Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Sequencing Stimulant Medication and Behavioral Parent Training in Multiplex ADHD Families: A Pilot SMART

Author(s): Joyce H L Lui, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Daniel Almirall, Kathryn B Whitlock, William French, Mark A Stein...

Objective: To examine the effects of treatment sequence of parent stimulant medication (MED) and behavioral parent training (BPT) on child, maternal, and parenting outcomes among multiplex attentio...

Article GUID: 40009046

What do second language listeners know about spoken words? Effects of experience and attention in spoken word processing

Author(s): Pavel Trofimovich

With a goal of investigating psycholinguistic bases of spoken word processing in a second language (L2), this study examined L2 learners' sensitivity to phonological information in spoken L2 words as a function of their L2 experience and attentional dem...

Article GUID: 18330706

Nonadiabatic trajectory studies of NaI(H2O)n photodissociation dynamics

Author(s): Denise M Koch

We have investigated the photodissociation dynamics of NaI(H(2)O)(n) [n = 1-4] clusters using the molecular dynamics with quantum transitions method and a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics description of NaI(H(2)O)(n), which involves a semiempirical val...

Article GUID: 16435804

Importance of polarization in quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics descriptions of electronic excited states: NaI(H2O)n photodissociation dynamics as a case study

Author(s): Denise M Koch

Sodium iodide has long been a paradigm for ionic and covalent curve crossing and ultrafast nonadiabatic dynamics, and our interest lies in the influence of solvation on this process. The NaI(H2O)n photodissociation dynamics are simulated with the molecular ...

Article GUID: 18183959

Post-reinforcement pauses during slot machine gambling are moderated by immersion

Author(s): W Spencer Murch

The post-reinforcement pause (PRP) is an operant effect in which response latencies increase on trials following the receipt and consumption of reward. Human studies demonstrate analogous effects in electronic gambling machines that utilise random ratio rei...

Article GUID: 38429228

Analysis of biochar-mortar composite as a humidity control material to improve the building energy and hygrothermal performance.

Author(s): Park JH, Kim YU, Jeon J, Yun BY, Kang Y, Kim S

This study suggests a new perspective of biochar as a building material that improve not only for the strength but also hygrothermal properties. Biochar has a high porosity and surface area created by pyrolysis. It can be suitably used as a porous material ...

Article GUID: 33611181

Gait variability across neurodegenerative and cognitive disorders: Results from the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) and the Gait and Brain Study.

Author(s): Pieruccini-Faria F, Black SE, Masellis M, Smith EE, Almeida QJ, Li KZH, Bherer L, Camicioli R, Montero-Odasso M...

INTRODUCTION: Gait impairment is common in neurodegenerative disorders. Specifically, gait variability-the stride-to-stride fluctuations in distance and time-has been associated with neurodegenerat...

Article GUID: 33590967

Candida albicans targets that potentially synergize with fluconazole.

Author(s): Lu H, Shrivastava M, Whiteway M, Jiang Y

Fluconazole has characteristics that make it widely used in the clinical treatment of C. albicans infections. However, fluconazole has only a fungistatic activity in C. albicans, therefore, in the long-term treatment of C. albicans infection with fluconazol...

Article GUID: 33587857

TOUCAN: a framework for fungal biosynthetic gene cluster discovery.

Author(s): Almeida H, Palys S, Tsang A, Diallo AB

Fungal secondary metabolites (SMs) are an important source of numerous bioactive compounds largely applied in the pharmaceutical industry, as in the production of antibiotics and anticancer medications. The discovery of novel fungal SMs can potentially bene...

Article GUID: 33575642

The need for exercise sciences and an integrated response to COVID-19: A position statement from the international HL-PIVOT network.

Author(s): Faghy MA, Arena R, Stoner L, Haraf RH, Josephson R, Hills AP, Dixit S, Popovic D, Smith A, Myers J, Bacon SL, Niebauer J, Dourado VZ, Babu A...

COVID-19 is one of the biggest health crises that the world has seen. Whilst measures to abate transmission and infection are ongoing, there continues to be growing numbers of patients requiring ch...

Article GUID: 33549590

Folding photopolymerized origami sheets by post-curing.

Author(s): He X, Matte CD, Kwok TH

The paper presents a novel manufacturing approach to fabricate origami based on 3D printing utilizing digital light processing. Specifically, we propose to leave part of the model uncured during the printing step, and then cure it in the post-processing ste...

Article GUID: 33490875

Identifying and addressing psychosocial determinants of adherence to physical distancing guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic - project protocol.

Author(s): Durand H, Bacon SL, Byrne M, Kenny E, Lavoie KL, McGuire BE, Mc Sharry J, Meade O, Mooney R, Noone C, O'Connor LL, O'Flaherty K, Mol...

Optimising public health physical distancing measures has been a critical part of the global response to the spread of COVID-19. Evidence collected during the current pandemic shows that the transm...

Article GUID: 33490860

Acceptability of a structured diet and exercise weight loss intervention in breast cancer survivors living with an overweight condition or obesity: A qualitative analysis.

Author(s): Beckenstein H, Slim M, Kim H, Plourde H, Kilgour R, Cohen TR

BACKGROUND: Weight loss increases survivorship following breast cancer diagnosis. However, most breast cancer survivors (BCS) do not meet diet and exercise recommendations. AIM: The purpose of this study was to explore the barriers and facilitators of BCS w...

Article GUID: 33491338

The effect of step-feeding distribution ratio on high concentration perchlorate removal performance in ABR system with heterotrophic combined sulfur autotrophic process.

Author(s): Li H, Li K, Guo J, Chen Z, Han Y, Song Y, Lu C, Hou Y, Zhang D, Zhang Y

In a lab-scale anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) with eight compartments, the heterotrophic and sulfur autotrophic processes were combined to remove perchlorate. And then, the step-feeding distribution ratio of the heterotrophic perchlorate reduction unit (HP...

Article GUID: 33485237

A comparative analysis of deep learning architectures on high variation malaria parasite classification dataset.

Author(s): Rahman A, Zunair H, Reme TR, Rahman MS, Mahdy MRC

Malaria, one of the leading causes of death in underdeveloped countries, is primarily diagnosed using microscopy. Computer-aided diagnosis of malaria is a challenging task owing to the fine-grained variability in the appearance of some uninfected and infect...

Article GUID: 33465520

Resources and Methods for Engineering "Designer" Glycan-Binding Proteins.

Author(s): Warkentin R, Kwan DH

This review provides information on available methods for engineering glycan-binding proteins (GBP). Glycans are involved in a variety of physiological functions and are found in all domains of life and viruses. Due to their wide range of functions, GBPs ha...

Article GUID: 33450899

Neural substrates of appetitive and aversive prediction error.

Author(s): Iordanova MD, Yau JO, McDannald MA, Corbit LH

Prediction error, defined by the discrepancy between real and expected outcomes, lies at the core of associative learning. Behavioural investigations have provided evidence that prediction error up- and down-regulates associative relationships, and allocate...

Article GUID: 33453307

Evaluation of System Modelling Techniques for Waste Identification in Lean Healthcare Applications.

Author(s): Alkaabi M, Simsekler MCE, Jayaraman R, Al Kaf A, Ghalib H, Quraini D, Ellahham S, Tuzcu EM, Demirli K...

Purpose: Waste identification plays a vital role in lean healthcare applications. While the value stream map (VSM) is among the most commonly used tools for waste identification, it may be limited ...

Article GUID: 33447104

Designing a hybrid reinforcement learning based algorithm with application in prediction of the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec.

Author(s): Khalilpourazari S, Hashemi Doulabi H

World Health Organization (WHO) stated COVID-19 as a pandemic in March 2020. Since then, 26,795,847 cases have been reported worldwide, and 878,963 lost their lives due to the illness by September 3, 2020. Prediction of the COVID-19 pandemic will enable pol...

Article GUID: 33424076

Phylogenomic fingerprinting of tempo and functions of horizontal gene transfer within ochrophytes.

Author(s): Dorrell RG, Villain A, Perez-Lamarque B, Audren de Kerdrel G, McCallum G, Watson AK, Ait-Mohamed O, Alberti A, Corre E, Frischkorn KR, Piere...

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is an important source of novelty in eukaryotic genomes. This is particularly true for the ochrophytes, a diverse and important group of algae. Previous studies have ...

Article GUID: 33419955

Loss of Arp1, a putative actin-related protein, triggers filamentous and invasive growth and impairs pathogenicity in Candida albicans.

Author(s): Yao S, Feng Y, Islam A, Shrivastava M, Gu H, Lu Y, Sheng J, Whiteway M, Feng J

The polymorphous cellular shape of Candida albicans, in particular the transition from a yeast to a filamentous form, is crucial for either commensalism or life-threatening infections of the host. Various external or internal stimuli, including serum and nu...

Article GUID: 33363697

Phase Diagram for a Lysyl-Phosphatidylglycerol Analogue in Biomimetic Mixed Monolayers with Phosphatidylglycerol: Insights into the Tunable Properties of Bacterial Membranes.

Author(s): Wölk C, Youssef H, Guttenberg T, Marbach H, Vizcay-Barrena G, Shen C, Brezesinski G, Harvey RD...

Ion pairing between the major phospholipids of the Staphylococcus aureus plasma membrane (phosphatidylglycerol - PG and lysyl-phosphatidylglycerol - LPG) confers resistance to antimicrobial peptide...

Article GUID: 32065707

L’obésité chez l’adulte : ligne directrice de pratique clinique.

Author(s): Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Cl...

CMAJ. 2020 Dec 07; 192(49):E1757-E1775 Authors: Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, C...

Article GUID: 33288515

Deletion of the Aspergillus niger Pro-Protein Processing Protease Gene kexB Results in a pH-Dependent Morphological Transition during Submerged Cultivations and Increases Cell Wall Chitin Content.

Author(s): van Leeuwe TM, Arentshorst M, Forn-Cuní G, Geoffrion N, Tsang A, Delvigne F, Meijer AH, Ram AFJ, Punt PJ...

There is a growing interest in the use of post-fermentation mycelial waste to obtain cell wall chitin as an added-value product. In the pursuit to identify suitable production strains that can be u...

Article GUID: 33276589

TMS and H1-MRS measures of excitation and inhibition following lorazepam administration.

Author(s): Ferland MC, Therrien-Blanchet JM, Proulx S, Klees-Themens G, Bacon BA, Vu TTD, Théoret H

This study aimed at better understanding the neurochemistry underlying TMS and MRS measurements as it pertains to GABAergic activity following administration of allosteric GABAA receptor agonist lorazepam. Seventeen healthy adults (8 females, 26.0 ± 5.4 yea...

Article GUID: 33246064

Early-life and parental predation risk shape fear acquisition in adult minnows.

Author(s): Crane AL, Meuthen D, Thapa H, Ferrari MCO, Brown GE

Exposure to predation risk can induce a fearful baseline state, as well as fear reactions toward novel situations (i.e., neophobia). Some research indicates that risk exposure during sensitive periods makes adults more prone to acquiring long-term fearful p...

Article GUID: 33125574

Grape seed extract supplementation along with a restricted-calorie diet improves cardiovascular risk factors in obese or overweight adult individuals: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

Author(s): Yousefi R, Parandoosh M, Khorsandi H, Hosseinzadeh N, Madani Tonekaboni M, Saidpour A, Babaei H, Ghorbani A...

Grape seed extract (GSE) is a flavonoid-rich supplement, recently discussed as a potential moderator of inflammation and obesity. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of GSE supplemen...

Article GUID: 33044768

COSORE: A community database for continuous soil respiration and other soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas flux data.

Author(s): Bond-Lamberty B, Christianson DS, Malhotra A, Pennington SC, Sihi D, AghaKouchak A, Anjileli H, Altaf Arain M, Armesto JJ, Ashraf S, Ataka M...

Globally, soils store two to three times as much carbon as currently resides in the atmosphere, and it is critical to understand how soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and uptake will respond to o...

Article GUID: 33026137

Impact of fluorination on interface energetics and growth of pentacene on Ag(111).

Author(s): Wang Q, Chen MT, Franco-Cañellas A, Shen B, Geiger T, F Bettinger H, Schreiber F, Salzmann I, Gerlach A, Duhm S...

We studied the structural and electronic properties of 2,3,9,10-tetrafluoropentacene (F4PEN) on Ag(111) via X-ray standing waves (XSW), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) as well as ultraviolet...

