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Alzheimer's Imaging Consortium

Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure in the early phase of AD, but WM remains understudied. We used a multivariate appro ...

Article GUID: 39782998


Author(s): Tremblay SA; Spreng RN; Wearn A; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Tardif CL; Chakravarty MM; Villeneuve S; Leppert IR; Carbonell F; Medina YI; Steele CJ; Gauthier CJ;

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is thought to result from a complex cascade of events involving several pathological processes. Recent studies have reported alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure in the early phase of AD, but WM remains understudied. We used a multivariate appro ...

Article GUID: 39785351

MVComp toolbox: MultiVariate Comparisons of brain MRI features accounting for common information across metrics

Author(s): Tremblay SA; Alasmar Z; Pirhadi A; Carbonell F; Iturria-Medina Y; Gauthier CJ; Steele CJ;

Multivariate approaches have recently gained in popularity to address the physiological unspecificity of neuroimaging metrics and to better characterize the complexity of biological processes underlying behavior. However, commonly used approaches are biased by the intrinsic associations between variables, or they are computationally expensive and may be m ...

Article GUID: 38463982

Robust landmark-based brain shift correction with a Siamese neural network in ultrasound-guided brain tumor resection

Author(s): Pirhadi A; Salari S; Ahmad MO; Rivaz H; Xiao Y;

Purpose: In brain tumor surgery, tissue shift (called brain shift) can move the surgical target and invalidate the surgical plan. A cost-effective and flexible tool, intra-operative ultrasound (iUS) with robust image registration algorithms can effectively track brain shift to ensure surgical outcomes and safety. Methods: We proposed to employ a Siamese ...

Article GUID: 36306056

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