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Translating the Interplay of Cognition and Physical Performance in COPD and Interstitial Lung Disease: Meeting Report and Literature Review

Author(s): Rozenberg D; Reid WD; Camp P; Campos JL; Dechman G; Davenport PW; Egan H; Fisher JH; Guenette JA; Gold D; Goldstein RS; Goodridge D; Janaudi ...

Topic importance: Cognitive and physical limitations are common in individuals with chronic lung diseases, but their interactions with physical function and activities of daily living are not well ...

Article GUID: 38901488

A Pilot Randomized Trial of Combined Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Exercise Training Versus Exercise Training Alone for the Management of Chronic Insomnia in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Author(s): Cammalleri A; Perrault AA; Hillcoat A; Carrese-Chacra E; Tarelli L; Patel R; Baltzan M; Chouchou F; Dang-Vu TT; Gouin JP; Pepin V; ...

Insomnia treatment among individuals with comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea is suboptimal. In a pilot randomized controlled trial, 19 individuals with comorbid insomnia and obstructive ...

Article GUID: 38663849

The Effects of Combined Motor Control and Isolated Extensor Strengthening versus General Exercise on Paraspinal Muscle Morphology, Composition, and Function in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Author(s): Fortin M; Rye M; Roussac A; Montpetit C; Burdick J; Naghdi N; Rosenstein B; Bertrand C; Macedo LG; Elliott JM; Dover G; DeMont R; Weber MH; ...

Low back pain (LBP), a globally widespread and persistent musculoskeletal disorder, benefits from exercise therapy. However, it remains unclear which type leads to greater changes in paraspinal mus ...

Article GUID: 37762861

The effects of combined motor control and isolated extensor strengthening versus general exercise on paraspinal muscle morphology and function in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomised controlled trial protocol

Author(s): Fortin M; Rye M; Roussac A; Naghdi N; Macedo LG; Dover G; Elliott JM; DeMont R; Weber MH; Pepin V; ...

Background: Exercise is a common approach for the management of patients with chronic non-specific low back pain (LBP). However, there is no clear mechanistic evidence or consensus on what type of ...

Article GUID: 34022854

Subtle long-term cognitive effects of a single mild traumatic brain injury and the impact of a three-month aerobic exercise intervention.

Author(s): Larson-Dupuis C, Léveillé E, Desjardins M, Jodoin M, Bourassa MÈ, Bergeron H, Beaulieu C, Carrier J, Pepin V, De Beaumont L ...

BACKGROUND: Although there is a growing body of literature on the impact of multiple concussions on cognitive function with aging, less is known about the long-term impact of sustaining a single mi ...

Article GUID: 32878422

Exercising before a nap benefits memory better than napping or exercising alone.

Author(s): Mograss M, Crosetta M, Abi-Jaoude J, Frolova E, Robertson E, Pepin V, Dang-Vu TT

Sleep. 2020 Apr 01;: Authors: Mograss M, Crosetta M, Abi-Jaoude J, Frolova E, Robertson E, Pepin V, Dang-Vu TT

Article GUID: 32236442

Diurnal Variations in Psychological Distress in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Chan-Thim E, Dumont M, Rizk AK, Parwanta Z, Pepin V, Moullec G

Rehabil Nurs. 2017 Jul/Aug;42(4):210-215 Authors: Chan-Thim E, Dumont M, Rizk AK, Parwanta Z, Pepin V, Moullec G

Article GUID: 27229890

Effects of exercise training on cognition in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review.

Author(s): Desveaux L, Harrison SL, Gagnon JF, Goldstein RS, Brooks D, Pepin V

Respir Med. 2018 06;139:110-116 Authors: Desveaux L, Harrison SL, Gagnon JF, Goldstein RS, Brooks D, Pepin V

Article GUID: 29857994

Diurnal Physical Activity Patterns in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Parwanta Z, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V

Diurnal Physical Activity Patterns in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2018 Sep;38(5):E9-E11

Authors: Parwanta Z, Chan-Thim E, Moullec G, Pepin V

PURPOSE: People with ...

Article GUID: 30138214

Greater Sleep Fragmentation Is Associated With Less Physical Activity in Adults With Cystic Fibrosis.

Author(s): Cox NS, Pepin V, Holland AE

J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2019 Jan;39(1):E11-E14 Authors: Cox NS, Pepin V, Holland AE

Article GUID: 30252784

Pulmonary Rehabilitation does not Improve Objective Measures of Sleep Quality in People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Author(s): Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE

COPD. 2019 Feb;16(1):25-29 Authors: Cox NS, Pepin V, Burge AT, Hill CJ, Lee AL, Bondarenko J, Moore R, Nicolson C, Lahham A, Parwanta Z, McDonald CF, Holland AE

Article GUID: 30884984

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