Keyword search (3,619 papers available)

Appetitive olfactory conditioning in the neonatal male rat facilitates subsequent sexual partner preference.

Author(s): Ménard S, Gelez H, Jacubovitch M, Coria-Avila GA, Pfaus JG

Pairing a neutral odor with a male rat's initial sexual experiences to ejaculation produces a subsequent conditioned ejaculatory preference (CEP) in which males ejaculate preferentially with receptive females that bear the odor relative to unscented rec...

Article GUID: 32919208

Stress-Related Trajectories of Diurnal Cortisol in Older Adulthood Over 12 Years.

Author(s): Herriot H, Wrosch C, Hamm JM, Pruessner JC

OBJECTIVE: Although evidence shows that stress experiences can predict both hyper- and hypo-cortisol regulation, there is a lack of research examining these associations longitudinally. Our study assessed whether levels and increases in psychological stress...

Article GUID: 32866774

Disaster-related prenatal maternal stress predicts HPA reactivity and psychopathology in adolescent offspring: Project Ice Storm.

Author(s): Yong Ping E, Laplante DP, Elgbeili G, Jones SL, Brunet A, King S

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2020 Apr 21;117:104697 Authors: Yong Ping E, Laplante DP, Elgbeili G, Jones SL, Brunet A, King S

Article GUID: 32442863

The non-aromatizable androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT) facilitates sexual behavior in ovariectomized female rats primed with estradiol.

Author(s): Maseroli E, Santangelo A, Lara-Fontes B, Quintana GR, Mac Cionnaith CE, Casarrubea M, Ricca V, Maggi M, Vignozzi L, Pfaus JG

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2020 Feb 07;115:104606 Authors: Maseroli E, Santangelo A, Lara-Fontes B, Quintana GR, Mac Cionnaith CE, Casarrubea M, Ricca V, Maggi M, Vignozzi L, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 32087523

Interpersonal capitalization moderates the associations of chronic caregiving stress and depression with inflammation.

Author(s): Gouin JP, Wrosch C, McGrath J, Booij L

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 Nov 09;:104509 Authors: Gouin JP, Wrosch C, McGrath J, Booij L

Article GUID: 31744782

Modulation of spatial and response strategies by phase of the menstrual cycle in women tested in a virtual navigation task.

Author(s): Hussain D, Hanafi S, Konishi K, Brake WG, Bohbot VD

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016 08;70:108-17 Authors: Hussain D, Hanafi S, Konishi K, Brake WG, Bohbot VD

Article GUID: 27213559

Peripheral DNA methylation of HPA axis-related genes in humans: Cross-tissue convergence, two-year stability and behavioural and neural correlates.

Author(s): Di Sante J, Ismaylova E, Nemoda Z, Gouin JP, Yu WJ, Caldwell W, Vitaro F, Szyf M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2018 11;97:196-205 Authors: Di Sante J, Ismaylova E, Nemoda Z, Gouin JP, Yu WJ, Caldwell W, Vitaro F, Szyf M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 30059826

Dehydroepiandrosterone impacts working memory by shaping cortico-hippocampal structural covariance during development.

Author(s): Nguyen TV, Wu M, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba C, Monnier P, Ducharme S, McC...

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017 Dec;86:110-121 Authors: Nguyen TV, Wu M, Lew J, Albaugh MD, Botteron KN, Hudziak JJ, Fonov VS, Collins DL, Campbell BC, Booij L, Herba C, Monnier P, Ducharme S, McCr...

Article GUID: 28946055

Automatic and effortful emotional information processing regulates different aspects of the stress response.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Schwartzman AE, Stewart J, Walker CD

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006 Apr;31(3):373-87 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Schwartzman AE, Stewart J, Walker CD

Article GUID: 16289608

Daytime cortisol and stress reactivity in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S, Walker CD, Couture S, Adam S

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006 Nov;31(10):1164-80 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S, Walker CD, Couture S, Adam S

Article GUID: 17055665

Structure provided by parents in middle childhood predicts cortisol reactivity in adolescence among the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder and controls.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Jun;34(5):773-85 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Hodgins S

Article GUID: 19193493

Intranasal oxytocin attenuates the cortisol response to physical stress: a dose-response study.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Orlando MA, Bacon SL, Joober R

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar;38(3):399-407 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Orlando MA, Bacon SL, Joober R

Article GUID: 22889586

Intranasal oxytocin impedes the ability to ignore task-irrelevant facial expressions of sadness in students with depressive symptoms.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Mar;38(3):387-98 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Cardoso C, Joober R

Article GUID: 22902063

Salivary cortisol and interpersonal functioning: an event-contingent recording study in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder.

Author(s): Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Santo JB, aan het Rot M, Hodgins S, Young SN

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Jul;38(7):997-1006 Authors: Ellenbogen MA, Linnen AM, Santo JB, aan het Rot M, Hodgins S, Young SN

Article GUID: 23131593

Stress-induced negative mood moderates the relation between oxytocin administration and trust: evidence for the tend-and-befriend response to stress?

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Serravalle L, Linnen AM

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Nov;38(11):2800-4 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA, Serravalle L, Linnen AM

Article GUID: 23768973

Oxytocin and psychotherapy: keeping context and person in mind.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013 Dec;38(12):3172-3 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA PMID: 24035601 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 24035601

Tend-and-befriend is a beacon for change in stress research: a reply to Tops.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jul;45:212-3 Authors: Cardoso C, Ellenbogen MA PMID: 24755423 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Article GUID: 24755423

The impact of attentional training on the salivary cortisol and alpha amylase response to psychosocial stress: importance of attentional control.

Author(s): Pilgrim K, Ellenbogen MA, Paquin K

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jun;44:88-99 Authors: Pilgrim K, Ellenbogen MA, Paquin K

Article GUID: 24767623

A meta-analytic review of the impact of intranasal oxytocin administration on cortisol concentrations during laboratory tasks: moderation by method and mental health.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Kingdon D, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Nov;49:161-70 Authors: Cardoso C, Kingdon D, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 25086828

Memory response to oxytocin predicts relationship dissolution over 18 months.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Kalogeropoulos C, Brown CA, Orlando MA, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016 06;68:171-6 Authors: Cardoso C, Kalogeropoulos C, Brown CA, Orlando MA, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 26986091

Oxytocin and social context moderate social support seeking in women during negative memory recall.

Author(s): Cardoso C, Valkanas H, Serravalle L, Ellenbogen MA

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016 08;70:63-9 Authors: Cardoso C, Valkanas H, Serravalle L, Ellenbogen MA

Article GUID: 27164224

Successful aging, cognitive function, socioeconomic status, and leukocyte telomere length.

Author(s): Huang Y, Yim OS, Lai PS, Yu R, Chew SH, Gwee X, Nyunt MSZ, Gao Q, Ng TP, Ebstein RP, Gouin JP

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 May;103:180-187 Authors: Huang Y, Yim OS, Lai PS, Yu R, Chew SH, Gwee X, Nyunt MSZ, Gao Q, Ng TP, Ebstein RP, Gouin JP

Article GUID: 30708136

Facilitation of sexual behavior in ovariectomized rats by estradiol and testosterone: A preclinical model of androgen effects on female sexual desire.

Author(s): Jones SL, Ismail N, Pfaus JG

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017 05;79:122-133 Authors: Jones SL, Ismail N, Pfaus JG

Article GUID: 28278441