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Obestatin and growth hormone reveal the interaction of central obesity and other cardiometabolic risk factors of metabolic syndrome.

Author(s): Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Ma V, Pang S, Chow AS, Cheng KK, Lai CW, Wong CS, Siu PM

Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 26;10(1):5495 Authors: Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Ma V, Pang S, Chow AS, Cheng KK, Lai CW, Wong CS, Siu PM

Article GUID: 32218464

Ghrelin Axis Reveals the Interacting Influence of Central Obesity and Hypertension.

Author(s): Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Lai CW, Wong CSC, Siu PM

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018;9:534 Authors: Yu AP, Ugwu FN, Tam BT, Lee PH, Lai CW, Wong CSC, Siu PM

Article GUID: 30258404

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