Author(s): Xia K; Qin M; Han M; Zhang X; Wu X; Liu M; Liu S; Wang X; Liu W; Xie Z; Yuan R; Liu Q;
Transformed from p-phenylenediamines (PPDs) antioxidant, PPD-derived quinones (PPD-Qs) have recently been recognized as emerging contaminants due to their potential negative impacts on the environment and human health. While there have been measurements of airborne PPD-Qs, the size distribution of PPD-Qs and the impact of particle size on PPD transformati ...
Article GUID: 39978217
Author(s): Raznahan M; Li SS; Wang Z; Boufadel M; Geng X; An C;
There has been an increase in marine transportation in cold regions, which in turn has led to an increasing risk of oil spills in these areas. To better support risk assessment and pollution control of oil spills, it is important to have a good understanding of oil transport in the environment. This information is essential to manage response priorities a ...
Article GUID: 36095968
Author(s): Corran C; Khan M; Gallant S; Shalev U; O' Connor RM;
The association between restrained eating and alcohol use remains poorly understood among undergraduates. Consistent with tension reduction theory, individuals with disordered eating may be motivated to drink alcohol to cope with negative emotionality. Perhaps what pushes them to drink despite restriction goals is impulsivity. The combined impact of drink ...
Article GUID: 35471931
Author(s): Kirk SF; Forhan M; Yusuf J; Chance A; Burke K; Blinn N; Quirke S; Salas XR; Alberga A; Russell-Mayhew S;
Background: Stigmatization of persons living with obesity is an important public health issue. In 2015, Obesity Canada adopted person-first language in all internal documentation produced by the organization, and, from 2017, required all authors to use person-first language in abstract submission ...
Article GUID: 35071667
Author(s): Raznahan M; An C; Li SS; Geng X; Boufadel M;
Oil spills are a serious environmental problem. To better support risk assessment and pollution control for oil spills, a good understanding of oil transport in the environment is required. This study focused on the numerical simulation of the nearshore oil behaviors based on computational fluid dynamics. Based on the Navier-Stokes momentum equations for ...
Article GUID: 34284211
Author(s): Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, Crowshoe L, Divalentino D, Forhan M, Freedhoff Y, Gagner M, Glazer S, Grand C, Green M, H ...
CMAJ. 2020 Dec 07; 192(49):E1757-E1775 Authors: Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, Crowshoe L, Divalentino D, Forhan M, Freedhoff Y, Gagner M, Glazer S, Grand C, Green M, Hahn M, Hawa ...
Article GUID: 33288515
Author(s): Alberga AS, Edache IY, Forhan M, Russell-Mayhew S
Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2019 Jul 22;20:e116 Authors: Alberga AS, Edache IY, Forhan M, Russell-Mayhew S
Article GUID: 32800008
Author(s): Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, Crowshoe L, Divalentino D, Forhan M, Freedhoff Y, Gagner M, Glazer S, Grand C, Green M, H ...
CMAJ. 2020 Aug 04;192(31):E875-E891 Authors: Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, Crowshoe L, Divalentino D, Forhan M, Freedhoff Y, Gagner M, Glazer S, Grand C, Green M, Hahn M, Ha ...
Article GUID: 32753461
Author(s): Irshad Khan M, Khattak MI, Rahman SU, Qazi AB, Telba AA, Sebak A
Micromachines (Basel). 2020 Apr 20;11(4): Authors: Irshad Khan M, Khattak MI, Rahman SU, Qazi AB, Telba AA, Sebak A
Article GUID: 32326120
Author(s): Ramos Salas X, Alberga AS, Cameron E, Estey L, Forhan M, Kirk SFL, Russell-Mayhew S, Sharma AM
Obes Rev. 2017 11;18(11):1323-1335 Authors: Ramos Salas X, Alberga AS, Cameron E, Estey L, Forhan M, Kirk SFL, Russell-Mayhew S, Sharma AM
Article GUID: 28994243
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