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Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium

Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure in the early phase of AD, but WM remains understudied. We used a multivariate appro ...

Article GUID: 39782998


Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure in the early phase of AD, but WM remains understudied. We used a multivariate appro ...

Article GUID: 39785351

Neuromodulatory subcortical nucleus integrity is associated with white matter microstructure, tauopathy and APOE status

Author(s): Wearn A; Tremblay SA; Tardif CL; Leppert IR; Gauthier CJ; Baracchini G; Hughes C; Hewan P; Tremblay-Mercier J; Rosa-Neto P; Poirier J; Villeneuve S; Schmitz TW; Turner GR; Spreng RN;

The neuromodulatory subcortical nuclei within the isodendritic core (IdC) are the earliest sites of tauopathy in Alzheimer's disease (AD). They project broadly throughout the brain's white matter. We investigated the relationship between IdC microstructure and whole-brain white matter mic ...

Article GUID: 38830849

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