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Elucidating the size distribution of p‑Phenylenediamine-Derived quinones in atmospheric particles

Author(s): Xia K; Qin M; Han M; Zhang X; Wu X; Liu M; Liu S; Wang X; Liu W; Xie Z; Yuan R; Liu Q;

Transformed from p-phenylenediamines (PPDs) antioxidant, PPD-derived quinones (PPD-Qs) have recently been recognized as emerging contaminants due to their potential negative impacts on the environment and human health. While there have been measurements of airborne PPD-Qs, the size distribution of PPD-Qs and the impact of particle size on PPD transformati ...

Article GUID: 39978217

Study on the mechanism of regulating micromolar Fe utilization and promoting denitrification by guanosine monophosphate (GMP) based multi-signal functional material Hematin@Fe/GMP

Author(s): Hao Y; Guo T; Li H; Liu W; Chen Z; Wang X; Guo J;

A novel multi-signal functional material consisting of Hematin, Fe, and guanosine monophosphate (GMP) was successfully constructed (Hematin@Fe/GMP) to enhance denitrification efficiency based on the signal network regulation of electron transfer, micromolar Fe utilization, and microbial community. Hematin@Fe/GMP enhanced nitrate reduction rate by 2.33-fol ...

Article GUID: 39657473

Amorphous Cu/Fe nanoparticles with tandem intracellular and extracellular electron capacity for enhancing denitrification performance and recovery of co-contaminant suppressed denitrification

Author(s): Fu J; Guo T; Li H; Liu W; Chen Z; Wang X; Guo J;

In this study, a functionally stable insoluble Cu/Fe nanoparticles (Cu/Fe NPs) were synthesized and applied denitrification with different contaminants. The results showed that 50 mg/L Cu/Fe NPs increased NO3--N reduction rate up to 14.3 mg/(L·h) about 3 folds compared with the control system (4.7 mg/(L·h)), and Cu/Fe NPs exhibited excellent restorative e ...

Article GUID: 39542060

Supporting parent capacity to manage pain in young children with cancer at home: Co-design and usability testing of the PainCaRe app

Author(s): Jibb LA; Liu W; Stinson JN; Nathan PC; Chartrand J; Alberts NM; Hashemi E; Masama T; Pease HG; Torres LB; Cortes HG; Kuczynski S; Liu S; La H; Fortier MA;

Young children receiving outpatient cancer care are vulnerable to undermanaged pain. App-based solutions that provide pain treatment advice to parents in real-time and in all environments may improve access to quality pain care. We used a parent co-design approach involving iterative rounds of us ...

Article GUID: 39473834

Fe/GMP functional nanomaterial enhancing the denitrification efficiency by bi-signal regulation: Electron transfer and microbial community

Author(s): Hao Y; Guo T; Li H; Liu W; Chen Z; Zhang W; Wang X; Guo J;

A novel functional nanomaterial composed of guanosine monophosphate (GMP) and Fe enhanced denitrification efficiency by regulating electron transfer and microbial community. Fe/GMP enhanced nitrate (NO3-) degradation rates by 3.00-fold in serum vial batch experiments, with a rate constant of 17.39 mg/(L·h) in sequencing batch reactor. Fe/GMP-mediated inte ...

Article GUID: 39326537

Glycemic extremes are related to cognitive dysfunction in children with type 1 diabetes: A meta-analysis

Author(s): He J; Ryder AG; Li S; Liu W; Zhu X;

Aims/introduction: To examine the magnitude and pattern of cognitive dysfunction in children with type 1 diabetes, and the possible effects associated with other disease variables, such as early onset diabetes, severe hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Materials and methods: We carried out a meta-analysis using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic R ...

Article GUID: 29573221

Deep model integrated with data correlation analysis for multiple intermittent faults diagnosis.

Author(s): Yang J, Xie G, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Liu W

ISA Trans. 2019 May 30;: Authors: Yang J, Xie G, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Liu W

Article GUID: 31174854

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