Article GUID: 32974114

Cue-alcohol associative learning in female rats.

Author(s): Cofresí RU, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ

The ability of environmental cues to trigger alcohol-seeking behaviors is believed to facilitate problematic alcohol use. We previously showed that the development of this cue-evoked alcohol approach reflects cue-alcohol learning and memory in the adult mal...

Article GUID: 31002878

Pretreatment motivation and therapy outcomes in eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Author(s): Sansfaçon J, Booij L, Gauvin L, Fletcher É, Islam F, Israël M, Steiger H

OBJECTIVE: Identifying modifiable predictors of outcomes following treatment for eating disorders may help to tailor interventions to patients' individual needs, improve treatment efficacy, and develop new interventions. The goal of this meta-analysis w...

Article GUID: 32954512

Seasonal Changes in Lumbar Multifidus Muscle in University Rugby Players.

Author(s): Roy A, Rivaz H, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Fortin M

PURPOSE: Although smaller lumbar multifidus muscle (LMM) was reported to be a strong predictor of lower limb injury (LLI) in Australian Football League (AFL) players, LMM morphology has not been investigated in rugby athletes. This study examined seasonal c...

Article GUID: 32925493

A reliable, reproducible flow cytometry protocol for immune cell quantification in human adipose tissue.

Author(s): Delaney KZ, Dam V, Murphy J, Morais JA, Denis R, Atlas H, Pescarus R, Garneau PY, Santosa S...

The ability to accurately identify and quantify immune cell populations within adipose tissue is important in understanding the role of immune cells in metabolic disease risk. Flow cytometry is the...

Article GUID: 32926866

Appetitive olfactory conditioning in the neonatal male rat facilitates subsequent sexual partner preference.

Author(s): Ménard S, Gelez H, Jacubovitch M, Coria-Avila GA, Pfaus JG

Pairing a neutral odor with a male rat's initial sexual experiences to ejaculation produces a subsequent conditioned ejaculatory preference (CEP) in which males ejaculate preferentially with receptive females that bear the odor relative to unscented rec...

Article GUID: 32919208

Subtle long-term cognitive effects of a single mild traumatic brain injury and the impact of a three-month aerobic exercise intervention.

Author(s): Larson-Dupuis C, Léveillé E, Desjardins M, Jodoin M, Bourassa MÈ, Bergeron H, Beaulieu C, Carrier J, Pepin V, De Beaumont L...

BACKGROUND: Although there is a growing body of literature on the impact of multiple concussions on cognitive function with aging, less is known about the long-term impact of sustaining a single mi...

Article GUID: 32878422

Self-Healable Reprocessable Triboelectric Nanogenerators Fabricated with Vitrimeric Poly(hindered Urea) Networks.

Author(s): Patel T, Kim MP, Park J, Lee TH, Nellepalli P, Noh SM, Jung HW, Ko H, Oh JK

In recent years, the advent of highly deformable and healable electronics is exciting and promising for next-generation electronic devices. In particular, self-healable triboelectric nanogenerators (SH-TENGs) serve as promising candidates based on the combi...

Article GUID: 32840992

Stress-Related Trajectories of Diurnal Cortisol in Older Adulthood Over 12 Years.

Author(s): Herriot H, Wrosch C, Hamm JM, Pruessner JC

OBJECTIVE: Although evidence shows that stress experiences can predict both hyper- and hypo-cortisol regulation, there is a lack of research examining these associations longitudinally. Our study assessed whether levels and increases in psychological stress...

Article GUID: 32866774

Acceleration mechanism of bioavailable Fe(Ⅲ) on Te(IV) bioreduction of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Promotion of electron generation, electron transfer and energy level.

Author(s): He Y, Guo J, Song Y, Chen Z, Lu C, Han Y, Li H, Hou Y, Zhao R

The release of highly toxic tellurite into the aquatic environment poses significant environmental risks. The acceleration mechanism and tellurium nanorods (TeNPs) characteristics with bioavailable ferric citrate (Fe(III)) were investigated in the tellurite...

Article GUID: 32853890

Synthesis, crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface of bis-(2-amino-pyridinium) hexa-chlorido-stannate(IV).

Author(s): Ghallab R, Boutebdja M, Dénès G, Merazig H

In the title mol-ecular salt, (C5H7N2)2[SnCl6], the cation is protonated at the pyridine N atom and the complete dianion is generated by a crystallographic centre of symmetry. In the crystal, N-H?Cl hydrogen bonds link the components into a three-dimensiona...

Article GUID: 32844014

Investigation into the oil removal from sand using a surface washing agent under different environmental conditions.

Author(s): Bi H, An C, Chen X, Owens E, Lee K

Spilled oil frequently reaches the shorelines and affects coastal biota and communities. The application of surface washing agents is an important shoreline cleanup technique that can help remove stranded oil from substrate surfaces with the advantages of h...

Article GUID: 32829266

Effect of Fe2+ ions on gypsum precipitation during bulk crystallization of reverse osmosis concentrates.

Author(s): Melliti E, Touati K, Van der Bruggen B, Elfil H

In reverse osmosis desalination, the concentrate is a saline solution that may become supersaturated. Heterogeneous nucleation of salts occurs at the membrane surface, resulting in the buildup of inorganic deposits on the membrane. The inorganic nucleation ...

Article GUID: 32814139

Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline.

Author(s): Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Cl...

CMAJ. 2020 Aug 04;192(31):E875-E891 Authors: Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C...

Article GUID: 32753461

Recommendations of the 5th Canadian Consensus Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia.

Author(s): Ismail Z, Black SE, Camicioli R, Chertkow H, Herrmann N, Laforce R, Montero-Odasso M, Rockwood K, Rosa-Neto P, Seitz D, Sivananthan S, Smith...

Alzheimers Dement. 2020 Jul 29;: Authors: Ismail Z, Black SE, Camicioli R, Chertkow H, Herrmann N, Laforce R, Montero-Odasso M, Rockwood K, Rosa-Neto P, Seitz D, Sivananthan S, Smith EE, Soucy JP,...

Article GUID: 32725777

Automatic collateral circulation scoring in ischemic stroke using 4D CT angiography with low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition.

Author(s): Aktar M, Tampieri D, Rivaz H, Kersten-Oertel M, Xiao Y

Automatic collateral circulation scoring in ischemic stroke using 4D CT angiography with low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition.

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2020 Jul 14;:

Authors: Aktar M, Tampieri D, Rivaz H, Kersten-Oertel M, Xi...

Article GUID: 32662055

Applying epigenetic science to the understanding of eating disorders: a promising paradigm for research and practice.

Author(s): Booij L, Steiger H

Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 22;: Authors: Booij L, Steiger H

Article GUID: 32576735

Drop-on-demand cell bioprinting via Laser Induced Side Transfer (LIST).

Author(s): Ebrahimi Orimi H, Hosseini Kolkooh SS, Hooker E, Narayanswamy S, Larrivée B, Boutopoulos C

Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 16;10(1):9730 Authors: Ebrahimi Orimi H, Hosseini Kolkooh SS, Hooker E, Narayanswamy S, Larrivée B, Boutopoulos C

Article GUID: 32546799

Transcriptomic analysis suggests the inhibition of DNA damage repair in green alga Raphidocelis subcapitata exposed to roxithromycin.

Author(s): Guo J, Bai Y, Chen Z, Mo J, Li Q, Sun H, Zhang Q

Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020 Jun 03;201:110737 Authors: Guo J, Bai Y, Chen Z, Mo J, Li Q, Sun H, Zhang Q

Article GUID: 32505758

On the Value of Considering Specific Facets of Interactional Justice Perceptions.

Author(s): Fouquereau E, Morin AJS, Huyghebaert T, Chevalier S, Coillot H, Gillet N

Front Psychol. 2020;11:812 Authors: Fouquereau E, Morin AJS, Huyghebaert T, Chevalier S, Coillot H, Gillet N

Article GUID: 32477210

Enzymatic Synthesis of a Fluorogenic Reporter Substrate and the Development of a High-Throughput Assay for Fucosyltransferase VIII Provide a Toolkit to Probe and Inhibit Core Fucosylation.

Author(s): Soroko M, Kwan DH

Biochemistry. 2020 Jun 01;: Authors: Soroko M, Kwan DH

Article GUID: 32441090

Parental Expectations Are Associated with Children's Sleep Duration and Sleep Hygiene Habits.

Author(s): Jarrin DC, Abu Awad Y, Rowe H, Noel NAO, Ramil J, McGrath JJ

J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2020 May 18;: Authors: Jarrin DC, Abu Awad Y, Rowe H, Noel NAO, Ramil J, McGrath JJ

Article GUID: 32433218

Humanization of yeast genes with multiple human orthologs reveals functional divergence between paralogs.

Author(s): Laurent JM, Garge RK, Teufel AI, Wilke CO, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM

PLoS Biol. 2020 May 18;18(5):e3000627 Authors: Laurent JM, Garge RK, Teufel AI, Wilke CO, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM

Article GUID: 32421706

Early Life History of Coreoperca herzi in Han River, Korea.

Author(s): Park JM, Jeon HB, Suk HY, Cho SJ, Han KH

Dev Reprod. 2020 Mar;24(1):63-70 Authors: Park JM, Jeon HB, Suk HY, Cho SJ, Han KH

Article GUID: 32411919

Clinical judgement is paramount when performing cognitive screening during COVID-19.

Author(s): Phillips NA, Andrews M, Chertkow H, Pichora-Fuller MK, Rockwood K, Wittich W

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 May 12;: Authors: Phillips NA, Andrews M, Chertkow H, Pichora-Fuller MK, Rockwood K, Wittich W PMID: 32396983 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Article GUID: 32396983

Late-spring frost risk between 1959 and 2017 decreased in North America but increased in Europe and Asia.

Author(s): Zohner CM, Mo L, Renner SS, Svenning JC, Vitasse Y, Benito BM, Ordonez A, Baumgarten F, Bastin JF, Sebald V, Reich PB, Liang J, Nabuurs GJ, ...

Late-spring frosts (LSFs) affect the performance of plants and animals across the world's temperate and boreal zones, but despite their ecological and economic impact on agriculture and forestr...

Article GUID: 32393624

Hypertension Canada's 2020 Comprehensive Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, and Treatment of Hypertension in Adults and Children.

Author(s): Rabi DM, McBrien KA, Sapir-Pichhadze R, Nakhla M, Ahmed SB, Dumanski SM, Butalia S, Leung AA, Harris KC, Cloutier L, Zarnke KB, Ruzicka M, H...

Can J Cardiol. 2020 May;36(5):596-624 Authors: Rabi DM, McBrien KA, Sapir-Pichhadze R, Nakhla M, Ahmed SB, Dumanski SM, Butalia S, Leung AA, Harris KC, Cloutier L, Zarnke KB, Ruzicka M, Hiremath S...

Article GUID: 32389335

Improving 3D ultrasound prostate localisation in radiotherapy through increased automation of interfraction matching.

Author(s): Grimwood A, Rivaz H, Zhou H, McNair HA, Yakubowski K, Bamber JC, Tree AC, Harris EJ

Radiother Oncol. 2020 May 06;: Authors: Grimwood A, Rivaz H, Zhou H, McNair HA, Yakubowski K, Bamber JC, Tree AC, Harris EJ

Article GUID: 32387546

Eating Disorders, Heredity and Environmental Activation: Getting Epigenetic Concepts into Practice.

Author(s): Steiger H, Booij L

J Clin Med. 2020 May 03;9(5): Authors: Steiger H, Booij L

Article GUID: 32375223

Histone deacetylase 1 and 2 drive differentiation and fusion of progenitor cells in human placental trophoblasts.

Author(s): Jaju Bhattad G, Jeyarajah MJ, McGill MG, Dumeaux V, Okae H, Arima T, Lajoie P, Bérubé NG, Renaud SJ

Cell Death Dis. 2020 May 04;11(5):311 Authors: Jaju Bhattad G, Jeyarajah MJ, McGill MG, Dumeaux V, Okae H, Arima T, Lajoie P, Bérubé NG, Renaud SJ

Article GUID: 32366868

Terahertz three-dimensional monitoring of nanoparticle-assisted laser tissue soldering.

