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A multimodal neuroimaging study of youth at risk for substance use disorders: Functional magnetic resonance imaging and [18F]fallypride positron emission tomography

Author(s): Nikolic M; Cox SML; Jaworska N; Castellanos-Ryan N; Dagher A; Vitaro F; Brendgen M; Parent S; Boivin M; Côté S; Tremblay RE; Séguin JR; Leyton M;

Background: Adolescent alcohol use is the norm, but only some develop a substance use disorder. The increased risk might reflect heightened mesocorticolimbic responses to reward-related cues but results published to date have been inconsistent. Methods: Young social drinkers (age 18.5 ± 0.6 y.o. ...

Article GUID: 39725679

Birth weight is associated with adolescent brain development: A multimodal imaging study in monozygotic twins.

Author(s): Hayward DA, Pomares F, Casey KF, Ismaylova E, Levesque M, Greenlaw K, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Rénard F, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Previous research has shown that the prenatal environment, commonly indexed by birth weight (BW), is a predictor of morphological brain development. We previously showed in monozygotic (MZ) twins associations between BW and brain morphology that were independent of genetics. In the present study, ...

Article GUID: 32881198

Birth weight discordance, DNA methylation, and cortical morphology of adolescent monozygotic twins.

Author(s): Casey KF, Levesque ML, Szyf M, Ismaylova E, Verner MP, Suderman M, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Hum Brain Mapp. 2017 04;38(4):2037-2050 Authors: Casey KF, Levesque ML, Szyf M, Ismaylova E, Verner MP, Suderman M, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 28032437

Serotonin transporter promoter methylation in peripheral cells and neural responses to negative stimuli: A study of adolescent monozygotic twins.

Author(s): Ismaylova E, Lévesque ML, Pomares FB, Szyf M, Nemoda Z, Fahim C, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Transl Psychiatry. 2018 08 08;8(1):147 Authors: Ismaylova E, Lévesque ML, Pomares FB, Szyf M, Nemoda Z, Fahim C, Vitaro F, Brendgen M, Dionne G, Boivin M, Tremblay RE, Booij L

Article GUID: 30089832

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