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Author(s): Grant N; Phillips N;

Background: Hearing loss (HL) is a risk factor for dementia that is prevalent in older adults. Altered brain connectivity is present in individuals with HL, individuals with subjective cognitive decline (SCD), and individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In individuals with HL, altered brain connectivity has been associated with impaired scores o ...

Article GUID: 39785420

Clinical Manifestations

Author(s): Phillips N; Best PT; Grant N; Kabir A;

Background: Sensory loss in hearing, vision, and olfaction are highly prevalent in older adults and are each associated with a higher risk of developing dementia. This study sought to identify the extent to which these sensory factors are associated with alterations in brain function and structure older adults with or at risk for dementia. We examined gro ...

Article GUID: 39750307

Clinical Manifestations

Author(s): Calvo N; Siddiqui R; Phillips N; Einstein G;

Background: Globally, females are at twice the risk of AD than males; in Canada, over 700,000 are living with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRDs), with 72% being female. However, females maintain verbal memory in the face of more AD pathology than men. It is unclear how multilingualism, considered a resilience factor, might interact with ...

Article GUID: 39750698

Basic Science and Pathogenesis

Author(s): Lima BS; Rosa-Neto P; Phillips N; Borrie M; Roncero CT; Lahiri D; Dori D; Chertkow H;

Background: A growing body of research has focused on inflammation as both a potential biomarker and a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). The cytokine Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders and in the physiological homeostasis of neural tissue. AD has been associated with increased IL-6 expression in brai ...

Article GUID: 39751468

Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)

Author(s): Chertkow H; Phillips N; Rockwood K; Anderson N; Andrew MK; Bartha R; Beaudoin C; BĂ©langer N; Bellec P; Belleville S; Bergman H; Best S; Bethell J; Bherer L; Black S; Borrie M; Camicioli R; Carrier J; Cashman N; Chan S; Crowshoe L; Cuello ...

The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) was created by the Canadian federal government through its health research funding agency, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), in 2014, as a response to the G7 initiative to fight dementia. Two five-year funding cycles ( ...

Article GUID: 39636028

Development and validation of risk of CPS decline (RCD): a new prediction tool for worsening cognitive performance among home care clients in Canada

Author(s): Guthrie DM; Williams N; O' Rourke HM; Orange JB; Phillips N; Pichora-Fuller MK; Savundranayagam MY; Sutradhar R;

Background: To develop and validate a prediction tool, or nomogram, for the risk of a decline in cognitive performance based on the interRAI Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS). Methods: Retrospective, population-based, cohort study using Canadian Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAI- ...

Article GUID: 38041046

Associations Between Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Audiometric Hearing: Findings From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Author(s): Mick PT; Kabir R; Pichora-Fuller MK; Jones C; Moxham L; Phillips N; Urry E; Wittich W;

Objectives: The objectives of the study were to determine, among a population-based sample of Canadian adults, if risk factors for cardiovascular disease (alone and in combination) were associated with hearing loss. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations (the latter with about 3 years of follow-up) were examined. Risk factors considered included di ...

Article GUID: 37122082

The association between information and communication technologies, loneliness and social connectedness: A scoping review

Author(s): Petersen B; Khalili-Mahani N; Murphy C; Sawchuk K; Phillips N; Li KZH; Hebblethwaite S;

Older adults are at a higher risk of loneliness, compared to other demographics. The use of Internet Communication and Technologies (ICTs) among older adults is steadily increasing and given ICTs provide a means of enhancing social connectedness suggests they may have positive effects on reducing loneliness. Therefore, the aim of this scoping review was t ...

Article GUID: 37034933

Consensus Statement Regarding the Application of Biogen to Health Canada for Approval of Aducanumab

Author(s): Chertkow H; Rockwood K; Hogan DB; Phillips N; Montero-Odasso M; Amanullah S; Black S; Bocti C; Borrie M; Feldman H; Freedman M; Hsiung R; Kirk A; Masellis M; Nygaard H; Rajji T; Verret L;

Alzheimer's disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Currently, there are no disease-modifying pharmacotherapies for this condition. Aducanumab, an amyloid beta-directed monoclonal antibody that targets aggregated forms of amyloid-beta in the brains of people with Alzheimer's ...

Article GUID: 34912492

Neural correlates of resilience to the effects of hippocampal atrophy on memory.

Author(s): Belleville S, Mellah S, Cloutier S, Dang-Vu TT, Duchesne S, Maltezos S, Phillips N, Hudon C, CIMA-Q group

INTRODUCTION: Cognitive reserve can be defined as a property of the brain that enables an individual to sustain cognitive performance in spite of age-related neural changes. This study uses brain imaging to identify which cognitive reserve mechanisms protect against the detrimental effect of hipp ...

Article GUID: 33360019

CCCDTD5 recommendations on early non cognitive markers of dementia: A Canadian consensus

Author(s): Montero-Odasso M; Pieruccini-Faria F; Ismail Z; Li K; Lim A; Phillips N; Kamkar N; Sarquis-Adamson Y; Speechley M; Theou O; Verghese J; Wallace L; Camicioli R;

Introduction: Cognitive impairment is the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias. However, motor decline has been recently described as a prodromal state that can help to detect at-risk individuals. Similarly, sensory changes, sleep and behavior disturbances, and frailty h ...

Article GUID: 33094146

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