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Deconvolution of hemodynamic responses along the cortical surface using personalized functional near infrared spectroscopy

Author(s): Machado A; Cai Z; Vincent T; Pellegrino G; Lina JM; Kobayashi E; Grova C;

In functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), deconvolution analysis of oxy and deoxy-hemoglobin concentration changes allows estimating specific hemodynamic response functions (HRF) elicited by neuronal activity, taking advantage of the fNIRS excellent temporal resolution. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is also becoming the new standard reconstruct ...

Article GUID: 33727581

The movement time analyser task investigated with functional near infrared spectroscopy: an ecologic approach for measuring hemodynamic response in the motor system.

Author(s): Vasta R, Cerasa A, Gramigna V, Augimeri A, Olivadese G, Pellegrino G, Martino I, Machado A, Cai Z, Caracciolo M, Grova C, Quattrone A

Aging Clin Exp Res. 2017 Apr;29(2):311-318 Authors: Vasta R, Cerasa A, Gramigna V, Augimeri A, Olivadese G, Pellegrino G, Martino I, Machado A, Cai Z, Caracciolo M, Grova C, Quattrone A

Article GUID: 27055849

Optimal positioning of optodes on the scalp for personalized functional near-infrared spectroscopy investigations.

Author(s): Machado A, Cai Z, Pellegrino G, Marcotte O, Vincent T, Lina JM, Kobayashi E, Grova C

J Neurosci Methods. 2018 Nov 01;309:91-108 Authors: Machado A, Cai Z, Pellegrino G, Marcotte O, Vincent T, Lina JM, Kobayashi E, Grova C

Article GUID: 30107210

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