Author(s): Tam BT; Wan K; Santosa S; Cai Z;
With over 420 million children (aged 0-19 years) worldwide living with overweight or obesity, the "obesity epidemic" or "globesity" is a defining public health challenge of this generation. While significant efforts have been made to address obesity in adults, less attention has been given to the critical issue of childhood overweight and ...
Article GUID: 39991475
Author(s): Soucy JP; Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier FZ; Rosa-Neto P; Rivaz HJ; Benali H;
Background: Tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) induce loss of synapses and neurons, leading to cognitive impairment. Predicting tau and neurodegeneration temporal evolution could be used for prognostication and for assessing results of therapeutic trials. Tau PET and MRI volumetry are ...
Article GUID: 39782975
Author(s): Soucy JP; Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier FZ; Rosa-Neto P; Rivaz HJ; Benali H;
Background: Tau aggregates in Alzheimer's disease (AD) induce loss of synapses and neurons, leading to cognitive impairment. Predicting tau and neurodegeneration temporal evolution could be used for prognostication and for assessing results of therapeutic trials. Tau PET and MRI volumetry are ...
Article GUID: 39784152
Author(s): Afnan J; Cai Z; Lina JM; Abdallah C; Delaire E; Avigdor T; Ros V; Hedrich T; von Ellenrieder N; Kobayashi E; Frauscher B; Gotman J; Grova C;
Electro/Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (EEG/MEG) source imaging (EMSI) of epileptic activity from deep generators is often challenging due to the higher sensitivity of EEG/MEG to superficial regions and to the spatial configuration of subcortical structures. We previously demonstrated the ability of the ...
Article GUID: 38994740
Author(s): Avigdor T; Abdallah C; Afnan J; Cai Z; Rammal S; Grova C; Frauscher B;
Objective: The use of electrical source imaging (ESI) in assessing the source of interictal epileptic discharges (IEDs) is gaining increasing popularity in presurgical work-up of patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. While vigilance affects the ability to locate IEDs and identify the epileptogenic zone, we know little about its impact on ESI. Meth ...
Article GUID: 38217279
Author(s): Belasso CJ; Cai Z; Bezgin G; Pascoal T; Stevenson J; Rahmouni N; Tissot C; Lussier F; Rosa-Neto P; Soucy JP; Rivaz H; Benali H;
Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis in its early stages remains difficult with current diagnostic approaches. Though tau neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) generally follow the stereotypical pattern described by the Braak staging scheme, the network degeneration hypothesis (NDH) has su ...
Article GUID: 37920382
Author(s): Afnan J; von Ellenrieder N; Lina JM; Pellegrino G; Arcara G; Cai Z; Hedrich T; Abdallah C; Khajehpour H; Frauscher B; Gotman J; Grova C;
Background: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a widely used non-invasive tool to estimate brain activity with high temporal resolution. However, due to the ill-posed nature of the MEG source imaging (MSI) problem, the ability of MSI to identify accurately underlying brain sources along the cortical ...
Article GUID: 37149236
Author(s): Cai Z; Pellegrino G; Lina JM; Benali H; Grova C;
Investigating the relationship between task-related hemodynamic responses and cortical excitability is challenging because it requires simultaneous measurement of hemodynamic responses while applying noninvasive brain stimulation. Moreover, cortical excitability and task-related hemodynamic responses are both associated with inter-/intra-subject variabili ...
Article GUID: 36250709
Author(s): Cai Z; Uji M; Aydin Ü; Pellegrino G; Spilkin A; Delaire É; Abdallah C; Lina JM; Grova C;
In the present study, we proposed and evaluated a workflow of personalized near infra-red optical tomography (NIROT) using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) for spatiotemporal imaging of cortical hemodynamic fluctuations. The proposed workflow from fNIRS data acquisition to local 3D reconstruction consists of: (a) the personalized optimal mont ...
Article GUID: 34342073
Author(s): Machado A; Cai Z; Vincent T; Pellegrino G; Lina JM; Kobayashi E; Grova C;
In functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), deconvolution analysis of oxy and deoxy-hemoglobin concentration changes allows estimating specific hemodynamic response functions (HRF) elicited by neuronal activity, taking advantage of the fNIRS excellent temporal resolution. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is also becoming the new standard reconstruct ...
Article GUID: 33727581
Author(s): Vasta R, Cerasa A, Gramigna V, Augimeri A, Olivadese G, Pellegrino G, Martino I, Machado A, Cai Z, Caracciolo M, Grova C, Quattrone A
Aging Clin Exp Res. 2017 Apr;29(2):311-318 Authors: Vasta R, Cerasa A, Gramigna V, Augimeri A, Olivadese G, Pellegrino G, Martino I, Machado A, Cai Z, Caracciolo M, Grova C, Quattrone A
Article GUID: 27055849
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