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Bilingual language experience and the neural underpinnings of working memory

Author(s): Kousaie S; Chen JK; Baum SR; Phillips NA; Titone D; Klein D;

A longstanding question in cognitive neuroscience and in the bilingualism literature is how early language experience influences brain development and cognitive outcomes, and whether these effects are global or specific to language-related processes. The cu ...

Article GUID: 34728242

Language learning experience and mastering the challenges of perceiving speech in noise

Author(s): Kousaie S; Baum S; Phillips NA; Gracco V; Titone D; Chen JK; Chai XJ; Klein D;

Given the ubiquity of noisy environments and increasing globalization, the necessity to perceive speech in noise in a non-native language is common and necessary for successful communication. In the current investigation, bilingual individuals who learned t ...

Article GUID: 31284145

Noninvasive tongue stimulation combined with intensive cognitive and physical rehabilitation induces neuroplastic changes in patients with multiple sclerosis: A multimodal neuroimaging study.

Author(s): Leonard G, Lapierre Y, Chen JK, Wardini R, Crane J, Ptito A

Noninvasive tongue stimulation combined with intensive cognitive and physical rehabilitation induces neuroplastic changes in patients with multiple sclerosis: A multimodal neuroimaging study.
Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2017 Jan-Mar;3(1):2055217317690 ...

Article GUID: 28607750

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