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Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia mechanism of action: Exploring the homeostatic K-complex involvement

Author(s): Sforza M; Morin CM; Dang-Vu TT; Pomares FB; Perrault AA; Gouin JP; Bušková J; Janku K; Vgontzas A; Fernandez-Mendoza J; Bastien CH; Riemann D; Baglioni C; Carollo G; Casoni F; Zucconi M; Castronovo V; Galbiati A; Ferini-Strambi L;

Investigating the mechanisms of action of cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia disorder (ID), can contribute to the overall understanding of insomnia and its treatment. To date, no study has examined the relationship between K-complexes ...

Article GUID: 39739397

Measurement invariance and differential item functioning of the functionality appreciation scale (FAS) in Colombia and Spain

Author(s): Mebarak M; Maïano C; Mendoza J; Zamora Á; Baños R; Desdentado L; Miragall M; Herrero R; Swami V;

The Functionality Appreciation Scale (FAS) is increasingly used in diverse national and linguistic contexts. However, limited work has assessed the extent to which the instrument demonstrates measurement invariance and differential item functioning (DIF) across nations and respondent characterist ...

Article GUID: 39244790

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