Authors: Vrinceanu T, Blanchette CA, Intzandt B, Lussier M, Pothier K, Vu TTM, Nigam A, Bosquet L, Karelis AD, Li KZH, Berryman N, Bherer L
Objectives: Studies suggest that cognitive training and physical activity can improve age-related deficits in dual-task performances. However, both of these interventions have never been compared in the same study. This paper investigates the improvement in dual-task performance in two types of exercise training groups and a cognitive training group, and explores if there are specific dual-task components that are more sensitive or more likely to improve following each type of training.
Methods: Seventy-eight healthy inactive participants over the age of 60 (M=69.98, SD=5.56) were randomized to one of three 12-week training programs: Aerobic (AET)=26, Gross Motor Abilities (GMA)=27, Cognition (COG)=25. Before and after the training program, the participants underwent physical fitness tests, and cognitive evaluations involving a computerized cognitive dual-task. The AET consisted of high and low intensity aerobic training, the GMA of full-body exercises focusing on agility, balance, coordination, and stretching, and the COG of tablet-based exercises focusing on executive functions.
Results: Repeated measures ANOVA on reaction time data revealed a group X time interaction (F(2,75) = 11.91, P < .01) with COG having the greatest improvement, followed by a significant improvement in the GMA group. Secondary analysis revealed the COG to also improve the intraindividual variability in reaction time (F(1,24) = 8.62, P < .01), while the GMA improved the dual-task cost (F(1,26) = 12.74, P < .01).
Discussion: The results show that physical and cognitive training can help enhance dual-task performance by improving different aspects of the task, suggesting that different mechanisms are in play.
Keywords: Cognitive aging; Cognitive training; Dual-tasking; Physical training;