and are among the fastest-generating waste flows. The potentially negative impacts caused by e-waste on the environment and human health pose an increasingly apparent threat to people's everyday lives and well-being. The nonmetallic fraction (predominantly c ...

Article GUID: 39862821

The Effects of Weekly Levels of Supervisor Support and Workload on Next Week Levels of Well-Being, Satisfaction, and Performance as Mediated by Weekend Work Recovery

Author(s): Cheyroux P; Morin AJS; Colombat P; Blechman Y; Gillet N;

This diary study sought to examine the direct and indirect effects of individuals' perceptions of supervisor support and workload during a work week (week 1) on their well-being, satisfaction, and performance at work during the following work week (week 2) as mediated through the quality of their weekend work recovery experiences (psychological detach ...

Article GUID: 39676703

Electroacupuncture Reduces Heart Rate and Perceived Exertion During a Bike Test: A Preliminary Analysis

Author(s): Gaudet E; Castonguay T; Fortin M; Dover G;

Background: Preliminary research suggests that acupuncture can improve cardiovascular function. The purpose of our study was to determine if electroacupuncture can improve performance and post-exercise recovery. Methods: Thirty-two healthy people participated in this study (14 men and 18 women, aged 23.6 ± 3.5 years). The first visit included baseline me ...

Article GUID: 39457342

A unified stochastic SIR model driven by Lévy noise with time-dependency

Author(s): Easlick T; Sun W;

We propose a unified stochastic SIR model driven by Lévy noise. The model is structural enough to allow for time-dependency, nonlinearity, discontinuity, demography, and environmental disturbances. We present concise results on the existence and uniqueness of positive global solutions and investigate the extinction and persistence of the novel model. Exam ...

Article GUID: 39027117

A longitudinal person-centered investigation of the multidimensional nature of employees' perceptions of challenge and hindrance demands at work

Author(s): Gillet N; Morin AJS; Fernet C; Austin S; Huyghebaert-Zouaghi T;

Background and objectives: This research relies on a combination of variable- and person-centered approaches to help improve our understanding of the dimensionality of job demands by jointly considering employees' global levels of job demands, exposure and their specific levels of exposure to challenge and hindrance demands. Design and methods: We re ...

Article GUID: 38425154

Developing a collaborative and sustainable return to work program for employees with common mental disorders: a participatory research with public and private organizations

Author(s): Corbière M; Mazaniello-Chézol M; Lecomte T; Guay S; Panaccio A;

Purpose: To disentangle the key steps of the return to work (RTW) process and offer clearer recovery-focused and sustainable RTW for people on sick leave due to common mental disorders (CMDs). Methods: This participatory research involves two large Canadian organizations. In each organization, we established an advisory committee composed of RTW stakehol ...

Article GUID: 34086528

A person-centered perspective on the factors associated with the work recovery process.

Author(s): Gillet N, Morin AJS, Mokounkolo R, Réveillère C, Fouquereau E

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This research identified profiles characterized by distinct levels of overcommitment, rumination, psychological detachment (Studies 1 and 2), and need for recovery (Study 2). This research also considers the role of hindrance demands and resources in the prediction of profile membership, and the outcomes of these profiles. METHO ...

Article GUID: 33380222

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