Author(s): Dong J, Breitenborn H, Piccoli R, Besteiro LV, You P, Caraffini D, Wang ZM, Govorov AO, Naccache R, Vetrone F, Razzari L, Morandotti R

Biomed Opt Express. 2020 Apr 01;11(4):2254-2267 Authors: Dong J, Breitenborn H, Piccoli R, Besteiro LV, You P, Caraffini D, Wang ZM, Govorov AO, Naccache R, Vetrone F, Razzari L, Morandotti R

Article GUID: 32341881

Evidence for ligninolytic activity of the ascomycete fungus Podospora anserina.

Author(s): van Erven G, Kleijn AF, Patyshakuliyeva A, Di Falco M, Tsang A, de Vries RP, van Berkel WJH, Kabel MA

Biotechnol Biofuels. 2020;13:75 Authors: van Erven G, Kleijn AF, Patyshakuliyeva A, Di Falco M, Tsang A, de Vries RP, van Berkel WJH, Kabel MA

Article GUID: 32322305

Functional Characterization of Clinical Isolates of the Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen Aspergillus nidulans.

Author(s): Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lag...

mSphere. 2020 Apr 08;5(2): Authors: Bastos RW, Valero C, Silva LP, Schoen T, Drott M, Brauer V, Silva-Rocha R, Lind A, Steenwyk JL, Rokas A, Rodrigues F, Resendiz-Sharpe A, Lagrou K, Marcet-Houben...

Article GUID: 32269156

Special issues on using the MoCA for remote assessment during COVID-19 2.

Author(s): Phillips NA, Chertkow H, Pichora-Fuller MK, Wittich W

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Apr 06;: Authors: Phillips NA, Chertkow H, Pichora-Fuller MK, Wittich W PMID: 32253754 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Article GUID: 32253754

Melanoma detection using adversarial training and deep transfer learning.

Author(s): Zunair H, Ben Hamza A

Phys Med Biol. 2020 Apr 06;: Authors: Zunair H, Ben Hamza A

Article GUID: 32252036

Assessment of regional greenhouse gas emission from beef cattle production: A case study of Saskatchewan in Canada.

Author(s): Chen Z, An C, Fang H, Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Zhou Y, Zhao S

J Environ Manage. 2020 Mar 25;264:110443 Authors: Chen Z, An C, Fang H, Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Zhou Y, Zhao S

Article GUID: 32217321

Obestatin and growth hormone reveal the interaction of central obesity and other cardiometabolic risk factors of metabolic syndrome.

Author(s): Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Ma V, Pang S, Chow AS, Cheng KK, Lai CW, Wong CS, Siu PM

Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 26;10(1):5495 Authors: Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Ma V, Pang S, Chow AS, Cheng KK, Lai CW, Wong CS, Siu PM

Article GUID: 32218464

Reflective and Reflexive Stress Responses of Older Adults to Three Gaming Experiences In Relation to Their Cognitive Abilities: Mixed Methods Crossover Study.

Author(s): Khalili-Mahani N, Assadi A, Li K, Mirgholami M, Rivard ME, Benali H, Sawchuk K, De Schutter B

JMIR Ment Health. 2020 Mar 26;7(3):e12388 Authors: Khalili-Mahani N, Assadi A, Li K, Mirgholami M, Rivard ME, Benali H, Sawchuk K, De Schutter B

Article GUID: 32213474

Late and Instable Sleep Phasing is Associated With Irregular Eating Patterns in Eating Disorders.

Author(s): Linnaranta O, Bourguignon C, Crescenzi O, Sibthorpe D, Buyukkurt A, Steiger H, Storch KF

Ann Behav Med. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Linnaranta O, Bourguignon C, Crescenzi O, Sibthorpe D, Buyukkurt A, Steiger H, Storch KF

Article GUID: 32211873

Deprescribing guidelines: An international symposium on development, implementation, research and health professional education.

Author(s): Farrell B, Conklin J, Dolovich L, Irving H, Maclure M, McCarthy L, Moriarty F, Pottie K, Raman-Wilms L, Reeve E, Thompson W

Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019 06;15(6):780-789 Authors: Farrell B, Conklin J, Dolovich L, Irving H, Maclure M, McCarthy L, Moriarty F, Pottie K, Raman-Wilms L, Reeve E, Thompson W

Article GUID: 30241875

Genotoxicity of cisplatin and carboplatin in cultured human lymphocytes: a comparative study.

Author(s): Azab B, Alassaf A, Abu-Humdan A, Dardas Z, Almousa H, Alsalem M, Khabour O, Hammad H, Saleh T, Awidi A

Interdiscip Toxicol. 2019 Oct;12(2):93-97 Authors: Azab B, Alassaf A, Abu-Humdan A, Dardas Z, Almousa H, Alsalem M, Khabour O, Hammad H, Saleh T, Awidi A

Article GUID: 32206030

Neural Correlates of Vocal Pitch Compensation in Individuals Who Stutter.

Author(s): Sares AG, Deroche MLD, Ohashi H, Shiller DM, Gracco VL

Front Hum Neurosci. 2020;14:18 Authors: Sares AG, Deroche MLD, Ohashi H, Shiller DM, Gracco VL

Article GUID: 32161525

Effect and ameliorative mechanisms of polyoxometalates on the denitrification under sulfonamide antibiotics stress.

Author(s): Guo H, Chen Z, Lu C, Guo J, Li H, Song Y, Han Y, Hou Y

Bioresour Technol. 2020 Feb 22;305:123073 Authors: Guo H, Chen Z, Lu C, Guo J, Li H, Song Y, Han Y, Hou Y

Article GUID: 32145698

A self-initiated cue-reward learning procedure for neural recording in rodents.

Author(s): Reverte I, Volz S, Alhazmi FH, Kang M, Kaufman K, Chan S, Jou C, Iordanova MD, Esber GR

J Neurosci Methods. 2020 Mar 02;:108671 Authors: Reverte I, Volz S, Alhazmi FH, Kang M, Kaufman K, Chan S, Jou C, Iordanova MD, Esber GR

Article GUID: 32135212

Modular Construction of Porous Hydrogen-Bonded  Molecular Materials from Melams.

Author(s): Khadivjam T, Che-Quang H, Maris T, Ajoyan Z, Howarth A, Wuest JD

Chemistry. 2020 Mar 01;: Authors: Khadivjam T, Che-Quang H, Maris T, Ajoyan Z, Howarth A, Wuest JD

Article GUID: 32115786

The effect of low back pain and lower limb injury on lumbar multifidus muscle morphology and function in university soccer players.

Author(s): Nandlall N, Rivaz H, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Fortin M

BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Feb 12;21(1):96 Authors: Nandlall N, Rivaz H, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Fortin M

Article GUID: 32050966

The Neuroscience of Sadness: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis and Collaborative Review for the Human Affectome Project.

Author(s): Arias JA, Williams C, Raghvani R, Aghajani M, Baez S, Belzung C, Booij L, Busatto G, Chiarella J, Fu CH, Ibanez A, Liddell BJ, Lowe L, Penni...

Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2020 Jan 27;: Authors: Arias JA, Williams C, Raghvani R, Aghajani M, Baez S, Belzung C, Booij L, Busatto G, Chiarella J, Fu CH, Ibanez A, Liddell BJ, Lowe L, Penninx BWJH, R...

Article GUID: 32001274

Causal evidence supporting the proposal that dopamine transients function as temporal difference prediction errors.

Author(s): Maes EJP, Sharpe MJ, Usypchuk AA, Lozzi M, Chang CY, Gardner MPH, Schoenbaum G, Iordanova MD

Nat Neurosci. 2020 Jan 20;: Authors: Maes EJP, Sharpe MJ, Usypchuk AA, Lozzi M, Chang CY, Gardner MPH, Schoenbaum G, Iordanova MD

Article GUID: 31959935

Income inequality and social gradients in children's height: a comparison of cohort studies from five high-income countries.

Author(s): Bird PK, Pickett KE, Graham H, Faresjö T, Jaddoe VWV, Ludvigsson J, Raat H, Seguin L, Wijtzes AI, McGrath JJ

BMJ Paediatr Open. 2019;3(1):e000568 Authors: Bird PK, Pickett KE, Graham H, Faresjö T, Jaddoe VWV, Ludvigsson J, Raat H, Seguin L, Wijtzes AI, McGrath JJ

Article GUID: 31909223

Interfacial Self-Assembly of Antimicrobial Peptide GL13K into Non-Fibril Crystalline β-Sheets.

Author(s): Youssef H, DeWolf CE

Langmuir. 2020 Jan 06;: Authors: Youssef H, DeWolf CE

Article GUID: 31880463

RNA sequencing reveals an additional Crz1-binding motif in promoters of its target genes in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans.

Author(s): Xu H, Fang T, Omran RP, Whiteway M, Jiang L

Cell Commun Signal. 2020 Jan 03;18(1):1 Authors: Xu H, Fang T, Omran RP, Whiteway M, Jiang L

Article GUID: 31900175

Network-wide reorganization of procedural memory during NREM sleep revealed by fMRI.

Author(s): Vahdat S, Fogel S, Benali H, Doyon J

Network-wide reorganization of procedural memory during NREM sleep revealed by fMRI.
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Sleep is necessary for the optimal consolidation of newly acquired procedural me...

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Methylation of the OXTR gene in women with anorexia nervosa: Relationship to social behavior.

Author(s): Thaler L, Brassard S, Booij L, Kahan E, McGregor K, Labbe A, Israel M, Steiger H

Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2019 Dec 10;: Authors: Thaler L, Brassard S, Booij L, Kahan E, McGregor K, Labbe A, Israel M, Steiger H

Article GUID: 31823473

Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.

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Metabolic networks of the human gut microbiota.

Microbiology. 2019 Dec 04;:

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Article GUID: 31799915

Deficiencies in vesicular transport mediated by TRAPPC4 are associated with severe syndromic intellectual disability.

Author(s): Van Bergen NJ, Guo Y, Al-Deri N, Lipatova Z, Stanga D, Zhao S, Murtazina R, Gyurkovska V, Pehlivan D, Mitani T, Gezdirici A, Antony J, Colli...

The conserved transport protein particle (TRAPP) complexes regulate key trafficking events and are required for autophagy. TRAPPC4, like its yeast Trs23 orthologue, is a core component of the TRAPP...

Article GUID: 31794024

3D normalized cross-correlation for estimation of the displacement field in ultrasound elastography.

Author(s): Mirzaei M, Asif A, Fortin M, Rivaz H

Ultrasonics. 2019 Nov 09;102:106053 Authors: Mirzaei M, Asif A, Fortin M, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 31790861

The spatial frequency of climatic conditions affects niche composition and functional diversity of species assemblages: the case of Angiosperms.

Author(s): Fournier B, Vázquez-Rivera H, Clappe S, Donelle L, Braga PHP, Peres-Neto PR

Ecol Lett. 2019 Nov 21;: Authors: Fournier B, Vázquez-Rivera H, Clappe S, Donelle L, Braga PHP, Peres-Neto PR

Article GUID: 31749270

Effect of dissolved oxygen on simultaneous removal of ammonia, nitrate and phosphorus via biological aerated filter with sulfur and pyrite as composite fillers.

Author(s): Li Y, Guo J, Li H, Song Y, Chen Z, Lu C, Han Y, Hou Y

Bioresour Technol. 2019 Oct 28;296:122340 Authors: Li Y, Guo J, Li H, Song Y, Chen Z, Lu C, Han Y, Hou Y

Article GUID: 31704601

Examining Weight Bias among Practicing Canadian Family Physicians.

Author(s): Alberga AS, Nutter S, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S

Obes Facts. 2019 Nov 08;:1-7 Authors: Alberga AS, Nutter S, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S

Article GUID: 31707395

Understanding low adherence to an exercise program for adolescents with obesity: the HEARTY trial.

Author(s): Alberga AS, Sigal RJ, Sweet SN, Doucette S, Russell-Mayhew S, Tulloch H, Kenny GP, Prud'homme D, Hadjiyannakis S, Goldfield GS

Obes Sci Pract. 2019 Oct;5(5):437-448 Authors: Alberga AS, Sigal RJ, Sweet SN, Doucette S, Russell-Mayhew S, Tulloch H, Kenny GP, Prud'homme D, Hadjiyannakis S, Goldfield GS

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Angiotensin-I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity of Coumarins from Angelica decursiva.

Author(s): Ali MY, Seong SH, Jung HA, Choi JS

Molecules. 2019 Oct 31;24(21): Authors: Ali MY, Seong SH, Jung HA, Choi JS

Article GUID: 31683604

National Partnership for Maternal Safety: Consensus Bundle on Venous Thromboembolism.

