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Exploring the Qualitative Experiences of Administering and Participating in Remote Research via Telephone Using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Blind: Cross-Sectional Study of Older Adults

Author(s): Dumassais S; Grewal KS; Aubin G; O' Connell M; Phillips NA; Wittich W;

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused a drastic shift in the practice of research and clinical services. It has been noted that cognition measured via in-person versus remote methods differ substantially, and it is possible that subjective and experiential differences exist between modalities. Objective: The aim of the study is to explore the percepti ...

Article GUID: 39546346

EEG-based study of design creativity: a review on research design, experiments, and analysis

Author(s): Zangeneh Soroush M; Zeng Y;

Brain dynamics associated with design creativity tasks are largely unexplored. Despite significant strides, there is a limited understanding of the brain-behavior during design creation tasks. The objective of this paper is to review the concepts of creativity and design creativity as well as their differences, and to explore the brain dynamics associated ...

Article GUID: 39148896

Understanding Adolescents' Experiences With Menstrual Pain to Inform the User-Centered Design of a Mindfulness-Based App: Mixed Methods Investigation Study

Author(s): Gagnon MM; Brilz AR; Alberts NM; Gordon JL; Risling TL; Stinson JN;

Background: Digital interventions are increasingly popular for the provision of nonpharmacological pain interventions, but few exist for adolescents with menstrual pain. User-centered design involves incorporating users across phases of digital health intervention design, development, and implementation and leads to improved user engagement and outcomes. ...

Article GUID: 38587886

Transcoding of French numbers for first- and second-language learners in third grade

Author(s): Lafay A; Adrien E; Lonardo Burr SD; Douglas H; Provost-Larocque K; Xu C; LeFevre JA; Maloney EA; Osana HP; Skwarchuk SL; Wylie J;

Transcoding is the process of translating between spoken and written numbers, and it is correlated with other mathematical skills. In the present study, we investigated the link between French number writing of 49 students in the third grade (aged 7-9 years) and their language skills. Transcoding ...

Article GUID: 37129448

Lactate's behavioral switch in the brain: An in-silico model

Author(s): Soltanzadeh M; Blanchard S; Soucy JP; Benali H;

Emerging evidence emphasizes lactate's involvement in both physiological processes (energy metabolism, memory, etc.) and disease (traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, etc.). Furthermore, the usefulness of mathematical modeling in deciphering underlying dynamics of the brain to investigate lactate roles and mechanisms of action has been well established. ...

Article GUID: 37865309

Editorial: Computational systems immunovirology

Author(s): Zarei Ghobadi M; Teymoori-Rad M; Selvaraj G; Wei DQ;

No abstract available

Article GUID: 37475870

Does Conceptual Transparency in Manipulatives Afford Place-Value Understanding in Children at Risk for Mathematics Learning Disabilities?

Author(s): Lafay A; Osana HP; Levin JR;

We investigated the effect of conceptual transparency in the physical structure of manipulatives on place-value understanding in typically developing children and those at risk for mathematics learning disabilities. Second graders were randomly assigned to one of three manipulatives conditions: (a) attachable beads that did not make the denominations or o ...

Article GUID: 37168325

On Left Ventricle Stroke Work Efficiency in Children with Moderate Aortic Valve Regurgitation or Moderate Aortic Valve Stenosis

Author(s): Asaadi M; Mawad W; Djebbari A; Keshavardz-Motamed Z; Dahdah N; Kadem L;

The optimal timing for management of pediatric patients with moderate aortic valve disease [moderate aortic stenosis (modAS) or moderate aortic regurgitation (modAR)] remains unknown and largely unexplored. Although usually asymptomatic, the risk of increased left ventricular (LV) wall stress, irreversible myocardial fibrosis and sudden death in untreated ...

Article GUID: 34357415

Category-specific verb-semantic deficits in Alzheimer's disease: Evidence from static and dynamic action naming.

Author(s): de Almeida RG, Mobayyen F, Antal C, Kehayia E, Nair VP, Schwartz G

We investigated the representation and breakdown of verb knowledge employing different syntactic and semantic classes of verbs in a group of individuals with probable Alzheimer's Disease (pAD). In an action naming task with coloured photographs (Fiez & Tranel, 1997. Standardized stimuli and procedures for investigating the retrieval of lexical and ...

Article GUID: 33455543

Using Models to (Re-)Design Synthetic Circuits.

Author(s): McCallum G, Potvin-Trottier L

Mathematical models play an important role in the design of synthetic gene circuits, by guiding the choice of biological components and their assembly into novel gene networks. Here, we present a guide for biologists to build and utilize models of gene networks (synthetic or natural) to analyze dynamical properties of these networks while considering the ...

Article GUID: 33405217

An efficient method for indexing grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction data of epitaxially grown thin films

Author(s): Simbrunner J; Schrode B; Domke J; Fritz T; Salzmann I; Resel R;

Crystal structure identification of thin organic films entails a number of technical and methodological challenges. In particular, if molecular crystals are epitaxially grown on single-crystalline substrates a complex scenario of multiple preferred orientations of the adsorbate, several symmetry-related in-plane alignments and the occurrence of unknown po ...

Article GUID: 32356785

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