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Significant wins and their impacts: Predictors of problem gambling in French and Polish national samples

Author(s): Lelonek-Kuleta B; Tovar ML; Bartczuk RP; Costes JM;

Aim: We examined the role of significant win experiences alongside psychosocial factors in the risk of problem gambling. Participants: The study involved adult pure-chance gamblers from representative Polish (n = 3143) and French samples (n = 5692). Measurements: The questionnaire encompassed socio-demographic details, gambling behaviours, significant w ...

Article GUID: 39889363

Gambling Patterns and Problems of Gamblers on Licensed and Unlicensed Sites in France

Author(s): Costes JM; Kairouz S; Eroukmanoff V; Monson E;

In 2010 France enacted a law to regulate supply and consumption of online gambling. Its primary aim was to protect citizens from gambling-related harm. This study aims to assess differences in gambling patterns and related harm between online gamblers who use licensed versus unlicensed sites. Participants (N = 3860) completed a self-administered online su ...

Article GUID: 25862019

Where Lies the Harm in Lottery Gambling? A Portrait of Gambling Practices and Associated Problems

Author(s): Costes JM; Kairouz S; Monson E; Eroukmanoff V;

Lotteries are one of the most prevalent forms of gambling and generate substantial state revenues. They are also argued to be one of the least harmful forms of gambling. This paper is one of the first to examine exclusive lottery gamblers and compares their gambling patterns and problems as well other associated risky behaviours to those who are not exclu ...

Article GUID: 29536292

Online Gambling Practices and Related Problems in Five European Countries: Findings from the Electronic Gam(bl)ing Multinational Empirical Survey (E-GAMES) Project

Author(s): Costes JM; Kairouz S; Fiedler I; Bartczuk RP; Lelonkek-Kuleta B; Minutillo A; Notari L;

Online gambling has demonstrated a significant and growing impact on overall gambling involvement. To examine online gambling practices and associated problems, we conducted surveys with national samples of Internet users in several European countries. The objective of this paper is to provide a portrait of online gambling practices and problems in five E ...

Article GUID: 37466781

Using machine learning to retrospectively predict self-reported gambling problems in Quebec

Author(s): Murch WS; Kairouz S; Dauphinais S; Picard E; Costes JM; French M;

Background and aims: Participating in online gambling is associated with an increased risk for experiencing gambling-related harms, driving calls for more effective, personalized harm prevention initiatives. Such initiatives depend on the development of models capable of detecting at-risk online gamblers. We aimed to determine whether machine learning alg ...

Article GUID: 36880253

Simulated Gambling: An Explorative Study Based on a Representative Survey

Author(s): Fiedler I; Ante L; Meduna MV; Steinmetz F; Kairouz S; Costes JM;

Gambling usually involves wagering real money but can also be conducted with virtual money, chips, or coins. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as simulated gambling, social gambling, or play money gambling. This study explores correlations and transitions between simulated gambling and real money gambling with an emphasis on gambling-related harms ...

Article GUID: 36757603

Spending Money in Free-to-Play Games: Sociodemographic Characteristics, Motives, Impulsivity and Internet Gaming Disorder Specificities

Author(s): Costes JM; Bonnaire C;

Free-to-Play games (F2P) have spread widely all over the world in recent years. The current economic model for these games is based on microtransactions, where gamers can purchase additional items or services inside the game. The aim of the present study was (1) to describe the profiles and gaming patterns of F2P gamers, and (2) to compare F2P gamers who ...

Article GUID: 36497782

Experiencing a significant win and its sociodemographic and motivational predictors: A comparative analysis of pure-chance gamblers from Poland and France

Author(s): Lelonek-Kuleta B; Bartczuk RP; Tovar ML; Benoit E; Costes JM;

Research on the relationship between wins and gambling behavior often focuses on winning considerably large amounts of money. It seems, however, that it is not the amount of the win, but the significance that the player assigns to the win, that exerts a decisive influence on gambling behavior. Therefore, in this study we adopted the concept of significant ...

Article GUID: 36409760

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