Author(s): Urato AC, Abi-Jaoude E, Abramson J, Alter H, Andrew LB, Antonuccio D, Bero L, Biron P, Boylan LS, Braillon A, Brophy JM, Brownlee S, Cassels...

Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Nov;134(5):1115-1117 Authors: Urato AC, Abi-Jaoude E, Abramson J, Alter H, Andrew LB, Antonuccio D, Bero L, Biron P, Boylan LS, Braillon A, Brophy JM, Brownlee S, Cassels A, C...

Article GUID: 31651818

Mechanisms by which PE21, an extract from the white willow Salix alba, delays chronological aging in budding yeast.

Author(s): Medkour Y, Mohammad K, Arlia-Ciommo A, Svistkova V, Dakik P, Mitrofanova D, Rodriguez MEL, Junio JAB, Taifour T, Escudero P, Goltsios FF, So...

Oncotarget. 2019 Oct 08;10(56):5780-5816 Authors: Medkour Y, Mohammad K, Arlia-Ciommo A, Svistkova V, Dakik P, Mitrofanova D, Rodriguez MEL, Junio JAB, Taifour T, Escudero P, Goltsios FF, Soodbakh...

Article GUID: 31645900

Umbelliferone derivatives exert neuroprotective effects by inhibiting monoamine oxidase A, self-amyloidβ aggregation, and lipid peroxidation.

Author(s): Seong SH, Ali MY, Jung HA, Choi JS

Bioorg Chem. 2019 Sep 18;92:103293 Authors: Seong SH, Ali MY, Jung HA, Choi JS

Article GUID: 31557622

Non-invasive in vivo hyperspectral imaging of the retina for potential biomarker use in Alzheimer's disease.

Author(s): Hadoux X, Hui F, Lim JKH, Masters CL, Pébay A, Chevalier S, Ha J, Loi S, Fowler CJ, Rowe C, Villemagne VL, Taylor EN, Fluke C, Soucy JP, Les...

Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 17;10(1):4227 Authors: Hadoux X, Hui F, Lim JKH, Masters CL, Pébay A, Chevalier S, Ha J, Loi S, Fowler CJ, Rowe C, Villemagne VL, Taylor EN, Fluke C, Soucy JP, Lesage F, ...

Article GUID: 31530809

Insights into the Toxicity of Triclosan to Green Microalga Chlorococcum sp. Using Synchrotron-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy: Biophysiological Analyses and Roles of Environmental Factors.

Author(s): Xin X, Huang G, An C, Huang C, Weger H, Zhao S, Zhou Y, Rosendahl S

Environ Sci Technol. 2018 02 20;52(4):2295-2306 Authors: Xin X, Huang G, An C, Huang C, Weger H, Zhao S, Zhou Y, Rosendahl S

Article GUID: 29377676

Polymorphism of MHC class IIB in an acheilognathid species, Rhodeus sinensis shaped by historical selection and recombination.

Author(s): Jeon HB, Won H, Suk HY

BMC Genet. 2019 Sep 13;20(1):74 Authors: Jeon HB, Won H, Suk HY

Article GUID: 31519169

Prefrontal Cortex and Multiparity in Lactation.

Author(s): Opala EA, Verlezza S, Long H, Rusu D, Woodside B, Walker CD

Neuroscience. 2019 Aug 19;: Authors: Opala EA, Verlezza S, Long H, Rusu D, Woodside B, Walker CD

Article GUID: 31437474

Causes of maladaptation.

Author(s): Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam ...

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1229-1242 Authors: Brady SP, Bolnick DI, Angert AL, Gonzalez A, Barrett RDH, Crispo E, Derry AM, Eckert CG, Fraser DJ, Fussmann GF, Guichard F, Lamy T, McAdam AG, Newman ...

Article GUID: 31417611

Conservation through the lens of (mal)adaptation: Concepts and meta-analysis.

Author(s): Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ba...

Evol Appl. 2019 Aug;12(7):1287-1304 Authors: Derry AM, Fraser DJ, Brady SP, Astorg L, Lawrence ER, Martin GK, Matte JM, Negrín Dastis JO, Paccard A, Barrett RDH, Chapman LJ, Lane JE, Ballas C...

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The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate.

Author(s): Huot Y, Brown CA, Potvin G, Antoniades D, Baulch HM, Beisner BE, Bélanger S, Brazeau S, Cabana H, Cardille JA, Del Giorgio PA, Gregory-Eaves...

Sci Total Environ. 2019 Aug 04;695:133668 Authors: Huot Y, Brown CA, Potvin G, Antoniades D, Baulch HM, Beisner BE, Bélanger S, Brazeau S, Cabana H, Cardille JA, Del Giorgio PA, Gregory-Eaves...

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Simulations and error analysis of the CNC milling of a face gear tooth with given tool paths.

Author(s): Yi H, Zhou Y, Tang J, Chen ZC

Data Brief. 2019 Aug;25:104145 Authors: Yi H, Zhou Y, Tang J, Chen ZC

Article GUID: 31297425

Enhanced denitrification performance and biocatalysis mechanisms of polyoxometalates as environmentally-friendly inorganic redox mediators.

Author(s): Guo H, Chen Z, Guo J, Lu C, Song Y, Han Y, Li H, Hou Y

Bioresour Technol. 2019 Jul 16;291:121816 Authors: Guo H, Chen Z, Guo J, Lu C, Song Y, Han Y, Li H, Hou Y

Article GUID: 31344631

Magnetic Monopole Search with the Full MoEDAL Trapping Detector in 13 TeV pp Collisions Interpreted in Photon-Fusion and Drell-Yan Production.

Author(s): Acharya B, Alexandre J, Baines S, Benes P, Bergmann B, Bernabéu J, Bevan A, Branzas H, Campbell M, Cecchini S, Cho YM, de Montigny M, De Roe...

Phys Rev Lett. 2019 Jul 12;123(2):021802 Authors: Acharya B, Alexandre J, Baines S, Benes P, Bergmann B, Bernabéu J, Bevan A, Branzas H, Campbell M, Cecchini S, Cho YM, de Montigny M, De Roec...

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Games for Health: The Tale of a Curious Student's Wish.

Author(s): Touchett H, Pope Z, Ghanouni P, Barclay P, Levy L, O'Loughlin E, Godinez A

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The Comprehensive Assessment of Neurodegeneration and Dementia: Canadian Cohort Study.

Author(s): Chertkow H, Borrie M, Whitehead V, Black SE, Feldman HH, Gauthier S, Hogan DB, Masellis M, McGilton K, Rockwood K, Tierney MC, Andrew M, Hsi...

Can J Neurol Sci. 2019 Jul 16;:1-13 Authors: Chertkow H, Borrie M, Whitehead V, Black SE, Feldman HH, Gauthier S, Hogan DB, Masellis M, McGilton K, Rockwood K, Tierney MC, Andrew M, Hsiung GR, Cam...

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Author Correction: Building a global alliance of biofoundries.

Author(s): Hillson N, Caddick M, Cai Y, Carrasco JA, Chang MW, Curach NC, Bell DJ, Feuvre RL, Friedman DC, Fu X, Gold ND, Herrgård MJ, Holowko MB, John...

Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 11;10(1):3132 Authors: Hillson N, Caddick M, Cai Y, Carrasco JA, Chang MW, Curach NC, Bell DJ, Feuvre RL, Friedman DC, Fu X, Gold ND, Herrgård MJ, Holowko MB, Johnson JR,...

Article GUID: 31296848

Beyond sleepy: structural and functional changes of the default-mode network in idiopathic hypersomnia.

Author(s): Pomares FB, Boucetta S, Lachapelle F, Steffener J, Montplaisir J, Cha J, Kim H, Dang-Vu TT

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Article GUID: 31328786

Influence of Head Tissue Conductivity Uncertainties on EEG Dipole Reconstruction.

Author(s): Vorwerk J, Aydin Ü, Wolters CH, Butson CR

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Article GUID: 31231178

Effects of contingent and noncontingent nicotine on lever pressing for liquids and consumption in water-deprived rats.

Author(s): Frenk H, Martin J, Vitouchanskaia C, Dar R, Shalev U

Eur J Pharmacol. 2017 Jan 05;794:224-233 Authors: Frenk H, Martin J, Vitouchanskaia C, Dar R, Shalev U

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Gating of the neuroendocrine stress responses by stressor salience in early lactating female rats is independent of infralimbic cortex activation and plasticity.

Author(s): Hillerer KM, Woodside B, Parkinson E, Long H, Verlezza S, Walker CD

Stress. 2018 05;21(3):217-228 Authors: Hillerer KM, Woodside B, Parkinson E, Long H, Verlezza S, Walker CD

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Circadian Rhythms in Regulation of Brain Processes and Role in Psychiatric Disorders.

Author(s): Pantazopoulos H, Gamble K, Stork O, Amir S

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Association Between Paraspinal Muscle Morphology, Clinical Symptoms, and Functional Status in Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy.

Author(s): Fortin M, Dobrescu O, Courtemanche M, Sparrey CJ, Santaguida C, Fehlings MG, Weber MH

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Article GUID: 28207658

Neuroimaging tests for clinical psychiatry: Are we there yet?

Author(s): Leyton M, Kennedy SH

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Mutations in TRAPPC12 Manifest in Progressive Childhood Encephalopathy and Golgi Dysfunction.

Author(s): Milev MP, Grout ME, Saint-Dic D, Cheng YH, Glass IA, Hale CJ, Hanna DS, Dorschner MO, Prematilake K, Shaag A, Elpeleg O, Sacher M, Doherty D...

Am J Hum Genet. 2017 Aug 03;101(2):291-299 Authors: Milev MP, Grout ME, Saint-Dic D, Cheng YH, Glass IA, Hale CJ, Hanna DS, Dorschner MO, Prematilake K, Shaag A, Elpeleg O, Sacher M, Doherty D, Ed...

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The first MICCAI challenge on PET tumor segmentation.

Author(s): Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky...

Med Image Anal. 2018 02;44:177-195 Authors: Hatt M, Laurent B, Ouahabi A, Fayad H, Tan S, Li L, Lu W, Jaouen V, Tauber C, Czakon J, Drapejkowski F, Dyrka W, Camarasu-Pop S, Cervenansky F, Girard P...

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Quantitative analysis of the yeast proteome by incorporation of isotopically labeled leucine.

Author(s): Jiang H, English AM

J Proteome Res. 2002 Jul-Aug;1(4):345-50 Authors: Jiang H, English AM

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Crystal structure of poly[di-aqua-(μ-2-carb-oxy-acetato-κ(3) O,O':O'')(2-carb-oxy-acetato-κO)di-μ-chlorido-dicobalt(II)].

Author(s): Bouaoud Y, Setifi Z, Buvailo A, Potaskalov VA, Merazig H, Dénés G

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Article GUID: 26870577

Differential role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the conditioned ejaculatory preference of the male rat.

Author(s): Ménard S, Gelez H, Girard-Bériault F, Coria-Avila G, Pfaus JG

Physiol Behav. 2019 Jun 10;:112577 Authors: Ménard S, Gelez H, Girard-Bériault F, Coria-Avila G, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 31194998

BioMiCo: a supervised Bayesian model for inference of microbial community structure.

Author(s): Shafiei M, Dunn KA, Boon E, MacDonald SM, Walsh DA, Gu H, Bielawski JP

Microbiome. 2015;3:8 Authors: Shafiei M, Dunn KA, Boon E, MacDonald SM, Walsh DA, Gu H, Bielawski JP

Article GUID: 25774293

Diindolylmethane and its halogenated derivatives induce protective autophagy in human prostate cancer cells via induction of the oncogenic protein AEG-1 and activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK).

Author(s): Draz H, Goldberg AA, Titorenko VI, Tomlinson Guns ES, Safe SH, Sanderson JT

Cell Signal. 2017 12;40:172-182 Authors: Draz H, Goldberg AA, Titorenko VI, Tomlinson Guns ES, Safe SH, Sanderson JT

Article GUID: 28923415

Caloric restriction extends yeast chronological lifespan via a mechanism linking cellular aging to cell cycle regulation, maintenance of a quiescent state, entry into a non-quiescent state and survival in the non-quiescent state.

Author(s): Leonov A, Feldman R, Piano A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Lutchman V, Ahmadi M, Elsaser S, Fakim H, Heshmati-Moghaddam M, Hussain A, Orfali S, Rajen H, ...

Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 19;8(41):69328-69350 Authors: Leonov A, Feldman R, Piano A, Arlia-Ciommo A, Lutchman V, Ahmadi M, Elsaser S, Fakim H, Heshmati-Moghaddam M, Hussain A, Orfali S, Rajen H, Roofi...

Article GUID: 29050207

Tuning Hsf1 levels drives distinct fungal morphogenetic programs with depletion impairing Hsp90 function and overexpression expanding the target space.

Author(s): Veri AO, Miao Z, Shapiro RS, Tebbji F, O'Meara TR, Kim SH, Colazo J, Tan K, Vyas VK, Whiteway M, Robbins N, Wong KH, Cowen LE

PLoS Genet. 2018 03;14(3):e1007270 Authors: Veri AO, Miao Z, Shapiro RS, Tebbji F, O'Meara TR, Kim SH, Colazo J, Tan K, Vyas VK, Whiteway M, Robbins N, Wong KH, Cowen LE

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Single-step Precision Genome Editing in Yeast Using CRISPR-Cas9.

Author(s): Akhmetov A, Laurent JM, Gollihar J, Gardner EC, Garge RK, Ellington AD, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM

Bio Protoc. 2018 Mar 20;8(6): Authors: Akhmetov A, Laurent JM, Gollihar J, Gardner EC, Garge RK, Ellington AD, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM

Article GUID: 29770349

Structural variation and rates of genome evolution in the grass family seen through comparison of sequences of genomes greatly differing in size.

Author(s): Dvorak J, Wang L, Zhu T, Jorgensen CM, Deal KR, Dai X, Dawson MW, Müller HG, Luo MC, Ramasamy RK, Dehghani H, Gu YQ, Gill BS, Distelfeld A, ...

Plant J. 2018 08;95(3):487-503 Authors: Dvorak J, Wang L, Zhu T, Jorgensen CM, Deal KR, Dai X, Dawson MW, Müller HG, Luo MC, Ramasamy RK, Dehghani H, Gu YQ, Gill BS, Distelfeld A, Devos KM, Q...

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Antagonistic interactions between two MAP kinase cascades in plant development and immune signaling.

Author(s): Sun T, Nitta Y, Zhang Q, Wu D, Tian H, Lee JS, Zhang Y

EMBO Rep. 2018 07;19(7): Authors: Sun T, Nitta Y, Zhang Q, Wu D, Tian H, Lee JS, Zhang Y

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Genetic combining ability of coriander genotypes for agronomic and phytochemical traits in response to contrasting irrigation regimes.

Author(s): Gholizadeh A, Dehghani H, Khodadadi M, Gulick PJ

PLoS One. 2018;13(6):e0199630 Authors: Gholizadeh A, Dehghani H, Khodadadi M, Gulick PJ

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MAP KINASE PHOSPHATASE1 Controls Cell Fate Transition during Stomatal Development.

Author(s): Tamnanloo F, Damen H, Jangra R, Lee JS

Plant Physiol. 2018 09;178(1):247-257 Authors: Tamnanloo F, Damen H, Jangra R, Lee JS

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Diversity from genes to ecosystems: A unifying framework to study variation across biological metrics and scales.

Author(s): Gaggiotti OE, Chao A, Peres-Neto P, Chiu CH, Edwards C, Fortin MJ, Jost L, Richards CM, Selkoe KA

Evol Appl. 2018 Aug;11(7):1176-1193 Authors: Gaggiotti OE, Chao A, Peres-Neto P, Chiu CH, Edwards C, Fortin MJ, Jost L, Richards CM, Selkoe KA

Article GUID: 30026805

Bi-allelic mutations in TRAPPC2L result in a neurodevelopmental disorder and have an impact on RAB11 in fibroblasts.

Author(s): Milev MP, Graziano C, Karall D, Kuper WFE, Al-Deri N, Cordelli DM, Haack TB, Danhauser K, Iuso A, Palombo F, Pippucci T, Prokisch H, Saint-D...

J Med Genet. 2018 Nov;55(11):753-764 Authors: Milev MP, Graziano C, Karall D, Kuper WFE, Al-Deri N, Cordelli DM, Haack TB, Danhauser K, Iuso A, Palombo F, Pippucci T, Prokisch H, Saint-Dic D, Seri...

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TRAPPopathies: An emerging set of disorders linked to variations in the genes encoding transport protein particle (TRAPP)-associated proteins.

Author(s): Sacher M, Shahrzad N, Kamel H, Milev MP

Traffic. 2019 01;20(1):5-26 Authors: Sacher M, Shahrzad N, Kamel H, Milev MP

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Visualization of SNARE-Mediated Organelle Membrane Hemifusion by Electron Microscopy.

Author(s): Mattie S, Kazmirchuk T, Mui J, Vali H, Brett CL

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The Many Nuanced Evolutionary Consequences of Duplicated Genes.

Author(s): Teufel AI, Johnson MM, Laurent JM, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM, Wilke CO

Mol Biol Evol. 2019 02 01;36(2):304-314 Authors: Teufel AI, Johnson MM, Laurent JM, Kachroo AH, Marcotte EM, Wilke CO

Article GUID: 30428072

Embracing an interdisciplinary approach to plastics pollution awareness and action.

Author(s): Belontz SL, Corcoran PL, Davis H, Hill KA, Jazvac K, Robertson K, Wood K

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Article GUID: 30448996

Functional divergence of a global regulatory complex governing fungal filamentation.

Author(s): Polvi EJ, Veri AO, Liu Z, Hossain S, Hyde S, Kim SH, Tebbji F, Sellam A, Todd RT, Xie JL, Lin ZY, Wong CJ, Shapiro RS, Whiteway M, Robbins N...

Functional divergence of a global regulatory complex governing fungal filamentation.

PLoS Genet. 2019 01;15(1):e1007901

Authors: Polvi EJ, Veri AO, Liu Z, Hossain S, Hyde S, Kim...

Article GUID: 30615616

Aegilops tauschii Genome Sequence: A Framework for Meta-analysis of Wheat QTLs.

Author(s): Xu J, Dai X, Ramasamy RK, Wang L, Zhu T, McGuire PE, Jorgensen CM, Dehghani H, Gulick PJ, Luo MC, Müller HG, Dvorak J

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Article GUID: 30670607

Progress and Challenges in Ocean Metaproteomics and Proposed Best Practices for Data Sharing.

Author(s): Saito MA, Bertrand EM, Duffy ME, Gaylord DA, Held NA, Hervey WJ, Hettich RL, Jagtap PD, Janech MG, Kinkade DB, Leary DH, McIlvin MR, Moore E...

J Proteome Res. 2019 Apr 05;18(4):1461-1476 Authors: Saito MA, Bertrand EM, Duffy ME, Gaylord DA, Held NA, Hervey WJ, Hettich RL, Jagtap PD, Janech MG, Kinkade DB, Leary DH, McIlvin MR, Moore EK, ...

Article GUID: 30702898

Estradiol-Induced Potentiation of Dopamine Release in Dorsal Striatum Following Amphetamine Administration Requires Estradiol Receptors and mGlu5.

Author(s): Song Z, Yang H, Peckham EM, Becker JB

Estradiol-Induced Potentiation of Dopamine Release in Dorsal Striatum Following Amphetamine Administration Requires Estradiol Receptors and mGlu5.

eNeuro. 2019 Jan-Feb;6(1):

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A platform for glycoengineering a polyvalent pneumococcal bioconjugate vaccine using E. coli as a host.

Author(s): Harding CM, Nasr MA, Scott NE, Goyette-Desjardins G, Nothaft H, Mayer AE, Chavez SM, Huynh JP, Kinsella RL, Szymanski CM, Stallings CL, Segu...

Nat Commun. 2019 02 21;10(1):891 Authors: Harding CM, Nasr MA, Scott NE, Goyette-Desjardins G, Nothaft H, Mayer AE, Chavez SM, Huynh JP, Kinsella RL, Szymanski CM, Stallings CL, Segura M, Feldman MF

Article GUID: 30792408

Expression of a library of fungal β-glucosidases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the development of a biomass fermenting strain.

Author(s): Wilde C, Gold ND, Bawa N, Tambor JH, Mougharbel L, Storms R, Martin VJ

Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2012 Aug;95(3):647-59 Authors: Wilde C, Gold ND, Bawa N, Tambor JH, Mougharbel L, Storms R, Martin VJ

Article GUID: 22218767

A retinoblastoma orthologue is a major regulator of S-phase, mitotic, and developmental gene expression in Dictyostelium.

Author(s): Strasser K, Bloomfield G, MacWilliams A, Ceccarelli A, MacWilliams H, Tsang A

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Mutations in TRNT1 cause congenital sideroblastic anemia with immunodeficiency, fevers, and developmental delay (SIFD).

Author(s): Chakraborty PK, Schmitz-Abe K, Kennedy EK, Mamady H, Naas T, Durie D, Campagna DR, Lau A, Sendamarai AK, Wiseman DH, May A, Jolles S, Connor...

Blood. 2014 Oct 30;124(18):2867-71 Authors: Chakraborty PK, Schmitz-Abe K, Kennedy EK, Mamady H, Naas T, Durie D, Campagna DR, Lau A, Sendamarai AK, Wiseman DH, May A, Jolles S, Connor P, Powell C...

Article GUID: 25193871

Machine learning for biomedical literature triage.

Author(s): Almeida H, Meurs MJ, Kosseim L, Butler G, Tsang A

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mycoCLAP, the database for characterized lignocellulose-active proteins of fungal origin: resource and text mining curation support.

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Inter-simple sequence repeat data reveals high genetic diversity in wild populations of the narrowly distributed endemic Lilium regale in the Minjiang River Valley of China.

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Deconstructing the genetic basis of spent sulphite liquor tolerance using deep sequencing of genome-shuffled yeast.

Author(s): Pinel D, Colatriano D, Jiang H, Lee H, Martin VJ

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Article GUID: 25866561

Closely related fungi employ diverse enzymatic strategies to degrade plant biomass.

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Biotechnol Biofuels. 2015;8:107 Authors: Benoit I, Culleton H, Zhou M, DiFalco M, Aguilar-Osorio G, Battaglia E, Bouzid O, Brouwer CPJM, El-Bushari HBO, Coutinho PM, Gruben BS, Hildén KS, Hou...

Article GUID: 26236396

Structure-Guided Directed Evolution of Glycosidases: A Case Study in Engineering a Blood Group Antigen-Cleaving Enzyme.

Author(s): Kwan DH

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The effect of different divalent cations on the kinetics and fidelity of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA polymerase.

Author(s): Vashishtha AK, Konigsberg WH

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Investigation of inter- and intraspecies variation through genome sequencing of Aspergillus section Nigri.

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Article GUID: 30349117

Group cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: treatment outcome and long-term follow-up.

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Functional and anatomical memory indices in patients with or at risk for Alzheimer's disease.

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Longitudinal associations of need for cognition, cognitive activity, and depressive symptomatology with cognitive function in recent retirees.

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The role of musical training in emergent and event-based timing.

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Regional cerebellar volumes are related to early musical training and finger tapping performance.

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Oxytocin and social context moderate social support seeking in women during negative memory recall.

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MKP1 acts as a key modulator of stomatal development.

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MKP1 acts as a key modulator of stomatal development.
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The MAPK signaling cascade is universal among eukaryotes and mediates a variety of environmental and devel...

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An Automated Induction Microfluidics System for Synthetic Biology.

Author(s): Husser MC, Vo PQN, Sinha H, Ahmadi F, Shih SCC

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A Crowdsensing Based Analytical Framework for Perceptional Degradation of OTT Web Browsing.

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An automated microfluidic gene-editing platform for deciphering cancer genes.

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Article GUID: 29989627

Nonlocal Coherent Denoising of RF Data for Ultrasound Elastography.

Author(s): Khavari P, Asif A, Boily M, Rivaz H

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Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of the MIG Welded Joint of 06Cr19Ni10 Stainless Steel.

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The tricarboxylic acid cycle, cell wall integrity pathway, cytokinesis and intracellular pH homeostasis are involved in the sensitivity of Candida albicans cells to high levels of extracellular calcium.

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Objective Evaluation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using a Data Management and Processing Infrastructure.

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Article GUID: 30209345

Hydrothermal/solvothermal synthesis and treatment of TiO2 for photocatalytic degradation of air pollutants: Preparation, characterization, properties, and performance.

