Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Fast oscillations >40 Hz localize the epileptogenic zone: An electrical source imaging study using high-density electroencephalography.

Author(s): Avigdor T, Abdallah C, von Ellenrieder N, Hedrich T, Rubino A, Lo Russo G, Bernhardt B, Nobili L, Grova C, Frauscher B...

OBJECTIVE: Fast Oscillations (FO) >40 Hz are a promising biomarker of the epileptogenic zone (EZ). Evidence using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) remains scarce. We assessed if electrical source...

Article GUID: 33450578

Magnetoencephalography resting state connectivity patterns as indicatives of surgical outcome in epilepsy patients.

Author(s): Aydin Ü, Pellegrino G, Bin Ka'b Ali O, Abdallah C, Dubeau F, Lina JM, Kobayashi E, Grova C

J Neural Eng. 2020 Mar 18;: Authors: Aydin Ü, Pellegrino G, Bin Ka'b Ali O, Abdallah C, Dubeau F, Lina JM, Kobayashi E, Grova C

Article GUID: 32191632