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Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia mechanism of action: Exploring the homeostatic K-complex involvement

Author(s): Sforza M; Morin CM; Dang-Vu TT; Pomares FB; Perrault AA; Gouin JP; Bušková J; Janku K; Vgontzas A; Fernandez-Mendoza J; Bastien CH; Riemann D; Baglioni C; Carollo G; Casoni F; Zucconi M; Castronovo V; Galbiati A; Ferini-Strambi L;

Investigating the mechanisms of action of cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia disorder (ID), can contribute to the overall understanding of insomnia and its treatment. To date, no study has examined the relationship between K-complexes ...

Article GUID: 39739397

Trends in nighttime insomnia symptoms in Canada from 2007 to 2021

Author(s): Chaput JP; Morin CM; Robillard R; Carney CE; Dang-Vu TT; Davidson JR; Tomkinson GR; Lang JJ;

Objective: National estimates and trends in insomnia symptoms in Canada are outdated. Updates are needed to inform the development of targeted prevention and intervention strategies. This study aimed to examine the prevalence and trends in nighttime insomnia symptoms among Canadians aged 12 years ...

Article GUID: 39556998

Delphi consensus recommendations for the management of chronic insomnia in Canada

Author(s): Morin CM; Khullar A; Robillard R; Desautels A; Mak MSB; Dang-Vu TT; Chow W; Habert J; Lessard S; Alima L; Ayas NT; MacFarlane J; Kendzerska T; Lee EK; Carney CE;

Objective: The lack of current Canadian practice guidelines for the management of insomnia poses a challenge for healthcare providers (HCP) in selecting the appropriate treatment options. This study aimed to establish expert consensus recommendations for the management of chronic insomnia in Cana ...

Article GUID: 39481275

Prevalence of insomnia and use of sleep aids among adults in Canada

Author(s): Morin CM; Vézina-Im LA; Chen SJ; Ivers H; Carney CE; Chaput JP; Dang-Vu TT; Davidson JR; Belleville G; Lorrain D; Horn O; Robillard R;

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of insomnia and the use of sleep aids among Canadian adults. Methods: Data were derived from a phone interview conducted (April to October 2023) with a stratified, population-based sample of 4037 adults (57.6 % females; mean age 50.6 ± 18.4; range 18-102 ye ...

Article GUID: 39369578

Economic burden of insomnia symptoms in Canada

Author(s): Chaput JP; Janssen I; Sampasa-Kanyinga H; Carney CE; Dang-Vu TT; Davidson JR; Robillard R; Morin CM;

Objective: To estimate health care and productivity costs associated with insomnia symptoms in Canadian adults. Methods: Three pieces of information were needed to calculate estimates based on a prevalence-based approach: (1) the pooled relative risk estimates of health outcomes consistently ass ...

Article GUID: 36319579

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