Author(s): Mamaghani AH, Haghighat F, Lee CS

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Simulating micro-scale thermal interactions in different building environments for mitigating urban heat islands.

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A combined heterotrophic and sulfur-based autotrophic process to reduce high concentration perchlorate via anaerobic baffled reactors: Performance advantages of a step-feeding strategy.

Author(s): Li K, Guo J, Li H, Han Y, Chen Z, Song Y, Xing Y, Zhang C

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Article GUID: 30738356

Effects of pool size and spacing on burning rate and flame height of two square heptane pool fires.

Author(s): Wan H, Gao Z, Ji J, Zhang Y, Li K, Wang L

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Article GUID: 30776594

Big Data-Driven Cellular Information Detection and Coverage Identification.

Author(s): Wang H, Xie S, Li K, Ahmad MO

Sensors (Basel). 2019 Feb 22;19(4): Authors: Wang H, Xie S, Li K, Ahmad MO

Article GUID: 30813353

Optimal Technique for Measurement of Linear Left Ventricular Dimensions.

Author(s): Chetrit M, Roujol S, Picard MH, Timmins L, Manning WJ, Rudski LG, Levine RA, Afilalo J

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Rotating polygonal depression soliton clusters on the inner surface of a liquid ring.

Author(s): Ait Abderrahmane H, Sedeh PS, Ng HD, Vatistas GH

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Article GUID: 30934365

Dispersal limitations and historical factors determine the biogeography of specialized terrestrial protists.

Author(s): Singer D, Mitchell EAD, Payne RJ, Blandenier Q, Duckert C, Fernández LD, Fournier B, Hernández CE, Granath G, Rydin H, Bragazza L, Koronatov...

Mol Ecol. 2019 May 04;: Authors: Singer D, Mitchell EAD, Payne RJ, Blandenier Q, Duckert C, Fernández LD, Fournier B, Hernández CE, Granath G, Rydin H, Bragazza L, Koronatova NG, Goia I,...

Article GUID: 31055860

Analyzing the Biochemical Alteration of Green Algae During Chronic Exposure to Triclosan Based on Synchrotron-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Spectromicroscopy.

Author(s): Xin X, Huang G, An C, Weger H, Cheng G, Shen J, Rosendahl S

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Ultrasound Elastography of the Prostate Using an Unconstrained Modulus Reconstruction Technique: A Pilot Clinical Study.

Author(s): Mousavi SR, Rivaz H, Czarnota GJ, Samani A, Sadeghi-Naini A

Transl Oncol. 2017 Oct;10(5):744-751 Authors: Mousavi SR, Rivaz H, Czarnota GJ, Samani A, Sadeghi-Naini A

Article GUID: 28735201

Integrated fMRI Preprocessing Framework Using Extended Kalman Filter for Estimation of Slice-Wise Motion.

Author(s): Pinsard B, Boutin A, Doyon J, Benali H

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Relationship between cervical muscle morphology evaluated by MRI, cervical muscle strength and functional outcomes in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy.

Author(s): Fortin M, Wilk N, Dobrescu O, Martel P, Santaguida C, Weber MH

Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2018 12;38:1-7 Authors: Fortin M, Wilk N, Dobrescu O, Martel P, Santaguida C, Weber MH

Article GUID: 30059855

Consensus on Shared Measures of Mobility and Cognition: From the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA).

Author(s): Montero-Odasso M, Almeida QJ, Bherer L, Burhan AM, Camicioli R, Doyon J, Fraser S, Muir-Hunter S, Li KZH, Liu-Ambrose T, McIlroy W, Middleto...

J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 May 16;74(6):897-909 Authors: Montero-Odasso M, Almeida QJ, Bherer L, Burhan AM, Camicioli R, Doyon J, Fraser S, Muir-Hunter S, Li KZH, Liu-Ambrose T, McIlroy W...

Article GUID: 30101279

Mms21: A Putative SUMO E3 Ligase in Candida albicans That Negatively Regulates Invasiveness and Filamentation, and Is Required for the Genotoxic and Cellular Stress Response.

Author(s): Islam A, Tebbji F, Mallick J, Regan H, Dumeaux V, Omran RP, Whiteway M

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The Developmental Origins and Future Implications of Dispositional Optimism in the Transition to Adulthood.

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Calculation of initial yields of single- and double-strand breaks in cell nuclei from electrons, protons and alpha particles.

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Microdosimetry of haemopoietic stem cells irradiated by alpha particles from the short-lived products of 222Rn decays in fat cells and haemopoietic tissue.

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Variable-frequency EPR study of Mn(2+)-doped NH(4)Cl(0.9)I(0.1) single crystal at 9.6, 36, and 249.9 GHz: structural phase transition.

Author(s): Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Rinaldi G, Chand P, Earle KA, Freed JH

J Magn Reson. 2003 Feb;160(2):131-8 Authors: Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Rinaldi G, Chand P, Earle KA, Freed JH

Article GUID: 12615154

A variable temperature EPR study of Mn(2+)-doped NH(4)Cl(0.9)I(0.1) single crystal at 170 GHz: zero-field splitting parameter and its absolute sign.

Author(s): Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Chand P, Earle KA, Paschenko SV, Freed JH

J Magn Reson. 2005 Jun;174(2):265-9 Authors: Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Chand P, Earle KA, Paschenko SV, Freed JH

Article GUID: 15862243

Calculation of Double-Quantum-Coherence Two-dimensional Spectra: Distance Measurements and Orientational Correlations.

Author(s): Misra SK, Borbat PP, Freed JH

Appl Magn Reson. 2009 Dec 01;36(2-4):237-258 Authors: Misra SK, Borbat PP, Freed JH

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Appl Magn Reson. 2009 Dec 01;36(2):291-295 Authors: Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Punnoose A, Tipikin D, Freed JH

Article GUID: 20161547

A multifrequency EPR study of Fe2+ and Mn2+ ions in a ZnSiF(6).6H2O single crystal at liquid-helium temperatures.

Author(s): Misra SK, Diehl S, Tipikin D, Freed JH

J Magn Reson. 2010 Jul;205(1):14-22 Authors: Misra SK, Diehl S, Tipikin D, Freed JH

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Light-induced conformational changes in photosynthetic reaction centers: impact of detergents and lipids on the electronic structure of the primary electron donor.

Author(s): Deshmukh SS, Akhavein H, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kalman L

Biochemistry. 2011 Jun 14;50(23):5249-62 Authors: Deshmukh SS, Akhavein H, Williams JC, Allen JP, Kalman L

Article GUID: 21561160

Study of paramagnetic defect centers in as-grown and annealed TiO2 anatase and rutile nanoparticles by a variable-temperature X-band and high-frequency (236 GHz) EPR.

Author(s): Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Tipikin D, Freed JH, Somani V, Prakash O

J Magn Magn Mater. 2016 Mar 01;401:495-505 Authors: Misra SK, Andronenko SI, Tipikin D, Freed JH, Somani V, Prakash O

Article GUID: 27041794

Real-Time Detection of Staphylococcus Aureus Using Whispering Gallery Mode Optical Microdisks.

Author(s): Ghali H, Chibli H, Nadeau JL, Bianucci P, Peter YA

Biosensors (Basel). 2016 May 03;6(2):20 Authors: Ghali H, Chibli H, Nadeau JL, Bianucci P, Peter YA

Article GUID: 27153099

Search for Magnetic Monopoles with the MoEDAL Forward Trapping Detector in 13 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions at the LHC.

Author(s): Acharya B, Alexandre J, Baines S, Benes P, Bergmann B, Bernabéu J, Branzas H, Campbell M, Caramete L, Cecchini S, de Montigny M, De Roeck A,...

Phys Rev Lett. 2017 Feb 10;118(6):061801 Authors: Acharya B, Alexandre J, Baines S, Benes P, Bergmann B, Bernabéu J, Branzas H, Campbell M, Caramete L, Cecchini S, de Montigny M, De Roeck A, ...

Article GUID: 28234515

Zoomed MRI Guided by Combined EEG/MEG Source Analysis: A Multimodal Approach for Optimizing Presurgical Epilepsy Work-up and its Application in a Multi-focal Epilepsy Patient Case Study.

Author(s): Aydin Ü, Rampp S, Wollbrink A, Kugel H, Cho J-, Knösche TR, Grova C, Wellmer J, Wolters CH

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Arterial stiffness and brain integrity: A review of MRI findings.

Author(s): Badji A, Sabra D, Bherer L, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H, Gauthier CJ

Ageing Res Rev. 2019 May 04;53:100907 Authors: Badji A, Sabra D, Bherer L, Cohen-Adad J, Girouard H, Gauthier CJ

Article GUID: 31063866

Early diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's with event-related potentials and event-related desynchronization in N-back working memory tasks.

Author(s): Fraga FJ, Mamani GQ, Johns E, Tavares G, Falk TH, Phillips NA

Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2018 Oct;164:1-13 Authors: Fraga FJ, Mamani GQ, Johns E, Tavares G, Falk TH, Phillips NA

Article GUID: 30195417

Efficacy of an Online Self-Help Treatment for Comorbid Alcohol Misuse and Emotional Problems in Young Adults: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Author(s): Frohlich JR, Rapinda KK, Schaub MP, Wenger A, Baumgartner C, Johnson EA, O'Connor RM, Vincent N, Blankers M, Ebert DD, Hadjistavropoulos...

JMIR Res Protoc. 2018 Nov 01;7(11):e11298 Authors: Frohlich JR, Rapinda KK, Schaub MP, Wenger A, Baumgartner C, Johnson EA, O'Connor RM, Vincent N, Blankers M, Ebert DD, Hadjistavropoulos H, M...

Article GUID: 30389649

Predictors of death anxiety among patients with heart disease.

Author(s): Soleimani MA, Bahrami N, Zarabadi-Pour S, Motalebi SA, Parker A, Chan YH

Death Stud. 2018 Nov 08;:1-8 Authors: Soleimani MA, Bahrami N, Zarabadi-Pour S, Motalebi SA, Parker A, Chan YH

Article GUID: 30407129

Corrigendum to "Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on brain-derived neurotrophic factor in adolescents with obesity: The hearty randomized controlled trial" Physiology & Behavior, Volume 191, 1 July 2018, Pages 138-145.

Author(s): Goldfield GS, Kenny GP, Prud'homme D, Holcik M, Alberga AS, Fahnestock M, Cameron JD, Doucette S, Hadjiyannakis S, Tulloch H, Tremblay M...

Physiol Behav. 2019 Jan 01;198:161 Authors: Goldfield GS, Kenny GP, Prud'homme D, Holcik M, Alberga AS, Fahnestock M, Cameron JD, Doucette S, Hadjiyannakis S, Tulloch H, Tremblay MS, Walsh J, ...

Article GUID: 30428994

Condition-Specific Pamphlets to Improve End-of-life Communication in Long-term Care: Staff Perceptions on Usability and Use.

Author(s): Sussman T, Kaasalainen S, Lee E, Akhtar-Danesh N, Strachan PH, Brazil K, Bonifas R, Bourgeois-Guérin V, Durivage P, Papaioannou A, Young L...

OBJECTIVES: This article reports findings on the usability and staff use of 5 condition- specific pamphlets of high prevalence in long-term care (LTC): dementia, heart failure, chronic obstructive ...

Article GUID: 30583908

Alcohol-associated antecedent stimuli elicit alcohol seeking in non-dependent rats and may activate the insula.

Author(s): Cofresí RU, Grote DJ, Le EVT, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ

Alcohol. 2019 May;76:91-102 Authors: Cofresí RU, Grote DJ, Le EVT, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA, Lee HJ

Article GUID: 30612041

Retrospective and prospective assessments of gambling-related behaviors across the female menstrual cycle.

Author(s): Joyce KM, Hudson A, O'Connor RM, Goldstein AL, Ellery M, McGrath DS, Perrot TS, Stewart SH

J Behav Addict. 2019 Mar 01;8(1):135-145 Authors: Joyce KM, Hudson A, O'Connor RM, Goldstein AL, Ellery M, McGrath DS, Perrot TS, Stewart SH

Article GUID: 30632377

A longitudinal, epigenome-wide study of DNA methylation in anorexia nervosa: results in actively ill, partially weight-restored, long-term remitted and non-eating-disordered women

Author(s): Steiger H, Booij L, Kahan `, McGregor K, Thaler L, Fletcher E, Labbe A, Joober R, Israël M, Szyf M, Agellon LB, Gauvin L, St-Hilaire A, Rossi E

J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2019 05 01;44(3):205-213 Authors: Steiger H, Booij L, Kahan `, McGregor K, Thaler L, Fletcher E, Labbe A, Joober R, Israël M, Szyf M, Agellon LB, Gauvin L, St-Hilaire A, Rossi E

Article GUID: 30693739

Successful aging, cognitive function, socioeconomic status, and leukocyte telomere length.

