Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Are sexual functioning problems associated with frequent pornography use and/or problematic pornography use? Results from a large community survey including males and females.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Griffiths MD, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

There is much debate regarding whether pornography use has positive or negative associations with sexuality-related measures such as sexual functioning problems. The present study aimed to examine differential correlates between quantity (frequency of porno...

Article GUID: 32810799

Is Self-Compassion Universal? Support for the Measurement Invariance of the Self-Compassion Scale Across Populations.

Author(s): Tóth-Király I, Neff KD

Assessment. 2020 Jun 01;:1073191120926232 Authors: Tóth-Király I, Neff KD

Article GUID: 32475146

Predictors and outcomes of core and peripheral sport motivation profiles: A person-centered study.

Author(s): Tóth-Király I, Amoura C, Bothe B, Orosz G, Rigó A

J Sports Sci. 2020 Mar 11;:1-13 Authors: Tóth-Király I, Amoura C, Bőthe B, Orosz G, Rigó A

Article GUID: 32156190

Development and Validation of the Self-Compassion Scale for Youth.

Author(s): Neff KD, Bluth K, Tóth-Király I, Davidson O, Knox MC, Williamson Z, Costigan A

J Pers Assess. 2020 Mar 03;:1-14 Authors: Neff KD, Bluth K, Tóth-Király I, Davidson O, Knox MC, Williamson Z, Costigan A

Article GUID: 32125190

High-Frequency Pornography Use May Not Always Be Problematic.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

J Sex Med. 2020 Feb 04;: Authors: Bőthe B, Tóth-Király I, Potenza MN, Orosz G, Demetrovics Z

Article GUID: 32033863

The Short Version of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-6): A Reliable and Valid Measure in General and Treatment-Seeking Populations.

Author(s): Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Demetrovics Z, Orosz G

The Short Version of the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale (PPCS-6): A Reliable and Valid Measure in General and Treatment-Seeking Populations.

J Sex Res. 2020 Jan 29;:1-11

Authors: Bothe B, Tóth-Király I, Demetrovics Z, Orosz G<...

Article GUID: 31995398

The associations between orthorexia nervosa and the sociocultural attitudes: the mediating role of basic psychological needs and health anxiety.

Author(s): Tóth-Király I, Gajdos P, Román N, Vass N, Rigó A

Eat Weight Disord. 2019 Dec 06;: Authors: Tóth-Király I, Gajdos P, Román N, Vass N, Rigó A

Article GUID: 31811515

The Development and Validation of the Compassion Scale.

Author(s): Pommier E, Neff KD, Tóth-Király I

Assessment. 2019 Sep 13;:1073191119874108 Authors: Pommier E, Neff KD, Tóth-Király I

Article GUID: 31516024