Keyword search (3,448 papers available)

The gold-standard genome of Aspergillus niger NRRL 3 enables a detailed view of the diversity of sugar catabolism in fungi.

Author(s): Aguilar-Pontes MV, Brandl J, McDonnell E, Strasser K, Nguyen TTM, Riley R, Mondo S, Salamov A, Nybo JL, Vesth TC, Grigoriev IV, Andersen MR,...

Stud Mycol. 2018 Sep;91:61-78 Authors: Aguilar-Pontes MV, Brandl J, McDonnell E, Strasser K, Nguyen TTM, Riley R, Mondo S, Salamov A, Nybo JL, Vesth TC, Grigoriev IV, Andersen MR, Tsang A, de Vrie...

Article GUID: 30425417

Genomic and exoproteomic diversity in plant biomass degradation approaches among Aspergilli

Author(s): Mäkelä MR; DiFalco M; McDonnell E; Nguyen TTM; Wiebenga A; Hildén K; Peng M; Grigoriev IV; Tsang A; de Vries RP;...

We classified the genes encoding carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) in 17 sequenced genomes representing 16 evolutionarily diverse Aspergillus species. We performed a phylogenetic analysis of th...

Article GUID: 30487660