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Differences in Geographical Location and Health Behaviors of Participants in a Family-Based Lifestyle Intervention for Children and Adolescents Living with Obesity

Author(s): Heidl AJ; Gierc M; Saputra S; Waliwitiya T; Puterman E; Cohen TR;

It is unknown if children and youth who live in rural or "less rural" locations who enroll in the provincially funded Generation Health Clinic (British Columbia, Canada), a family-based lifestyle program for weight management, present with different health behaviors at baseline. Thus, we assessed sociodemographic and health behavior (diet, physical activi ...

Article GUID: 39761009

Assessment of electronic patient education materials for adolescent bariatric surgery candidates: An environment scan

Author(s): Wang YN; Heidl AJ; Angeles PM; Farnesi BC; Alberga AS; Cohen TR;

Objective: Adolescents who opt for metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) will use the internet to learn about the procedure. The objective of this study is to assess the suitability of electronic patient education materials (ePEM) of North American centers that perform adolescent bariatric surgery.
Methods: Canadian ...

Article GUID: 37214509

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