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Long live(d) CsPbBr3 superlattices: colloidal atomic layer deposition for structural stability

Author(s): Lapointe V; Green PB; Chen AN; Buonsanti R; Majewski MB;

Superlattice formation afforded by metal halide perovskite nanocrystals has been a phenomenon of interest due to the high structural order induced in these self-assemblies, an order that is influenced by the surface chemistry and particle morphology of the starting building block material. In this work, we report on the formation of superlattices from alu ...

Article GUID: 38516096

Binary Cu2-xS Templates Direct the Formation of Quaternary Cu2ZnSnS4 (Kesterite, Wurtzite) Nanocrystals

Author(s): Yarur Villanueva F; Green PB; Qiu C; Ullah SR; Buenviaje K; Howe JY; Majewski MB; Wilson MWB;

Kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (k-CZTS) nanocrystals have received attention for their tunable optoelectronic properties, as well as the earth abundance of their constituent atoms. However, the phase-pure synthesis of these quaternary NCs is challenging due to their polymorphism, as well as the undesired fo ...

Article GUID: 34705409

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