Author(s): Acharya B; Alexandre J; Benes P; Bergmann B; Bertolucci S; Bevan A; Brancaccio R; Branzas H; Burian P; Campbell M; Cecchini S; Cho YM; de Montigny M; De Roeck A; Ellis JR; Fairbairn M; Felea D; Frank M; Hays J; Hirt AM; Ho DL; Hung PQ; J ...
This search for magnetic monopoles (MMs) and high electric charge objects (HECOs) with spins 0, 1/2, and 1, uses for the first time the full MoEDAL detector, exposed to 6.46 fb^{-1} proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV. The results are interpreted in terms of Drell-Yan and photon-fusion pair produc ...
Article GUID: 40053963
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