Author(s): Huang Y, Yim OS, Lai PS, Yu R, Chew SH, Gwee X, Nyunt MSZ, Gao Q, Ng TP, Ebstein RP, Gouin JP

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 May;103:180-187 Authors: Huang Y, Yim OS, Lai PS, Yu R, Chew SH, Gwee X, Nyunt MSZ, Gao Q, Ng TP, Ebstein RP, Gouin JP

Article GUID: 30708136

A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Multidimensional Pain Readiness to Change Questionnaire 2 for Japanese Individuals With Chronic Pain.

Author(s): Adachi T, Sunohara M, Ogawa M, Enomoto K, Fujita Y, Mizuno Y, Miki K, Yukioka M, Maeda L, Nishiwaki Y, Itoh K, Nakanishi M, Iwashita N, Kita...

Pain Pract. 2019 Mar 20;: Authors: Adachi T, Sunohara M, Ogawa M, Enomoto K, Fujita Y, Mizuno Y, Miki K, Yukioka M, Maeda L, Nishiwaki Y, Itoh K, Nakanishi M, Iwashita N, Kitagawa H, Sasaki J, Jen...

Article GUID: 30891879

Japanese cross-cultural validation study of the Pain Stage of Change Questionnaire.

Author(s): Adachi T, Sunohara M, Enomoto K, Sasaki K, Sakaue G, Fujita Y, Mizuno Y, Okamoto Y, Miki K, Yukioka M, Nitta K, Iwashita N, Kitagawa H, Shib...

Pain Rep. 2019 Mar-Apr;4(2):e711 Authors: Adachi T, Sunohara M, Enomoto K, Sasaki K, Sakaue G, Fujita Y, Mizuno Y, Okamoto Y, Miki K, Yukioka M, Nitta K, Iwashita N, Kitagawa H, Shibata M, Sasaki ...

Article GUID: 31041416

Is a fusobacterium nucleatum infection in the colon a risk factor for colorectal cancer?: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.

Author(s): Idrissi Janati A, Karp I, Sabri H, Emami E

Syst Rev. 2019 May 10;8(1):114 Authors: Idrissi Janati A, Karp I, Sabri H, Emami E

Article GUID: 31077259

Derisive Parenting Fosters Dysregulated Anger in Adolescent Children and Subsequent Difficulties with Peers.

Author(s): Dickson DJ, Laursen B, Valdes O, Stattin H

J Youth Adolesc. 2019 May 24;: Authors: Dickson DJ, Laursen B, Valdes O, Stattin H

Article GUID: 31127441

10Kin1day: A Bottom-Up Neuroimaging Initiative.

Author(s): van den Heuvel MP, Scholtens LH, van der Burgh HK, Agosta F, Alloza C, Arango C, Auyeung B, Baron-Cohen S, Basaia S, Benders MJNL, Beyer F, ...

Front Neurol. 2019;10:425 Authors: van den Heuvel MP, Scholtens LH, van der Burgh HK, Agosta F, Alloza C, Arango C, Auyeung B, Baron-Cohen S, Basaia S, Benders MJNL, Beyer F, Booij L, Braun KPJ, F...

Article GUID: 31133958

Predictors of the Onset of Cigarette Smoking: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Population-Based Studies in Youth.

Author(s): Wellman RJ, Dugas EN, Dutczak H, O'Loughlin EK, Datta GD, Lauzon B, O'Loughlin J

Am J Prev Med. 2016 11;51(5):767-778 Authors: Wellman RJ, Dugas EN, Dutczak H, O'Loughlin EK, Datta GD, Lauzon B, O'Loughlin J

Article GUID: 27180028

Cerebral Activity Associated with Transient Sleep-Facilitated Reduction in Motor Memory Vulnerability to Interference.

Author(s): Albouy G, King BR, Schmidt C, Desseilles M, Dang-Vu TT, Balteau E, Phillips C, Degueldre C, Orban P, Benali H, Peigneux P, Luxen A, Karni A,...

Sci Rep. 2016 10 11;6:34948 Authors: Albouy G, King BR, Schmidt C, Desseilles M, Dang-Vu TT, Balteau E, Phillips C, Degueldre C, Orban P, Benali H, Peigneux P, Luxen A, Karni A, Doyon J, Maquet P,...

Article GUID: 27725727

Use of routinely available clinical, nutritional, and functional criteria to classify cachexia in advanced cancer patients.

Author(s): Vigano AAL, Morais JA, Ciutto L, Rosenthall L, di Tomasso J, Khan S, Olders H, Borod M, Kilgour RD

Clin Nutr. 2017 10;36(5):1378-1390 Authors: Vigano AAL, Morais JA, Ciutto L, Rosenthall L, di Tomasso J, Khan S, Olders H, Borod M, Kilgour RD

Article GUID: 27793524

Prospective Impact of Psychiatric Disorders on Employment Status and Health Care Use in Patients Investigated for Occupational Asthma.

Author(s): Lavoie KL, Favreau H, Paine NJ, Lemière C, Joseph M, Gagnon-Chauvin A, Cartier A, Bacon SL

J Occup Environ Med. 2016 12;58(12):1196-1201 Authors: Lavoie KL, Favreau H, Paine NJ, Lemière C, Joseph M, Gagnon-Chauvin A, Cartier A, Bacon SL

Article GUID: 27930478

Socioeconomic status is associated with the prevalence and co-occurrence of risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation during adolescence.

Author(s): Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin EK, Dutczak H, Montreuil A, Datta GD, O'Loughlin J

Int J Public Health. 2018 Jan;63(1):125-136 Authors: Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin EK, Dutczak H, Montreuil A, Datta GD, O'Loughlin J

Article GUID: 29116338

Framing obesity a disease: Indirect effects of affect and controllability beliefs on weight bias.

Author(s): Nutter S, Alberga AS, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S

Int J Obes (Lond). 2018 10;42(10):1804-1811 Authors: Nutter S, Alberga AS, MacInnis C, Ellard JH, Russell-Mayhew S

Article GUID: 29795457

Ghrelin Axis Reveals the Interacting Influence of Central Obesity and Hypertension.

Author(s): Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Lai CW, Wong CSC, Siu PM

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018;9:534 Authors: Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Lai CW, Wong CSC, Siu PM

Article GUID: 30258404

Cardiac mitochondrial respiration following a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.

Author(s): Rocha C, Koury OH, Scheede-Bergdahl C, Bergdahl A

J Physiol Biochem. 2019 Feb;75(1):65-72 Authors: Rocha C, Koury OH, Scheede-Bergdahl C, Bergdahl A

Article GUID: 30362048

Association Between Depression, Lung Function and Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Asthma and Occupational Asthma.

Author(s): Paine NJ, Joseph MF, Bacon SL, Julien CA, Cartier A, Ditto B, Favreau H, Lavoie KL

J Occup Environ Med. 2019 Mar 01;: Authors: Paine NJ, Joseph MF, Bacon SL, Julien CA, Cartier A, Ditto B, Favreau H, Lavoie KL

Article GUID: 30855523

Light-regulated translational control of circadian behavior by eIF4E phosphorylation.

Author(s): Cao R, Gkogkas CG, de Zavalia N, Blum ID, Yanagiya A, Tsukumo Y, Xu H, Lee C, Storch KF, Liu AC, Amir S, Sonenberg N

Nat Neurosci. 2015 Jun;18(6):855-62 Authors: Cao R, Gkogkas CG, de Zavalia N, Blum ID, Yanagiya A, Tsukumo Y, Xu H, Lee C, Storch KF, Liu AC, Amir S, Sonenberg N

Article GUID: 25915475

Alcohol-Seeking Triggered by Discrete Pavlovian Cues is Invigorated by Alcohol Contexts and Mediated by Glutamate Signaling in the Basolateral Amygdala.

Author(s): Sciascia JM, Reese RM, Janak PH, Chaudhri N

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2015 Nov;40(12):2801-12 Authors: Sciascia JM, Reese RM, Janak PH, Chaudhri N

Article GUID: 25953360

Cortical Thinning and Altered Cortico-Cortical Structural Covariance of the Default Mode Network in Patients with Persistent Insomnia Symptoms.

Author(s): Suh S, Kim H, Dang-Vu TT, Joo E, Shin C

Sleep. 2016 Jan 01;39(1):161-71 Authors: Suh S, Kim H, Dang-Vu TT, Joo E, Shin C

Article GUID: 26414892

The Female Sexual Response: Current Models, Neurobiological Underpinnings and Agents Currently Approved or Under Investigation for the Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder.

Author(s): Kingsberg SA, Clayton AH, Pfaus JG

CNS Drugs. 2015 Nov;29(11):915-33 Authors: Kingsberg SA, Clayton AH, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 26519340

Toward a More Evidence-Based Nosology and Nomenclature for Female Sexual Dysfunctions-Part II.

Author(s): Parish SJ, Goldstein AT, Goldstein SW, Goldstein I, Pfaus J, Clayton AH, Giraldi A, Simon JA, Althof SE, Bachmann G, Komisaruk B, Levin R, S...

J Sex Med. 2016 12;13(12):1888-1906 Authors: Parish SJ, Goldstein AT, Goldstein SW, Goldstein I, Pfaus J, Clayton AH, Giraldi A, Simon JA, Althof SE, Bachmann G, Komisaruk B, Levin R, Spadt SK, Ki...

Article GUID: 27843072

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) Expert Consensus Panel Review.

Author(s): Goldstein I, Kim NN, Clayton AH, DeRogatis LR, Giraldi A, Parish SJ, Pfaus J, Simon JA, Kingsberg SA, Meston C, Stahl SM, Wallen K, Worsley R

Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Jan;92(1):114-128 Authors: Goldstein I, Kim NN, Clayton AH, DeRogatis LR, Giraldi A, Parish SJ, Pfaus J, Simon JA, Kingsberg SA, Meston C, Stahl SM, Wallen K, Worsley R

Article GUID: 27916394

Postretrieval Extinction Attenuates Alcohol Cue Reactivity in Rats.

Author(s): Cofresí RU, Lewis SM, Chaudhri N, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Gonzales RA

Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2017 03;41(3):608-617 Authors: Cofresí RU, Lewis SM, Chaudhri N, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Gonzales RA

Article GUID: 28169439

Exploring the role of locomotor sensitization in the circadian food entrainment pathway.

Author(s): Opiol H, de Zavalia N, Delorme T, Solis P, Rutherford S, Shalev U, Amir S

PLoS One. 2017;12(3):e0174113 Authors: Opiol H, de Zavalia N, Delorme T, Solis P, Rutherford S, Shalev U, Amir S

Article GUID: 28301599

Pre-treatment EEG signal variability is associated with treatment success in depression.

Author(s): Jaworska N, Wang H, Smith DM, Blier P, Knott V, Protzner AB

Neuroimage Clin. 2018;17:368-377 Authors: Jaworska N, Wang H, Smith DM, Blier P, Knott V, Protzner AB

Article GUID: 29159049

Characterizing conditioned reactivity to sequential alcohol-predictive cues in well-trained rats.

Author(s): Cofresí RU, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA

Alcohol. 2018 Jun;69:41-49 Authors: Cofresí RU, Lee HJ, Monfils MH, Chaudhri N, Gonzales RA

Article GUID: 29635111

Sequence-dependent nanometer-scale conformational dynamics of individual RecBCD-DNA complexes.

Author(s): Carter AR, Seaberg MH, Fan HF, Sun G, Wilds CJ, Li HW, Perkins TT

Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 07 08;44(12):5849-60 Authors: Carter AR, Seaberg MH, Fan HF, Sun G, Wilds CJ, Li HW, Perkins TT

Article GUID: 27220465

Beauvericin Potentiates Azole Activity via Inhibition of Multidrug Efflux, Blocks Candida albicans Morphogenesis, and Is Effluxed via Yor1 and Circuitry Controlled by Zcf29.

