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Genomics-Enabled Mixed-Stock Analysis Uncovers Intraspecific Migratory Complexity and Detects Unsampled Populations in a Harvested Fish

Author(s): Gibelli J; Won H; Michaelides S; Jeon HB; Fraser DJ;

The contributions of distinct populations to annual harvests provide key insights to conservation, especially in migratory species that return to specific reproductive areas. In this context, genetic stock identification (GSI) requires reference samples from source populations to assign harvested individuals, yet sampling might be challenging as reproduct ...

Article GUID: 39995301

Widespread admixture blurs population structure and confounds Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) conservation even in the genomic era

Author(s): Bernos TA; Gibelli J; Michaelides S; Won H; Jeon HB; Marin K; Boguski DA; Janjua MY; Gallagher CP; Howland KL; Fraser DJ;

Intraspecific variation is important for species' long-term persistence in changing environments. Conservation strategies targeting intraspecific variation often rely on the identification of management or policy units below the species level based on biological differences among populations. ...

Article GUID: 39730611

Temporal Variability in Effective Size ( [Formula] ) Identifies Potential Sources of Discrepancies Between Mark Recapture and Close Kin Mark Recapture Estimates of Population Abundance

Author(s): Ruzzante DE; McCracken GR; Fraser DJ; MacMillan J; Buhariwalla C; Flemming JM;

Although efforts to estimate effective population size, census size and their ratio in wild populations are expanding, few empirical studies investigate interannual changes in these parameters. Hence, we do not know how repeatable or representative many estimates may be. Answering this question requires studies of long-term population dynamics. Here we to ...

Article GUID: 39582254

Global assessment of effective population sizes: Consistent taxonomic differences in meeting the 50/500 rule

Author(s): Clarke SH; Lawrence ER; Matte JM; Gallagher BK; Salisbury SJ; Michaelides SN; Koumrouyan R; Ruzzante DE; Grant JWA; Fraser DJ;

Effective population size (Ne) is a particularly useful metric for conservation as it affects genetic drift, inbreeding and adaptive potential within populations. Current guidelines recommend a minimum Ne of 50 and 500 to avoid short-term inbreeding and to preserve long-term adaptive potential re ...

Article GUID: 38613250

Recruitment dynamics of juvenile salmonids: Comparisons among populations and with classic case studies

Author(s): Matte JO; Fraser DJ; Grant JWA;

Understanding recruitment, the process by which individuals are added to a population or to a fishery, is critical for understanding population dynamics and facilitating sustainable fisheries management. Important variation in recruitment dynamics is observed among populations, wherein some populations exhibit asymptotic productivity and others exhibit ov ...

Article GUID: 38599588

Microgeographic variation in demography and thermal regimes stabilize regional abundance of a widespread freshwater fish

Author(s): Gallagher BK; Fraser DJ;

Predicting the persistence of species under climate change is an increasingly important objective in ecological research and management. However, biotic and abiotic heterogeneity can drive asynchrony in population responses at small spatial scales, complicating species-level assessments. For widely distributed species consisting of many fragmented populat ...

Article GUID: 38071739

Macrogenetics reveals multifaceted influences of environmental variation on vertebrate population genetic diversity across the Americas

Author(s): Lawrence ER; Pedersen EJ; Fraser DJ;

The broad scale distribution of population-specific genetic diversity (GDP ) across taxa remains understudied relative to species diversity gradients, despite its relevance for systematic conservation planning. We used nuclear DNA data collected from 3678 vertebrate populations across the Americas to assess the role of environmental and spatial variables ...

Article GUID: 37365672

Demographic resilience of brook trout populations subjected to experimental size-selective harvesting

Author(s): Clarke SH; McCracken GR; Humphries S; Ruzzante DE; Grant JWA; Fraser DJ;

Sustainable management of exploited populations benefits from integrating demographic and genetic considerations into assessments, as both play a role in determining harvest yields and population persistence. This is especially important in populations subject to size-selective harvest, because size selective harvesting has the potential to result in sign ...

Article GUID: 36426123

Neutral and adaptive drivers of genomic change in introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations revealed by pooled sequencing

Author(s): Brookes B; Jeon HB; Derry AM; Post JR; Rogers SM; Humphries S; Fraser DJ;

Understanding the drivers of successful species invasions is important for conserving native biodiversity and for mitigating the economic impacts of introduced species. However, whole-genome resolution investigations of the underlying contributions of neutral and adaptive genetic variation in successful introductions are rare. Increased propagule pressure ...

Article GUID: 35154655

What can be learned from fishers' perceptions for fishery management planning? Case study insights from Sainte-Marie, Madagascar

Author(s): Bernos TA; Travouck C; Ramasinoro N; Fraser DJ; Mathevon B;

Local support is critical to the success and longevity of fishery management initiatives. Previous research suggests that how resource users perceive ecological changes, explain them, and cope with them, influences local support. The objectives of this study were two-fold. First, we collated local fishers' knowledge to characterize the long-term socio ...

Article GUID: 34780489

Varying genetic imprints of road networks and human density in North American mammal populations

Author(s): Habrich AK; Lawrence ER; Fraser DJ;

Road networks and human density are major factors contributing to habitat fragmentation and loss, isolation of wildlife populations, and reduced genetic diversity. Terrestrial mammals are particularly sensitive to road networks and encroachment by human populations. However, there are limited assessments of the impacts of road networks and human density o ...

Article GUID: 34178111

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