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Author(s): Byers-Heinlein K, Tsui RK, van Renswoude D, Black AK, Barr R, Brown A, Colomer M, Durrant S, Gampe A, Gonzalez-Gomez N, Hay JF, Hernik M, Ja...
Determining the meanings of words requires language learners to attend to what other people say. However, it behooves a young language learner to simultaneously encode relevant non-verbal cues, for...
Article GUID: 33306867
Author(s): Horianopoulos LC, Gluck-Thaler E, Benoit Gelber I, Cowen LE, Geddes-McAlister J, Landry CR, Schwartz IS, Scott JA, Sellam A, Sheppard DC, Sp...
Can J Microbiol. 2020 Jul 27;: Authors: Horianopoulos LC, Gluck-Thaler E, Benoit Gelber I, Cowen LE, Geddes-McAlister J, Landry CR, Schwartz IS, Scott JA, Sellam A, Sheppard DC, Spribille T, Subra...
Article GUID: 32717148