Author(s): Shekhar-Guturja T, Tebung WA, Mount H, Liu N, Köhler JR, Whiteway M, Cowen LE

Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 12;60(12):7468-7480 Authors: Shekhar-Guturja T, Tebung WA, Mount H, Liu N, Köhler JR, Whiteway M, Cowen LE

Article GUID: 27736764

Smart Self-Assembled Nanosystem Based on Water-Soluble Pillararene and Rare-Earth-Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles for pH-Responsive Drug Delivery.

Author(s): Li H, Wei R, Yan GH, Sun J, Li C, Wang H, Shi L, Capobianco JA, Sun L

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2018 Feb 07;10(5):4910-4920 Authors: Li H, Wei R, Yan GH, Sun J, Li C, Wang H, Shi L, Capobianco JA, Sun L

Article GUID: 29336139

Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of a potent N-acylindole antagonist of the OXE receptor for the eosinophil chemoattractant 5-oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-oxo-ETE) in rats and monkeys.

Author(s): Reddy CN, Alhamza H, Chourey S, Ye Q, Gore V, Cossette C, Gravel S, Slobodchikova I, Vuckovic D, Rokach J, Powell WS

Eur J Pharm Sci. 2018 Mar 30;115:88-99 Authors: Reddy CN, Alhamza H, Chourey S, Ye Q, Gore V, Cossette C, Gravel S, Slobodchikova I, Vuckovic D, Rokach J, Powell WS

Article GUID: 29339225

Microfluidic Assembly To Synthesize Dual Enzyme/Oxidation-Responsive Polyester-Based Nanoparticulates with Controlled Sizes for Drug Delivery.

Author(s): Hong SH, Patel T, Ip S, Garg S, Oh JK

Langmuir. 2018 03 13;34(10):3316-3325 Authors: Hong SH, Patel T, Ip S, Garg S, Oh JK

Article GUID: 29485889

Kinetics and molecular docking of dihydroxanthyletin-type coumarins from Angelica decursiva that inhibit cholinesterase and BACE1.

Author(s): Ali MY, Seong SH, Jung HA, Jannat S, Choi JS

Arch Pharm Res. 2018 Jul;41(7):753-764 Authors: Ali MY, Seong SH, Jung HA, Jannat S, Choi JS

Article GUID: 30047040

Dual disassembly and biological evaluation of enzyme/oxidation-responsive polyester-based nanoparticulates for tumor-targeting delivery.

Author(s): Hong SH, Larocque K, Jaunky DB, Piekny A, Oh JK

Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces. 2018 Dec 01;172:608-617 Authors: Hong SH, Larocque K, Jaunky DB, Piekny A, Oh JK

Article GUID: 30223243

Multifunctional Self-Assembled Supernanoparticles for Deep-Tissue Bimodal Imaging and Amplified Dual-Mode Heating Treatment.

Author(s): Yang F, Skripka A, Tabatabaei MS, Hong SH, Ren F, Benayas A, Oh JK, Martel S, Liu X, Vetrone F, Ma D

ACS Nano. 2019 Jan 22;13(1):408-420 Authors: Yang F, Skripka A, Tabatabaei MS, Hong SH, Ren F, Benayas A, Oh JK, Martel S, Liu X, Vetrone F, Ma D

Article GUID: 30604607

Insights into Long-Term Toxicity of Triclosan to Freshwater Green Algae in Lake Erie.

Author(s): Xin X, Huang G, An C, Raina-Fulton R, Weger H

Environ Sci Technol. 2019 Feb 19;53(4):2189-2198 Authors: Xin X, Huang G, An C, Raina-Fulton R, Weger H

Article GUID: 30673261

Inhibition of β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 and cholinesterases by pterosins via a specific structure-activity relationship with a strong BBB permeability.

Author(s): Jannat S, Balupuri A, Ali MY, Hong SS, Choi CW, Choi YH, Ku JM, Kim WJ, Leem JY, Kim JE, Shrestha AC, Ham HN, Lee KH, Kim DM, Kang NS, Park GH

Exp Mol Med. 2019 02 12;51(2):12 Authors: Jannat S, Balupuri A, Ali MY, Hong SS, Choi CW, Choi YH, Ku JM, Kim WJ, Leem JY, Kim JE, Shrestha AC, Ham HN, Lee KH, Kim DM, Kang NS, Park GH

Article GUID: 30755593

Building a global alliance of biofoundries.

Author(s): Hillson N, Caddick M, Cai Y, Carrasco JA, Chang MW, Curach NC, Bell DJ, Le Feuvre R, Friedman DC, Fu X, Gold ND, Herrgård MJ, Holowko MB, Jo...

Nat Commun. 2019 05 09;10(1):2040 Authors: Hillson N, Caddick M, Cai Y, Carrasco JA, Chang MW, Curach NC, Bell DJ, Le Feuvre R, Friedman DC, Fu X, Gold ND, Herrgård MJ, Holowko MB, Johnson JR...

Article GUID: 31068573

Corrigendum to "Ultrasonography of multifidus muscle morphology and function in ice hockey players with and without low back pain" [Physical Therapy in Sport 37 (2019) 77-85].

Author(s): Fortin M, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Rivaz H

Phys Ther Sport. 2019 Apr 17;38:16 Authors: Fortin M, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Rivaz H PMID: 31005031 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Article GUID: 31005031

Deformable registration of preoperative MR, pre-resection ultrasound, and post-resection ultrasound images of neurosurgery.

Author(s): Rivaz H, Collins DL

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2015 Jul;10(7):1017-28 Authors: Rivaz H, Collins DL

Article GUID: 25373447

Predictors of Cigarette Smoking Initiation in Early, Middle, and Late Adolescence.

Author(s): O'Loughlin J, O'Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Dugas EN, Chagnon M, Dutczak H, Laguë J, McGrath JJ

J Adolesc Health. 2017 Sep;61(3):363-370 Authors: O'Loughlin J, O'Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Dugas EN, Chagnon M, Dutczak H, Laguë J, McGrath JJ

Article GUID: 28318910

REtroSpective Evaluation of Cerebral Tumors (RESECT): A clinical database of pre-operative MRI and intra-operative ultrasound in low-grade glioma surgeries.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Fortin M, Unsgård G, Rivaz H, Reinertsen I

Med Phys. 2017 Jul;44(7):3875-3882 Authors: Xiao Y, Fortin M, Unsgård G, Rivaz H, Reinertsen I

Article GUID: 28391601

The Effects of Age and Hearing Loss on Dual-Task Balance and Listening.

Author(s): Bruce H, Aponte D, St-Onge N, Phillips N, Gagné JP, Li KZH

J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2019 Jan 10;74(2):275-283 Authors: Bruce H, Aponte D, St-Onge N, Phillips N, Gagné JP, Li KZH

Article GUID: 28486677

Evaluation of an automated thresholding algorithm for the quantification of paraspinal muscle composition from MRI images.

Author(s): Fortin M, Omidyeganeh M, Battié MC, Ahmad O, Rivaz H

Biomed Eng Online. 2017 May 22;16(1):61 Authors: Fortin M, Omidyeganeh M, Battié MC, Ahmad O, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 28532491

Re-stepping into the same river: competition problem rather than a reconsolidation failure in an established motor skill.

Author(s): Gabitov E, Boutin A, Pinsard B, Censor N, Fogel SM, Albouy G, King BR, Benali H, Carrier J, Cohen LG, Karni A, Doyon J

Sci Rep. 2017 08 24;7(1):9406 Authors: Gabitov E, Boutin A, Pinsard B, Censor N, Fogel SM, Albouy G, King BR, Benali H, Carrier J, Cohen LG, Karni A, Doyon J

Article GUID: 28839217

Multimodal 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI and Ultrasound-Guided Neurosurgery of an Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma.

Author(s): Karlberg A, Berntsen EM, Johansen H, Myrthue M, Skjulsvik AJ, Reinertsen I, Esmaeili M, Dai HY, Xiao Y, Rivaz H, Borghammer P, Solheim O, Eikenes L

World Neurosurg. 2017 Dec;108:989.e1-989.e8 Authors: Karlberg A, Berntsen EM, Johansen H, Myrthue M, Skjulsvik AJ, Reinertsen I, Esmaeili M, Dai HY, Xiao Y, Rivaz H, Borghammer P, Solheim O, Eikenes L

Article GUID: 28844925

A comparison of the impact of physical exercise, cognitive training and combined intervention on spontaneous walking speed in older adults.

Author(s): Pothier K, Gagnon C, Fraser SA, Lussier M, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Berryman N, Kergoat MJ, Vu TTM, Li KZH, Bosquet L, Bherer L

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2018 Aug;30(8):921-925 Authors: Pothier K, Gagnon C, Fraser SA, Lussier M, Desjardins-Crépeau L, Berryman N, Kergoat MJ, Vu TTM, Li KZH, Bosquet L, Bherer L

Article GUID: 29235076

Nonlinear deformation of tractography in ultrasound-guided low-grade gliomas resection.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Eikenes L, Reinertsen I, Rivaz H

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2018 Mar;13(3):457-467 Authors: Xiao Y, Eikenes L, Reinertsen I, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 29299739

Intra-operative Video Characterization of Carotid Artery Pulsation Patterns in Case Series with Post-endarterectomy Hypertension and Hyperperfusion Syndrome.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Rivaz H, Kasuya H, Yokosako S, Mindru C, Teitelbaum J, Sirhan D, Sinclair D, Angle M, Lo BWY

Transl Stroke Res. 2018 10;9(5):452-458 Authors: Xiao Y, Rivaz H, Kasuya H, Yokosako S, Mindru C, Teitelbaum J, Sirhan D, Sinclair D, Angle M, Lo BWY

Article GUID: 29322480

Correction to: Nonlinear deformation of tractography in ultrasound-guided low-grade gliomas resection.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Eikenes L, Reinertsen I, Rivaz H

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2018 03;13(3):469 Authors: Xiao Y, Eikenes L, Reinertsen I, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 29392538

Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis of the Cervical Spine Extensor Muscles: Intrarater and Interrater Reliability of a Novice and an Experienced Rater.

Author(s): Fortin M, Dobrescu O, Jarzem P, Ouellet J, Weber MH

Asian Spine J. 2018 Feb;12(1):94-102 Authors: Fortin M, Dobrescu O, Jarzem P, Ouellet J, Weber MH

Article GUID: 29503688

High-Dynamic-Range Ultrasound: Application for Imaging Tendon Pathology.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Boily M, Hashemi HS, Rivaz H

Ultrasound Med Biol. 2018 07;44(7):1525-1532 Authors: Xiao Y, Boily M, Hashemi HS, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 29628224

Population-averaged MRI atlases for automated image processing and assessments of lumbar paraspinal muscles.

Author(s): Xiao Y, Fortin M, Battié MC, Rivaz H

Eur Spine J. 2018 Oct;27(10):2442-2448 Authors: Xiao Y, Fortin M, Battié MC, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 30051147

Which Early Childhood Experiences and Skills Predict Kindergarten Working Memory?

Author(s): Wang AH, Fitzpatrick C

J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019 Jan;40(1):40-48 Authors: Wang AH, Fitzpatrick C

Article GUID: 30095561

Beyond spindles: interactions between sleep spindles and boundary frequencies during cued reactivation of motor memory representations.

Author(s): Laventure S, Pinsard B, Lungu O, Carrier J, Fogel S, Benali H, Lina JM, Boutin A, Doyon J

Sleep. 2018 Sep 01;41(9): Authors: Laventure S, Pinsard B, Lungu O, Carrier J, Fogel S, Benali H, Lina JM, Boutin A, Doyon J

Article GUID: 30137521

ARENA: Inter-modality affine registration using evolutionary strategy.

Author(s): Masoumi N, Xiao Y, Rivaz H

Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2019 Mar;14(3):441-450 Authors: Masoumi N, Xiao Y, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 30535826

Consolidation alters motor sequence-specific distributed representations.

Author(s): Pinsard B, Boutin A, Gabitov E, Lungu O, Benali H, Doyon J

Elife. 2019 Mar 18;8: Authors: Pinsard B, Boutin A, Gabitov E, Lungu O, Benali H, Doyon J

Article GUID: 30882348

Ultrasonography of multifidus muscle morphology and function in ice hockey players with and without low back pain.

Author(s): Fortin M, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Rivaz H

Phys Ther Sport. 2019 Mar 13;37:77-85 Authors: Fortin M, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Rivaz H

Article GUID: 30897493